Chapter 8

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"What do we have?" A voice says startling me awake. I smell the awful bleach sterile smell and instantly know we are in hospital. Although my eyes are closed I can tell it's bright in here. I groan trying to go back to sleep. I haven't slept enough recently, only getting two hours or so a night since Flynn and I stopped sleeping in the same bed nearly three weeks ago.
"My sister was assaulted tonight, well not just tonight. Riley Blake."
"Okay, I need a gurney!" She shouts. "Any medical history?"
"She has heart disease, her heart rate is usually elevated. She's on medication," Tyler informs.
"Okay, she's probably going to need tests and scans, I need to ask if she's pregnant," I groan. Rub it in why don't you.
"No," I croak. "I can't," Flynn kisses my forehead and I smell his minty breath.
"Shall I do a test to confirm? I'm not sure what she means." The woman says and I groan again.
"She can't get pregnant, well, very rare. She didn't long ago have a test done at the hospital and well, she hasn't had sex for a while, has she bro?" Tyler growls. Oh hell!
"Well, she had protected sex with James last night but no not really," Flynn says unsure. He should have just lied!
"She did what!"
"Can you take this outside? Put her on the gurney," she says and Flynn lowers me on the bed. I feel the bed move as I keep my eyes closed.
"Ty," I whimper. "Flynn," I hate hospitals.
"We're here Lee, we won't be far away." I keep my eyes closed until the bed stops. I open my eyes and we are in an examination room with lots of people. A nurse grabs the bottom of my top and goes to cut it with scissors.
"No!" I protest and she stops. She looks at me, "I like. . .this top. . .it covers my. . .bruises." I cringe as I try and sit up. Flynn is by my side in seconds helping me sit up. I grab the bottom of my top but he pushes my hands away. He slowly starts lifting my top and I lift my arms up. He has to use his hands to shimmy it over my head as it's a bit tight and awkward with the neck covering. He always looks after me and I love it. There was a time when I tried to push him away and be independent like everyone else but I gave up fighting him, even now. Once my top is off I hear Tyler gasp.
Flynn strokes my cheek and then steps away for the nurses to work again. "When you said covered in bruises, I didn't expect that!" Tyler growls. I look for them at the back of the room and my eyes fix on them as they watch me like my bodyguards.
"Do you want to take your jeans off or can I cut them?" the nurse asks.
"I'll take them off," I say and reach for my button.
"Do you want me to help you?" she asks and I shake my head gently. She nods and backs away. Flynn's hands cover mine and I sigh. I remove my hands away and he undoes my jeans and he slides my jeans down. I don't even help lifting my backside up off the bed as it will hurt. He pulls my shoes off too. Once they are off I feel too exposed. I know it's what they do as doctors and they don't care but I care.
They examine my body and hitch me up to the stupid heart rate monitor. "Riley, my name is Dr Ford. Who did this to you?" he asks. One of the nurses covers my legs with the blanket.
"My boyfriend," I choke. He frowns and nods.
"We have to call the police in these cases." I screw my face up, "Did he sexual assault you, without your permission?"
"No, not really," I whisper.
"Why aren't you sure exactly?"
"I didn't say no," I croak.
"But did you say you wanted to?" I frown and look at Tyler and Flynn and they are listening intently.
"No but. . . I wasn't sure what. . . I wanted. . . I guess. . . it wouldn't have mattered. . . if I agreed. . . or not. . . he would have taken. . .what he wanted anyway," I shut my eyes to process things. It hurts so much to talk and it's frustrating having to talk like this.
"Did he hurt you during intercourse? How do you know he would have anyway?" I rub my temples trying to evade these questions.
"No, not really. . . He restrained me. . . like he always does. . . I know because. . . he raped me. . . the first time." I whisper. I bring my knees to my chest to protect myself. I don't care if they are still examining my body. I'm done feeling so exposed.
"He's raped you before? How long has this been going on?"
"Not long. . . Ty," I whimper. My voice hurts.
"They got together last Christmas. I didn't know about any of this they looked happy. From what I remember it could have started April-May time. Riley was in a car accident and he was declared brain dead in May. He was dead as far as we knew. He started stalking her a few days ago, she didn't tell me as she thought he was in her head."
"So, he is a threat? Will he come looking for her?"
"Who knows what that Pyscho would do." Tyler snaps, "Of course he's a threat, he knows he is. He knew he had control tonight," I look at Tyler and he looks so angry and upset.
