Chapter 28

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To think I had never been to a wedding in my life, but here I was, attending two weddings in the span of a month. It was early August, and it was the day that Bill and Fleur were to get married.

The Burrow was as alive as ever. Everywhere, as far as the eye could see, there was wedding preparations. Mrs. Weasley was like a cyclone, running around and commanding everything. A huge tent had been erected in the clearing around the burrow, and gold chairs had been magically conjured to seat the many guests invited. Mr. Weasley had used a charm to grow fields of flowers all around the burrow, leaving the house to smell of eucalyptus, honeysuckle and lavender. Upstairs, Ginny, Hermione and I got ready in Ginny's cramped bathroom.

"I can't believe it. Bill and Fleur. First Weasley kid to get married, you know." Ginny added, brushing rouge onto her cheeks.

"I think they're perfect together. I can't say I loved Fleur when I met her, but she's good to Bill." Hermione said quickly. Ginny nodded.

"It'll be a good ceremony. A good break from all the...chaos." Ginny motioned with her hands to the space around us.

"Chaos. That explains it perfectly." I hummed. I had been ready for about an hour, due to the fact that I hadn't been able to sleep the night before. Ginny had awoken me in the middle of the night, complaining that I had been screaming in my sleep. Once awake, I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling until daybreak.

My dream had been very dark, and very fuzzy. I was back at Hogwarts, wandering the halls. I knew I was looking for something. Each time I would round a corner, I was back in the spot that I had began in. As I began to get frustrated, an echoing voice came from behind me. "It's not here anymore, you know." Draco said, and I spun to see him. However, he wasn't anywhere to be found. His deep voice continued. "It's not. It's in the cellar."
"What's in the cellar?" I demanded, my head whipping back and forth to find the source of the voice.
"What you're looking for. Been months. It's in the cellar." Draco answered casually.
"What cellar? Where? What am I looking for?" I asked, the panic in my chest beginning to rise. Just as I spun around again, I was suddenly nose to nose with Draco. I jumped at the close proximity, but he hardly seemed to notice. He was staring at me, his usual grey eyes an ominous shade of black.
"I'd start there, if I were you. Not much time." He whispered, and I had snapped awake.

I had spent the majority of the morning in silence, trying to decipher the dream I had. Finally, as wedding time was nearing, I decided that it didn't have a meaning. It was just a nightmare. I tried my best to let it go, but I still felt it nagging at my chest.

"You look really beautiful, Lizzie." Hermione said, smiling warmly at me. I had pinned my curly hair up on top of my head, letting small pieces corkscrew down around my face and neck. I was wearing a navy cocktail length dress that fit at my hips and flared to my knees.

"Thank you. I got ready pretty fast." I answered, still staring off toward the wall.

"Lizzie? Dearest? Can you come downstairs?" I heard Remus yell, and I stood up.

"Coming!" I yelled back, smoothing my dress.

I hurried down the stairs, smiling at Remus. He grinned back, taking my hand on the last few steps.

"Beautiful. Truly. Do you mind taking a walk with me?" He asked, motioning to the door. I looked at him in confusion, but nodded slowly. We walked a good distance away from the Burrow, silently, until Remus stopped and turned toward me. He cleared his throat.

"I-...well, Lizzie. I have...some information- er...some news to tell you." Remus said, suddenly looking uncomfortable.

"Yeah?" I prompted, feeling the urge to comfort him. He looked so nervous, I was afraid he might be sick.

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