Cameron Dallas

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I just arrived to mine and Nash's apartment. I was visiting my mom and sister back home for a week and even though I had fun, I was ready to be home. I got onto the elevator and pressed the button that lead to our floor. Soon enough the elevator came to a stop and I walked over to our apartment number and twisted the knob to see if it was unlocked, and it was. Nash must be home. I walked in and saw Nash on the living room couch crying.

"Nash?" I say "Wha's wrong?"

"Um nothing." He says back trying not to cry.

"Just tell meee." I say wanting to know. "I saw my best friend crying so obviously something was wrong." He starts crying again and through the tears he says

"Here. Read for yourself." He holds out an envelope adressed to me and I'm not sure what's going on. I open the envelope scared and nervous all in one. I pull out the pieces of paper and unfold them. I then start to read.

Dear Cameron,

I want to start this off by saying thank you. Thank you for being there when I had no one to turn too. You may be wondering 'who even is this?' My name is Emma, Emma Wilson. And before you start to wonder, I sent you this well, because I wanted to tell you how much I loved you, how much you helped me and how much of an inspiratation you were to me before I did it. Before I killed myself. And I know you're probably thinking 'what in the world is happening right now?' But honestly I wrote this to tell you explain to  you how you kept me going as long as I could. How you and some others kept me happy when I had those bad thoughts. But I couldn't take it anymore. And so I did it. And I truley didn't want too, but I had too. It may be hard for you to understand, it was hard for me to come to the decision. And honestly I'm not sure you care. But I remember one vine you posted where you told us that we were all beautiful and you love us, and that vine made me cry and I would watch it whenever I felt down and it would lift me up. I wish I could have met you, and I wish you could have told me to stay strong and tell me how much you loved me in person but I honestly couldn't make it. Everyday a little part of me was ripped and torn up by my demons, and soon there was nothing left. I was so tired, so fucking tired of trying, and I know I sound like a coward and maybe I am one but I'm at peace. And hopefully my demons aren't taunting me anymore. I just want you to know how much of an inspiration you were to me and are to others. You help us through difficult times and you don't ralize how happy you make us feel and how much we love and are proud of you. You make us feel special and feel important and it's the most amazing feeling. So Cameron I love you so much and you are seriously amazing so please keep doing what you're doing and never ever stop. When expelled came out I bought it the second it reached the itunes store and I've watched it more than 20 times. I'm so extremely proud of you and how far you've come in this past year alone. You mean the world to me Cameron Alexander Dallas and I hope you know that. You're fans, we look up to you every second of every day wanting to turn out like you. Your such a good person and have been so successful and if there is a heaven, I will be watching you rise to fame from the sky. And never doubt yourself because you are honestly my biggest inspiration and please never ever give up. You are amazing.

Love, Emma Wilson

By the time I've finnished reading the letter I'm in tears. This girl killed herself. It makes me so sad. No one should ever do that to themselve's. Because everyone is beautiful. Everyone is special in there own ways. I look up at Nash both of us with tears in our eyes and he says

"She um, she was only 16." And that just breaks me. This girl she still had so much to live for. She was only 16. The tears start coming faster and harder and at a certain point I start sobbing. Nash comes over and comforts me and I can't stop crying. The fact that one of my fans, one of my own fans did this? It just makes me so mad, so upset because no one deserves to feel that empty, that alone. No one. Nash hands me what looks like a picture and I grab it with my pale cold hands and take a deep breathe as I look at it. It must be her. Must be Emma. And she is drop dead gorgeous. I let out a big breathe I didn't know I was holding. You can tell that her smile is fake. Her eyes, her eyes are so dull, so empty. It's like you can see her demons if you just look in her eyes. This poor girl. And I just want to give her a hug. And tell her how special she is, how beautiful she is and how much she had to live for. She was only 16 and that's too young. I look at Nash and ask

"Did you get a letter too?" He slowly nods his head yes. And I ask "Did anyone else?"

"Matt texted me after I sent out a tweet about her and said he got one. I think she sent one to 12 out of 12 but I'm not sure if the others have opend there's yet." Now I nod my and let the tears fall. It's kind of incredible, kind of beautiful if you think about it. The fact how how we inspire people, how we save lives. It's pretty amazing. But we couldn't save this one. Us 12 wearn't enough to save this one. Maybe just maybe we can save the next one.

A/N: Just in case you were wondering all the guys open there letters on the same day, just at different times and such. But yeah! I hope you liked this chapter and please vote and comment it would mean a lot! And remember to stay strong and stay beautiful because your all worth it I promise! I love you all and if you ever feel depressed or alone or need someone to talk too, feel free to message me and I will respond. Even if you just want to say Hey Message me! I love you all so much!-Marie

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