Movie Day

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The radioactive rain was pouring down hard. There was no sign of it stopping. Suddenly a crash sounded outside. It was a lightning bolt. The power suddenly went off.

"The lesson of the story is-" the tv cut off as the power went off.

"What's the lesson?!" Hunk cried.

Everyone started talking.

"BE HUSHED!!!" Pidge screamed.

Everyone stared at Pidge she lit a candle and the room lit up and everyone gasped.

"How about we play a board game?"

"Fine," everyone groaned

They headed to Pidges basement and past a door that said 'Pidges secret inventions and stuff' to a dusty cupboard at the end.

The first game they picked out was Cluedo but the candlestick and the pistol was missing. The next game they picked out was playing cards but the king's were missing. Slowly they went through all the board games. There was pigs without the pigs, scrabble without the board and much more. There was only one box left.

"I bet Skip-Bo, What about you?" Lance asked.

"Battleships," Shiro guessed.

"Mr Potato head?" Hunk asked rubbing his stomach.

"Wait what is that?" Allura shouted pointing at Hunks arm.
There was a black mark on his arm.

"A tattoo, I don't drink," Hunk sighed.

"Of what?" Lance asked confused.

"A leprechaun,"

"Well that's interesting and all, but ready to see the last game?" Pidge said as she pulled the game out if the bag.

"Oh," It was just a bag of army men.

"What's this?" Lance pointed to a box with an old sheet in top of it.

"Oh that's a tv that I got from a garage sale it runs on batteries,"

"That means we can watch it," Lance and Keith said at the same time, they both blushed.

"Aw it needs tapes. I guess we will have to watch the one in here, it's called Andan,"

They all sat down ready to watch the movie. A man appeared on the screen, it was too dark to see his face.

"We were going so fast, I didn't realise what was happening, Andan if you see this run" The man said.

"Hey!!" A voice shouted from off the camera. A light shined on his face. There was no mistaking who it was. It was Crothers. Everyone gasped.


(Sorry for the short chapter, I hope you enjoyed it)


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