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It was a couple of hours after Cub died and Scar was leaving the pyramid at last. The journey back to his base was short, and was made shorter when he was interrupted by Ren. 

'Hey, Dude! The dog yelled a greeting. Scar landed beside his star-wars loving friend. 'What's wrong?' 

'Cub's dead.' The mayor didn't try to hide anything, and slumped to the ground. Ren sat down next to him. 

'I'm sorry... Was it the Watchers?' 

'No. NPC Grian.' 

'I saw him earlier... He was flying over my base... I was too scared to stop him... Oh Notch, this is all my fault...'

'NPG had been stalking Cub anyway...' Scar replied fairly. 

'I still wish I'd done something...' 

There was silence. 

'Your base is looking good.' 

'Thanks, I guess. I haven't worked on it much for ages. Well, not since Doc died.' 

'Grian didn't mean to get Doc permadead.' Scar stated. 

'I know, I know... But he's still dead.'


As if aware of the dwindling conversation between the two hermits, Jellie appeared, demanding a cuddle from her owner.

'Someone doesn't seem phased about permadeath.' Ren laughed. Scar obeyed his cat's order, giving her a generous amount of fussing. Ren joined in too, while Jellie purred loudly. 

'You know what. Sometimes I wonder who actually is mayor - me, or Jellie' Scar added thoughtfully. 

'Definitely Jellie.' Ren answered. 

'Yeah... She's definitely mayor.'

'Mrrow...' Jellie mewed. 

'Did Cub have any last words?' Ren asked, darkening the mood a lot. 

'Yeah. It was more like a speech. Something tells me he planned it before...'

'What was in this speech?'

'He wanted to thank everyone... And he wants to be mummified...'


'He was a pharaoh...' Scar replied, shrugging. 


'And, he wants the stolen stuff from Targét back.' 

'Yeah... he definitely cares more about material goods than his own mortality.'

Scar nodded, holding back more tears. He failed, and they rolled down his cheeks like rain. Ren awkwardly tried to comfort the crying mayor. 

'Cub was the best person I've ever known... And now he's gone... Killed by someone I thought was a friend.'

'We'll need to tell the other Hermits... I can help you if you want.'

'It's fine. Cub wanted me to do it.'

'If you're sure. But you can always find a friend in me, Scar.' Ren smiled loyally. Scar responded with his own weak grin. 

'I should tell them now... Bye, Ren.'

'See you around, Scar!'

Grian sighed as he flew out of his mansion. Nothing was going well. He couldn't even be bothered to try and jump into the Void again. Scar had stopped him so often... It was better to just sulk alone. 

A notification appeared in the chat, and the builder read it. 

Scar: hey... Can I talk to everyone in the shopping distirct?

Grian sighed again, and continued flying. He should go... If not, the other Hermits would worry even more. He was tired of convincing them he was fine.

He was one of the last to arrive, with Mumbo only arriving after. Scar was standing by the diamond throne, awkward and nervous about whatever he wanted to say. 

'So... Hi...' he greeted. 'I just wanted to say that... That NPC Grian killed Cub. Permadead.' 

Silence. Grian looked down. No one did or said anything. 

'Didn't NPG say that he only killed Iskall when he got in the way of him killing Cub. meaning that iskall saved Cub's life, and now Cub is dead, Iskall's death was futile?' XB asked unhelpfully. Grian flew away, followed by Mumbo. 

'Well done, xB.' Xamphe groaned sarcastically. 'You really helped there...' The admin's brother rocketed off after his friend. 

'Now Cub is dead, no one is allowed to enter his pyramid. Humiliating curses or something...' Scar continued, though no one was listening. He sighed, and sat down on the diamond throne. 

Meanwhile, Xamphe had caught up with Grian. The builder tried to get away, but was held back.  

'Do you mind?!' He snarled. 'If I want to be alone, I can be!' 

'I don't want you to be alone! I don't want you to be upset!' Xamphe protested. 'The least we can do is talk.'

'Talking's too much effort. Maybe I just want to end everything, and die.'

'Don't say that!'

'Well, tough. I have said it. And it's true. There's nothing in this world worth anything any more.'

'Not even me?' 

Grian was silent at that statement, realising Xamphe was right. He continued flying, and landed on the first bit of land he could see. 

'Look... I know that life is stupid, and it feels like no one cares... but I'm still here, aren't I?' 

'I wish that Iskall was here...' the builder sighed. 'He could always cheer me up... and now he's dead.'

'I swear that NPG with die, whether that's by my hand or someone else's.' Xamphe promised. Grian sat down. The admin's brother sat down next to him. 

'I heard you had a server... before you joined this one?' Xamphe tried to make conversation. 

'Yeah... It was called Evolution. Evo for short. We went through all the different versions of Minecraft... but then the Watchers came and destroyed everything. I was forced to be a watcher too, but ran away and found Hermitcraft.'

'Any friends on there?' Xamphe pursued the topic. 

'I can't remember... but there was someone linked to tortoises. I think he was killed.' 

'I'm sorry...' 

'I build an underwater city... it looked really good... that too was destroyed...' Grian was crying, and Xamphe comforted him. 

'We'll stop the watchers too. Don't worry. They've messed with Hermitcraft too much. And we will fight for justice, and win.' 

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