The Book Club Begins

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(please excuse my spelling of elements in this chapter, if you see any spelling or grammar errors please let me know)



idge raced back home and set everything out. She just sat down when the doorbell rang. Her doorbell was the Periodic Table Song. Pidge couldn't help but sing along.

"Noble gas is stable! Hydrogen and alchalines react aggressively! Oh hello Shiro are you prepared for the bookclub?"

"In the wise words of Magnus Bane 'You endure what is unbearable and you bear it that is all' So may I come in?"

"Oh, yes, sure. How is Magnus going," Pidge stammered.

"I caught him flirting with his plate," Shiro sat down on Pidges couch and stared absent mindedly out the window.
Just as Pidge was about to sit down the doorbell rang, she ran to get it.
"There's Hydrogen and Helium, Lithium, Berillium, Boron Carbon everywhere nitrogen all through the air there's oxygen so you can breathe and flouride for your pretty teeth, neon to light up the sky, and sodium for salty times!"

Pidge stood awestruck as she watched as Lotor was singing along to the doorbell.

"What? I know my elements, I have a periodic table poster above my bed and recite the elements every night before I go to bed,"

"Did you enjoy the book?"

"It was good," Lotor stiffened and pushed past Pidge he sat down opposite of Shiro. Shiro reached for his dagger and Lotor reach for his kindjal.

"Excuse me, but you have to put your weapons in the weapons confiscation box," Pidge held out a box that said I am one sixteenth indigenous Canadian.

Lotor and Shiro reluctantly put around ten weapons in the box.

"All of them," Pidge said sternly.

Lotor and Shiro hesitantly put a few more weapons in.

Barium is 56th and this is where the table splits

Pidge hurried to get the door Allura was standing there holding her phone.

"What's up Allura Army? Welcome to this live stream, love ya lots. Should I dye my hair I feel like white make me feel old. FJ yes I totally agree blue would be stunning. Oh look it's Pidge,"

"What are you doing?" Pidge asked bewildered.

"What does it look like? Starting my career as an influencer, Voltron gets paid like nothing,"

"We get paid like 4k a month!"

"Exactly, say hi to my 5000 viewers,"

"Hi, Allura when we start book club stop streaming okay?" Pidge said uneasily.

"Fine, What ever," Allura wondered in talking about the latest drama between downbeat and Tik Tok Simpson.

Pidge was just about to go inside when she heard voices.

"We have to keep this to ourselves okay, it will ruin my reputation," Keith said as he came around the corner.

"Oh hello Pidge," Keith said a little too brightly

"Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be? The weather's lovely!" Lance said

Keith whacked Lance over the head "no, the weather is nice, how are you Pidge?"

"I'm fine thanks,"

"That's lovely," Lance said

"No, it's good," Keith said angrily

"Um okay, come in," Pidge could feel the tension in the air. Something was wrong but she couldn't quite decide what.

Lance and Keith sat next to each other. Like right next to each other almost on top of each other. Keith saw Pidge looking and shuffled away.

"Welcome to the bookclub I'm glad you all made it. Well except Hunk, he was supposed to be coming," Pidge trailed off.


"What was that?" Pidge asked

"It's your house," Keith said unhelpfully.

At that moment Hunk toppled through the window. He had a bottle in one hand and a battered book in another.

"We are reading Harry Potter right?" Hunk said his voice was slightly slurred.

"What happened to you?" Pidge asked

"I hope your happy Pidge my wife isn't happy that I had to leave," Hunk raised a fist.

Everyone looked around shocked, except Keith who was examining his nails.

"You have a wife?"

"I used to have a wife, she divorced me. To much Minecraft apparently," Hunk grumbled before slipping, falling face first and falling unconscious.

"Well that was something," Keith said before continuing to examine his nails.

"Lotor can you help me carry Hunk to the guest bedroom?"

"Is that the one with the love seat in it?" Keith asked curiously

"ITS JUST A SEAT," Lance shouted and whacked Keith over the head.

After a joint effort they finally managed to get Hunk onto the guest bed.

"So does anyone have any thing they would like to say about the book?" Pidge said

"I personally hated it. Like what was the point it didn't tell me how to kill Mockingbirds," Allura said

"Opinion noted anyone else?"

"I thought it was very symbolic when Jem lost his pants, a-a-and Atticus knew about it," Lotor said on the verge of tears.

"A-a-and when his pants turned u-u-up it represented," Lotor burst into tears and ran into the bathroom.

"I better go after him," Pidge headed off.

Lotor was crying in the bath tub, he had a mug that said I like Pizza. He was currently drinking bath water from it.

"Hey Lotor are you okay?" Pidge asked

"Does it look like I'm okay? I'm in a bathtub drinking bath water, crying over fictional characters,"

"So do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah I guess,"

They talked about it for a while.

"It sort of made me realise why can Voltron only fight for the universe, it would level pour odds more," Lotor got cut off.

"No Voltron is necessary,"

"Okay, I think I'm ready to go back now,"

When they got back to the others. They saw Keith and Lance in the middle of a pile of feathers. Lance looked liked he was about to smash something. Running a bookclub was not as easy as Pidge had originally anticipated.


(Hello, I don't even know what is going on at this point anymore, if you have any suggestions please let me know)


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