What Am I - Jonah

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You all get out the car and head into the house.

Jo: Eben? Jordan? Corbyn? Are you all here?
E: Yeah!
Jor: Whats up?
C: Yo!
Jo: I've come here to talk to you all
C: What about?
Jo: I know this is very sudden and last minute. I will pay my rent amount until you fill my room but ....
E: You're moving in with Y/N?
Jo: Yeah, im sorry guys
Jor: Dont apologise bro! It's been a fun 2 years living together. We made some kick ass memories! We understand.
Jo: You'll all be able to get a decent sleep now
C: *laughs* Yes! We will miss Leah though. It will be strange not having you two here. Ohh and Wes too
E: So what's your plans?
Jo: Ill stay with Y/N until our new house is ready then move into there.
C: New house?
Jo: Well its not new, we got it at the auction. It needs work done to it so we will take our time getting that done.
Jor: What type of work?
Jo: They are going to get a pool sorted, a studio building out the back. A nice safe play area for the kids.
E: So when is the baby due?
Jo: What? Y/N is pregnant?
C: Eben! He is just joking.
E: Where is Y/N?
Jo: In my room waiting till I've told you guys
Jor: Oh
Jo: She was worried incase you guys wouldn't be happy about it
Jor: Ah I see. Well if you two ever want a night alone, We will happily watch Leah and Luke for the night
Jo: Really?
E: Duh! We are the best uncles after all!
Le: Untle!

Leah runs into Eben's arms and hugs him. Luke kind of hiding behind Y/N's legs.

C: I'm sure we had a nephew. Has anyone seen him?
Jor: I cant find him! Where is he?

Luke starts to giggle and slowly stands to the side.

E: Wait! Is that him there? Luke? Is that you?
Lu: Yes!
C: Come give your Uncle's some hugs

Luke runs over to Corbyn and jumps on him. Corbyn falls back.

Jor: You two go pack and we will entertain these two terrors
Le: I not tewwor. I Pincess
C: Yes you are!
E: You are a Prince!
Lu: Weally? Me Pince?
E: Yup!
Lu: Yay!!
Jo: See you guys shortly!
Y/N: Remember to tell your Uncle's when you need the toilet
Le: Otay Mommy!

They're all playing in the Livingroom whilst you help Jonah pack.

*In the room*

Jo: Can I ask you something?
Y/N: Ofcourse
Jo: When do you want to have baby?
Y/N: What?
Jo: Sorry, just wanted to know.
Y/N: Maybe we could start trying when we get the new house finished or just before. I dont want to be stressed during the pregnancy
Jo: Oh yeah, I understand that. What about in 6 months time? Well start trying?
Y/N: Yeah thats a good plan. I can stop taking my birth control in 4 months time?
Jo: Yeah thats fine. If it happens before it, then thats good too.
Y/N: Its just so my body has gotten rid of any of the tablets or effects from it
Jo: What do we do about telling the kids?
Y/N: We will talk to them later
Jo: Okay, Jordan says they will take the kids if we want a child free night *smirks*
Y/N: Oh yeah? What's going on in your mind Sir?
Jo: Wouldn't you like to know. Its a surprise.

There is a knock at the door and Corbyn comes in.

Co: Kids are hungry, we are going to McDonald's so that gives you an hour. Enjoy it *Winks*

You laugh then smirk. Corbyn laughs and leaves the room

E: Jonah! Where is your car keys? We need the seats

Jonah heads down to the livingroom and hands Eben the keys.

Jo: Behave for your Uncle's please. Remember to hold their hands and do not run away
Le: Otay daddy
Lu: Yes daddy!
Le: When we stway with Untles?
Lu: Yea!
Jo: When your Uncle's say its okay.
C: How about Saturday?
Jor: Im free
E: I will change my plan to Friday or Sunday
C: I'm free on Friday
Jor: Yeah same, I finish work at 3pm.
C: What time do they finish nursery at?
Jo: Friday's are 1.30pm.
E: You tell the nursery that we will pick them up and we will take them out on Friday.
Jo: I'll get some clothes organised
E: Just leave some of her clothes here. We will go shopping on Friday for a few bits!
Le: Yay!
Lu: Oh no!
C: What's up buddy?
Jo: Luke isn't a fan of shopping *laughs* if you say its a toy store then that will make him go but not for clothes
Lu: I go! Its otay
E: You'll have to come! You need to pick a night light, cuddle buddy and bed covers
Lu: Yay!! Where?
E: What about Walmart?
Lu: Yes! I wuvs it!
Jo: Make sure you have plenty of food!
C: Why?
Jo: They eat alot.... ill get Y/N to write down their meals etc. 
Le: Fort?!
Jor: Ohhh! I have an idea.....
Le: What?
Jor: Its a surprise!
E: We will have to move Jonah's bed.

They all head off to get food. Jonah heads upstairs to his room, where he sees you ready and waiting on the bed. He smirks and both spend the hour well.... both exhausted and sweaty. You both quickly shower and get dressed again.

You both finish the packing and they all arrive back to the house.

Jonah starts putting boxes etc in your car.

Jo: Are you guys able to watch them for 30 mins or so? Just its going to take 3 or 4 trips
E: Yeah thats fine.
Y/N: Be good for your Uncles. We will be popping in and out getting boxes, okay?
Le: Yes mommy
Lu: Yes *yawns* mommy
Y/N: See you all shortly

You drive back to your house and drop the boxes off before going back to Jonah's.

After 4 trips you've finally got enough room to put the seats up again. You put the car seats back in the car and get the kids into their seats

Lu: See wuu  Fwiway
Le: See wuu 'en

They hug their Uncle's and you all head back to the house.

You all look at the boxes, thinking how long its going to take to get this stuff put away.

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