Chapter 20

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There was something thrilling about the Slytherin common room during the winter. The lake was frozen at the top, which made the frozen water look like sea glass. Underneath, the icy water was still. There were usually fish, the occasional mermaid or the giant squid swimming past the windows when it was warm. Now, it was like the water moved in slow motion. It was very dark in the winter.

Draco led me by the hand through the door. I immediately started toward the fireplace, eager to thaw my body.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked, hesitating by the staircase.

"The fire?" I said slowly, as if it weren't the most obvious thing in the world.

"I have a better one in my room. Come on." Draco said, extending his hand toward me. Suddenly, my palms became very sweaty.

His room? Draco wanted me to go to his room with him? I had never been up in the boys dormitories. I had always been told that it was forbidden, and that they would know if we had been up there. I hesitated, looking at Draco.

"I'm a Prefect, Elizabeth, I have my own room. It's not like Crabbe or Goyle will be barging in." He said impatiently. I walked over to him slowly, taking his extended hand.

"It's a myth, you know. The stairs turning into a slide, the handrail electrocutes's all a myth. You can come up." He muttered, starting up the stairs. I studied everything as we went up, noticing that the stairs were a darker stone than the girls' stairs were. When we reached the top, a long corridor with doors on each side stretched 20 meters. At the end of the hall was a large door that was painted a deep emerald, with silver serpents decorated over it. A large silver knob stood to the left side of it, and Draco pushed it open. Inside, Draco's room was not what I would have imagined it to be.

He had a queen sized four poster bed, which was bigger than the twin sized beds that we got in the dorms. His bedding was a deep silver color, almost looking grey. There was a large fireplace across from the bed, which was surrounded by grey river stones that reached the ceiling. Near the fireplace was a dark wood bookshelf which held hundreds of books. Some of the books looked brand new, and some had cracks down the spine from overuse. The thought of Draco reading for pleasure was something so foreign to me that I almost cracked a smile. Finally, near Draco's bed was a plush emerald armchair with upholstered handles. It was large enough to fit two people, or enough for one person to comfortably nap. 

His room smelled heavenly. His cologne, which clung to his skin at all times, permeated the room thickly now. There was a distinct smell of soap which lingered near a door, and I assumed it to be his bathroom. There was also a faintly sweet smell, something very fruity. I took a deep breath in through my nose and chewed my lip, trying to take it all in at once.

"Not much. But I like it better than the common room. I own space." Draco said, walking around the room slowly. I nodded, taking it all in. Draco pointed his wand at the fireplace and it roared to life, breathing hot air into the room. I instinctively inched closer to it, soaking in the warmth. Draco stripped his jacket off and threw it on the big chair, leaving him clad in dark jeans and a deep navy sweater. The blue brought out the small amount of blue he had in his eyes, and it took my breath away for a second.

"I like it. It's really...cozy." I said, trailing my hand over the bed. The silky duvet flattened under my touch. I perched myself on the edge of his bed and rid myself of my snow boots, wiggling my toes toward the fire. They instantly warmed. Draco watched me from the arm of his chair where he was sitting, a look of confusion on his face. I giggled slightly.

"What?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"Tell me about your parents." Draco demanded, and my heart thudded to a stop.

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