37, stalking, yes, but with good intentions.

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Suna woke to the sound of someone attempting to be quiet as she shuffled around the room. Y/n winced as he groggily opened his eyes and sat up, the blankets falling to his waist as he frowned at her. 

"Excuse me. It's 5am, where the hell are you going?" He croaked sleepily. 


"No." The sudden harshness in his voice made her flinch and Suna backtracked quickly. "Wait no I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound that harsh. I just wanna know where you're going, you've been going out a lot. Is something going on?"

"No I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep and I need some fresh air so I'm going out for a walk. I'll be back in time for breakfast I promise. Go back to sleep." Y/n smiled gently and kissed his forehead before leaving, she looked nervous and her hands were clammy when she brushed his hair out of his face.

Suna waited for the front door to close and the lock to turn before springing out of bed. A long time ago, he once told himself to stop before curiosity became flat out stalking. Well, this time he was fully ready to flat out stalk his fiancé and find out why she was behaving so strangely.

She's hiding something, and she knows I don't like surprises.

Pulling on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, Suna quickly checked the house. He hadn't heard the garage door rumbling so she wasn't driving, the bus tickets and such hadn't decreased in number so he concluded that she was moving on foot and most likely quickly since she wore her gym sneakers and carried only her wallet and phone.

"I'm~ too good at this and not in a good way." Suna muttered to himself as he haphazardly ruffled his hair and called the first contact on hand.

"Suna what, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck are you doing calling me at 5am?!" Mae's irritated voice buzzed in his ear and he sighed, of all people he could call he had to call the one person who'd rather eat cereal with mayo than get out of bed early.

"Look I just- I need your help." He replied in exasperation, quietly closing the front door and walking out onto the street. He spotted y/n disappearing around the bend, heading towards her club's training centre.

"What for? This better be important-"

"Y/n's been acting weird and she's being all secret secret about it and I don't like it and she snuck out again today so I'm following her do you wanna come with me so I don't look like a creepy pedo following a lady around at 5 in the morning?" He blurted, already feeling ridiculous.

Mae was silent for a bit, likely from shock, but her voice was full of determination as she startled him with her response.

"Yeah I figured something was up, she acts weird during practice too. I just dressed, I'll be there in five."

Suna paced around impatiently at their meeting spot before spotting someone sprinting down the street towards him.

"Where'd she go?" Mae was wide awake, her hair tossed up in a ponytail and a large Black Jackals jacket covering the shorts and t-shirt beneath as she stared at him with her jaw set firmly. Suna raised an eyebrow but made no comment when he spotted Miya embroidered on the back.

"I saw her go around the bend and continue straight down when I called you. If we run now we'll probably be able to catch her provided that she didn't take any huge turns." Mae only wordlessly gave a firm nod before the two of them sped off in pursuit.


"Shshshsh! There she is!" Mae hissed as she pulled Suna behind a tree and pointed across the street.

Y/n walked at a quick pace, wary of her surroundings as she hugged the corners of the street, not wasting any time as she approached the Nakano Koi Fins' gymnasium. Suna raised an eyebrow as she spared it no second glance and sped right past.

"So, what do you mean by weird?" Mae asked as they followed her from a safe distance. "Because y/n can be her own breed of weird sometimes. You sure you aren't just overthinking or something?"

Suna shrugged, slightly embarrassed at the thought. "She spaces out a lot and it's getting harder for me to interact with her, a conversation alone takes practically ten minutes for me to drag out. She's also been kinda uptight and tired lately, like she goes to bed really late and wakes up super early. She also has really weird eating habits and this is y/n I'm taking about, y/n who gets out of bed at 3am to make chicken nuggets."

"What kind of habits?" Mae asked carefully.

"The same habits she had when we were in high school. Crappy sleep schedule, crappy appetite, nightmares, a lot of nightmares, but it's been years and I don't really know how long PTSD can affect someone. She goes to therapy still, every now and then, but I've been finding new medication in the pantry and I don't mean like that over-the-counter stuff, I'm talking about actual hard drugs that need a doctor's prescription in order to gain access to."

"How long has this been going on?" She was onto something, he could tell. 

"Maybe like a couple weeks or so? I haven't really been keeping track but it's like she's been on her period for the last month, shit's crazy."

"Suna." She grasped his forearm and forced him to look up to where y/n had slowed down significantly and pulled something out of her pocket. Her back was turned and her figure was relaxed as she appeared to have a light conversation with someone through her phone.

They ducked behind a building and watched her speak for a few minutes, her eyes flitting around the vacant and dark street warily. 

"I think she knows she's being followed, if she starts taking weird turns then we go back okay? Besides, I think I already know what's going on." Mae murmured softly. "She's probably struggling with some kind of depre-"

"No wait, she's moving again." He dismissed her with a wave and started forward.

The sun was rising by the time y/n finally arrived to her destination, they were deep in the city and far from home now. She seemed tired and her movements weren't as nimble from when she started off. She clutched her phone tightly in her hand and pushed past the thick glass doors, disappearing into the large white building.

They watched her go in, Suna staring in shock at where they ended up. Mae stood just behind him, a worried look on her face as she studied his expression.

"Hey, are you-"

"Why would she avoid telling me she was going to the hospital?"

A/N: she's not pregnant

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