What Am I - Jonah

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Jo: Babe, we will start putting things away tomorrow. Let's just relax and get food ordered in.
Y/N: Okay baby, thats fine.

Luke and Leah are playing in the play room


You jump up and run to the playroom

Lu: What wong wif Weah?

He points over to her. She is laying there not moving.

Y/N: Luke, go get daddy and tell him to phone an ambulance

You get over to Leah and check her over. She is breathing but is lifeless.

Y/N: Baby, can you hear me?
Le: M
Y/N: Its okay baby, mommy is here.

You check her mouth and Airways.

You sit her up in front of you

Y/N: Baby, listen mommy has to do this okay? I'm sorry

You slap Leah's back as hard as you can.

Then you squeeze her stomach a few times and smack her back again.

Something comes out of her mouth. Her breathing is shallow and panicky.

Y/N: Shhh baby, its okay. Mommy has you.

You turn her around to face you and you put her head on your shoulder whilst hugging her and patting her back.

Jo: What was that?
Y/N: Oh Jonah! I didnt see you there
Jo: What happened?
Y/N: Luke shouted on me and asked me what was wrong with Leah, she was laying down breathing but it was shallow. I checked her throat and seen something stuck there. So I told her I had to do it. Im sorry Jonah
Jo: Sorry for what? Saving our daughter?
Y/N: For any injuries she has.
Jo: The paramedics should be here shortly.

Leah's breathing has settled but she still doesn't seem herself.

Lu: Mommy? Is she otay?
Y/N: Hopefully baby. What happened?
Lu: Weah open box. *points to open box* she pway and fall, en lway down

Jonah goes to the box and see's its her small lego pieces.

P: Hello!?
Jo: Upstairs

He goes out the door and guides them to the room.

P: What has happened?
Y/N: Our kids where playing together and our son shouted on me, I ran upstairs to see Leah laying lifeless but breathing. I checked her Airways and seen something there so I slapped her back twice and squeezed her stomach. Something came out but she still isn't talking or doing much
P: How did it happen?
Jo: Luke said she opened the brown box, took her small lego out and was playing but she fell over. It must have gotten stuck in her mouth.
P: We will take her to the hospital to be checked over. It may be there is still something there or her brain has been starved of oxygen.
Y/N: Okay thanks.
P: Who will be going in the ambulance?
Y/N: Her dad will
Jo: Is it possible to speak to Y/N for a few seconds?
P: Ofcourse. We need to check her over etc before we can leave

They pick Leah up and take her to the ambulance.

Jo: Baby, why dont you want to go with her?
Y/N: You are her daddy, plus I think your mad at me
Jo: Aww baby, I am not mad at you. You just saved our daughter. Why would I be mad?
Y/N: Its my fault. I should have moved the boxes and kept an eye on them
Jo: Babe, we had only been home for 5 minutes. It wasn't long enough for any boxes to be moved. We have the camera's installed for us to check on them. It wasn't your fault. Now let's go see what's happening
P: Hi Mr Frantzich?
Jo: Yeah?
P: Leah is getting upset. She is trying to ask for her mommy
Jo: Go baby, we will follow behind in the car, won't we Luke?
Lu: Yes

You run down to the ambulance and get into it.

Y/N: Hey baby, im here. Don't worry

Leah looks at you, she starts to calm down again.

P: Are we ready to leave?
Y/N: Yeah. Baby, hold mommy's hand

You put your hand under hers and she puts her little fingers around your hand.

You rub your thumb over her hand.

The ambulance pulls up at the hospital and wheels her into resus.

The paramedics hand over and you are moved out the way. Leah starts to panic again.

P: Please let her mommy stay close. She is only calm when her mommy is around
N: Okay thanks

The nurse runs to get you.

N: Excuse me are you Leah's Mom?
Y/N: Yes I am
N: Can you please come back to the cubicle. She is upset and panicking.

You get up and run past the nurse to the cubicle.

Y/N: Baby, mommy is here. Don't worry

You go upto her face and stroke her head. You place a soft kiss on her head.

N: We need to take her for a scan now
Y/N: Okay
N: Is there any way you could sit in the room with a microphone on?
Y/N: Yeah Ofcourse. Let me just tell her.
N: Okay, we will give you a few seconds

They all leave the cubicle. You lean down and kiss her head.

Y/N: Baby, you need to go for a scan. You had to go inside a circle. Mommy will be there okay? I will be sitting at the side waiting for you to come out. Mommy will be able to talk to you. Dont panic baby.
Le: O-t-tay
Y/N: Im so so proud of you baby. I love you
Jo: Whats happening?
Y/N: I need to stay with her because every time I leave or the Dr's need me out the room she panics then gets upset. Im going with her to the scanner. I will be in the room with her and will talk to her.
Jo: Okay, thank you baby. I love you princess.

Jonah places a kiss on Leah's head just as the nurses walk back in.

N: Sorry, who are you?
Jo: Im her daddy. Leah baby I will be here waiting for you. Okay? I love you and I'm so proud of you
Le: F-fan....

You start to walk off with Leah but Jonah pulls you back for a second. He gives you a hug and places a soft kiss on your lips.

Jo: Thank you, I love you
Y/N: I love you too. Mommy will see you shortly baby
Lu: Otay mommy, I sowwie
Y/N: Its not your fault baby

You quickly rush back to Leah.

*In Cubicle*

Lu: Wuu mad at me daddy?
Jo: No baby, why?
Lu: You wook mad
Jo: Im just in shock. I cant believe it's happened. Leah is alive because of you and mommy. I could never be mad at you or her.
Lu: She wook for tweddy
Jo: Oh gosh! I completely forgot! I put him in a box.

*In the Scan room*

Y/N: Baby, im still here. You're doing very well. You are so brave.

You keep talking to Leah until she is finished. Once she has done, you all go back to the cubicle.

Jo: Hey baby, you are so brave princess.
Lu: Hi Weah

Leah looks around to find Luke but she can see him. Jonah lifts him up and she smiles at him.

Le: H-hi
Lu: Wuv wuu Weah
Le: Wuu too

After a short while the Dr comes back with the scan results.

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