What Am I - Jonah

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You've been dating Jonah for 6 months now. He has an interview today.

You watch the interview on the Instagram live.


Radio Disney is Live with Jonah Marais

R: Hey Jonah!
Jo: Hey! How are you?
R: Good thanks and you?
Jo: Im good thanks.
R: Congratulations on the number 1 single and the new album. Welcome back on social media too.
Jo: *laughs* Thank you, its good to be back.
R: Can you give us any details on the new album?
Jo: We arent allowed to say to much but I can say it tells a story from song Number 1 to the last song. Its a story about our personal lives and relationships.
R: Oh that sounds good. Talking of relationships I hear you have a girlfriend now?
Jo: She is my best friend and she helps me with Leah

When you hear that your heart breaks a little. You don't know what to think. You keep watching the live.

R: Oh! Anymore information on the album?
Jo: It has 10 tracks, it's completely different. It's more rock/pop songs. It was all written by us as a band. We done quite alot of work on this album and we are so happy we can finally release music that we want too.
R: Sounds like it's going to be a good album. How long did the Fallin' process take?
Jo: It took about 45 minutes to write and Daniel actually had the beat in his head so we took it from there.

The interview comes to an end and you start to make some food.

Jonah arrives to the house with Leah and Luke.

They run upto you and you give them hugs and kisses.

Jo: Hey baby
Y/N: Hey
Jo: Are you okay?
Y/N: Fine
Jo: Whats up?
Y/N: What am I
Jo: What do you mean?
Y/N: What Am I to you?
Jo: You're my girlfriend why?
Y/N: Just your interview you said I was just your best friend and help out with Leah.
Jo: Ah that, I didnt want to say anything just incase you didn't want that label going around.
Y/N: Why would I have said Yes when you asked me out?
Jo: I don't know, im sorry. I didnt want to say you where my girlfriend just incase you didn't want the Internet or fans to know
Y/N: You could have just said yes and said we would announce it ourselves soon or something
Jo: You're right, i know. I'm sorry
Y/N: Is it because you're ashamed of me?
Jo: What? No! Why would I be?
Y/N: Im not famous or pretty like the others
Jo: You are beautiful baby, both inside and out. I've been meaning to ask you something but we haven't spoken about the future
Y/N: Okay, im listening
Jo: I know we've only been dating 6 months but myself and Leah are finding it harder to leave you and not be around you
Y/N: Okay? *Worried face*
Jo: I well Myself and Leah where wondering if maybe we could all live together?
Y/N: What? Really?
Jo: Yeah but if you don't want to i understand
Y/N: Yes!
Jo: Really?
Y/N: Yes!
Jo: Next question
Y/N: Okay?
Jo: Would you consider finding a family home? One we can make our own and with a pool
Y/N: Sure. Have you got something in mind?
Jo: Yeah, ill show you after we eat. Leah! Luke! Food time!

They both come running through and sit down.

Y/N: Jonah, can I ask you a question now
Jo: Sure?
Y/N: Would you and Leah like to move in here with myself and Luke?
Lu: Peese daddy!
Le: Peese daddy!
Jo: Are you sure?
Y/N: Yes. Myself and Luke don't like it when you both leave or when you aren't here.
Jo: Then yeah we will just until our family home is ready
Lu: Huh?
Y/N: Daddy and me are going to get a new house, one we paint ourselves and we will get a pool
Lu: Yay!!!
Le: Pool Pawty!

You laugh at Leah's reaction. You serve them their lunch and they eat it.

Jo: Leah baby
Le: Yes daddy
Jo: Im going home to pack our clothes, toys and other items we need
Y/N: Wait till we've finished and we will all help you pack
Jo: Are you sure?
Y/N: Yeah, on one condition
Jo: What's that?
Y/N: We go out for food
Jo: Deal!

You have all finished your lunch. Leah and Luke are cuddling into you on the sofa. They have fallen asleep.

Jonah picks up Luke and you pick up Leah.

Luke snuggles into Jonah with his head on his shoulders. Leah snuggles into you but her head is resting on your chest.

You get them into the car, lock up and head to Jonah's.

Y/N: How are you going to tell Corbyn, Eben and Jordan that you are leaving?
Jo: I think they sort of know it was gonna happen. They have been so amazing with Leah but when she is with you, they can relax, have friends over and get a decent sleep now
Y/N: So they will be slightly happy they get their lives back
Jo: *laughs* Yeah. What are we going to do about Wes?
Y/N: What do you mean? He is part of the family so he is coming with us/you.
Jo: Good, I didnt want to assume it was okay
Y/N: Jonah, I would never tell you to leave your pet behind. I love Wes. He will be scared for a few days but he will adapt
Jo: Yeah he will.
Y/N: You'll have to tell me all his food times etc so I know when to feed him. Does he need special milk still or is it water?
Jo: Its both. I mix some of the cat milk with water.
Y/N: Perfect. Im just going onto my phone for 5 mins
Jo: Okay?
Y/N: I need to order one of those American style fridge/freezers as we will need more space for food
Jo: We will need to start looking for furniture. As well as bathroom designs and kitchens.
Y/N: How big is the livingroom?
Jo: Im not sure. We still need to look at that house I seen. It has alot of planning permission.
Y/N: Oh good.
Jo: Can I ask you something?
Y/N: Sure
Jo: Well a few things
Y/N: Okay
Jo: Do you want more kids? Any other pets and is your house bought or private rent
Y/N: *laughs* I would love to get a dog and rabbit. I do want more kids but maybe just 1/2 more. Obviously we have 2 now so 1 or 2. My house is bought. It was actually in an auction, it needed alot of work done to it. My family done one of those trust account things where you put money in every month. I got the money from that on my 18th birthday so I decided to see what the auction had.
Jo: Oh wow! How did you get it sorted ?
Y/N: My dad helped me. This was before he was unable too. My big brother did too. They basically done all the walls, flooring etc also Luke's dad was builder so he knew how to do all sorts of things
Jo: Oh cool, that's good you had help.
Y/N: Are you okay?
Jo: Yeah just when you say Luke's dad it hits me a little
Y/N: Aww Jonah, im so sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you by saying it
Jo: Its okay, I know you didn't. Sometimes I forget that Luke isn't mine
Y/N: I'll try not to bring him up.
Jo: Its okay baby, I know you will have to tell Luke in the future.
Y/N: True.

You all arrive at Jonah's shared house.

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