What Am I - Jonah

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Dr: We have the results back. Everything has come back looking okay. She does have swelling to her throat and vocal cords. This will settle down on its own. She may not talk much for the next few days.
Y/N: What about her brain? Is it okay?
Dr: Its okay. There was signs that it was working normally and very little damage done.
Jo: Oh thank goodness
Dr: You have twins?
Y/N: No, Leah isn't my biological daughter. I am obviously in a relationship with her father but she doesn't know her real mom. My sons dad passed away in a car accident 2 months before he was born. Just so happens they are the same age. Leah is 3 weeks older than Luke.
Dr: Oh wow! I thought you where her real Mom. Sorry about that
Y/N: Its okay, I think we would prefer it that way. Me being her real mom.
Dr: She will stay in over night and should be safe to go home tomorrow. As long as she stays away from small Lego pieces
Y/N: Oh yes! They will be secretly hidden!
Jo: In the trash! Luke, stay with Mommy whilst I go get fresh clothes etc for Leah and Mommy.
Lu: Otay daddy

Leah has fallen asleep, Luke is starting to get tired.

Y/N: Leah, baby. I'm going to put Luke in the bed at your feet. So don't kick him. Luke be careful and don't kick Leah.
Lu: Mhmm
Le: Mmm

You let out a small chuckle. A porter comes into the room.

Po: We will be moving to your room for the night.
Y/N: Sorry, I'll pick my son up.
Po: Its all good. He is asleep. Just leave him there 
Y/N: Thank you

The porter smiles and starts to move the bed. He wheels them upto to the room.

Po: Nurse, which room for Leah Frantzich?
N: Oh over this way.

She helps him with the bed and shows you to the room. Well suite.

N: There is a double sofa bed in there and a single Z-bed. We will just move Leah over to the small double bed.
Y/N: Thank you so much.
N: You're welcome.

You lift Luke off the bed and put him on the single mattress bed thing.

The nurses move her over to the other bed.

Jonah comes back with clean clothes etc. He checks on you and see's you are on your phone.

Jo: Im just gonna lay with Leah for a little while
Y/N: Okay 

Jonah lays beside Leah for a little whilst before he comes over to you. He gets into his lounge wear and gets into the bed.

Y/N: Im really sorry Jonah.
Jo: Stop apologising baby, its not your fault.
Y/N: I fell you're not happy with me
Jo: Im just shocked. Im just glad Luke was there or who knows what would have happened
Y/N: I know, im glad he was too. You should get some sleep baby
Jo: Can I cuddle into you please?
Y/N: Ofcourse you can.
Jo: Can I ask you some questions?
Y/N: Sure?
Jo: Can you tell me what I have to do when you have our baby?
Y/N: In what way?
Jo: At the birth etc
Y/N: Oh, basically I will be breastfeeding again. You basically just have to keep me calm, reassure me, hold my hand which I will squeeze really tightly. I may say some horrible things or be snappy but I dont mean it. You'll need the car seat and bags ready to bring with us. Each pregnancy and birth is different
Jo: Will you call me as soon as you get any pains? Or if your waters break?
Y/N: Duh! I ain't doing this alone *laughs*
Jo: Good. I dont want to miss this one. I missed Leah's. Her Mom appeared at my door 2 weeks after she was born and handed me Leah.
Y/N: Awww babe, im sorry. I cant believe someone could do that.
Jo: I know, im glad she did as my life has been so much better since she arrived.
Y/N: Its a great feeling having kids. They bring us so much joy and love.
Jo: They do. Let's bring on the future!
Y/N: Yes! Let's do this!

You play with Jonah's hair and soon he falls asleep.

You keep getting up every 30 minutes to check on Leah.

Le: D-da
Y/N: Baby, I'm here
Le: Mom...
Y/N: Shh baby, im here. Do you need the toilet
Le: Yes

You lift Leah out the bed and take her to the toilet.

Lu: Mommy?
Lu: Mommy!
Jo: Whats up little man?
Lu: Need toilet
Jo: Where is Mommy?
Lu: Wif Weah
Jo: I'll help you
Lu: Fanks daddy, I wuv wuu
Jo: I love you too baby

Jonah helps Luke to the toilet. He sees you putting Leah to bed.

Whilst Luke is on the toilet Jonah comes out to you. He smacks your bottom which makes you giggle then turn around.

He pulls you close to him and kisses you.

Le: Yuk!
Lu: Daddy!
Jo: Just coming

Jonah goes to Luke and gets him off the toilet. He puts him back into his bed.

Le: We go?
Y/N: We can go home later baby, the Dr needs to make sure you are okay first.
Le: Otay. I sowwie Mommy
Y/N: Baby it's okay. You are here and that's all that matters now.
Le: Mommy?
Y/N: Yes baby
Le: We get baby?
Y/N: Not yet baby, why?
Le: Me and Wuke want baby
Y/N: Oh! Baby we have to ask the angels first and sometimes they tell us to wait.
Le: Oh! When ask?
Y/N: Soon baby. You need to rest up now.
Le: Otay, Night mommy
Y/N: Night baby

You let Leah snuggle into you whilst she falls asleep.

The next morning the Dr checks Leah over and you can all head home.

You get Leah and Luke showered then dressed, Jonah showers whilst you are getting them dressed. Then you quickly shower.

You all head to Jonah's car and drive back home.

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