"Okay, I'll call the police and have an officer at the door. I'm going to need to take you for scans and x-ray for your ribs." I nod at him. "Your heart rate is elevated but it says on your notes it's normal for you," I roll my eyes. Yes, okay. He looks at my brother, "you'll need to wait in the waiting room whilst we do the scan." They nod and I hold my hand out to them as I'm wheeled towards them.
Flynn takes my hand and Tyler holds my leg. "Now, don't cause trouble because we don't need the police called for you," Tyler says playfully and I laugh but gasp when it hurts. Flynn kisses my forehead and the bed gets pushed out the door and I have to let go of Flynn's hand. Tyler moves out the way and I sigh. Why am I always the victim here?
I shut my eyes blocking out the journey to the scans. I follow their commands as they do the scans and X-rays. Once they are done they cover me with a hospital gown. I yawn on the ride back to a room, "Why don't you get some sleep dear, looks like you need it," The nurse says.
"No, I can't. . . Where's Flynn? My brother? It's hard to sleep. . . nightmares," I try to explain but my voice hurts too much.
"You need to try not to speak, Riley. You need to rest your voice box. They are in the waiting room, I'll get them when you are settled in your room. Do you want me to get some sleeping pills for you? You need regular sleep."
"No, I just need. . .Flynn," I say and she nods. I'm pushed into a sharing ward and I frown. I'm not a snob or anything demanding my own room but I'm never going to sleep with people in the same room. I'm wheeled to the back left corner and I'm hooked up to machines.
She shuts my partition curtain and leaves. I unhook myself from the machines and carefully slide out of bed. I peer around the curtain and there's no Doctors or nurses. I move the curtain back so I can walkthrough. I focus on each patient in our shared ward. An elderly man who looks to be sleeping. I look to the next one, a middle-aged woman. She's sat up in bed reading a book.
Next to my bed is a guy about my age and he smiles at me when he catches me looking at him. I smile awkwardly at him. I start walking towards the door when I see Tyler and Flynn. I freeze and they glare at me. "What the hell are you doing, Ri!"
"I. . ." Flynn doesn't wait for the rest of my answer and lifts me up. I didn't break my legs, I roll my eyes and he carries me back to bed. He eases me back into bed and brings the covers up over my body. "People. . . in my room." I shiver.
He frowns at me, "I thought you got over that, Tyler can you see if they can put her in a private room." Tyler nods and leaves us closing the curtain as he goes. "You look shattered, Ri."
"People. . . in my room."
He sighs, "I know, Ri. Just try, okay?" he takes my hand and I shut my eyes. The curtain opens and my eyes fly open. It's the same nurse, she frowns when she notices I unhooked myself. She hooks me back up and the machines start beeping again. "Ri," he warns again and I close my eyes. He strokes my forehead and the nurse places an ice pack on my throat, I shiver.
"Are you cold Riley?" she asks.
"I'm always cold," I admit.
"I'll go and get you more blankets, are you hungry?" she asks.
"No," I say sleepily.
"You didn't even eat tonight like you said. You had a manky sandwich at lunch, that's it." Flynn growls.
The curtains open again and my eyes flash open. Flynn grumbles his annoyance, Tyler walks in. "No room at the inn, they will move her when they have a private room but she has to stay here until then."
"Great, she's not sleeping then," Flynn groans.
"Are you sure you don't want me to prescribe sleeping tablets?" The nurse asks. I shake my head but Flynn glares at me.
"Sleeping tablets?" Flynn asks. "Ri, why are you turning them down?" I look at him panicked. I don't want to be that vulnerable.
"I'm scared. . . If I sleep. . . he could take me. These people. . . could hurt me." I shake my head and Flynn kicks his shoes off and lifts the covers up and slides in next to me.
"Excuse me, you can't do that," the nurse protests. Flynn ignores her and pulls me to his chest and I rest my face in his neck.
"Trust me, I hate it too but if she can't be moved into a private room then this is the only way," Tyler says.
"You could hurt her, it's against the rules. Police might want to collect evidence and you're contaminating it." She informs.
"I've already bloody contaminated it, my scent lingers on her skin. She needs me to feel safe, she's cold because she's losing my scent on her skin. She's feeling dirty just let me help her, as you are."
"Fine, if she complains once about being in pain that's it." I never complain about pain so that's not an issue. I shut my eyes and the ice pack is shifted back onto the bruising on my neck.
"Thank you, she will take the sleeping tablets," Flynn says. The curtains open and I open my eyes as the nurse leaves. "Ri," he says again and I close my eyes.
"My parents are on their way. My Dad is still confused about his death. There was a death certificate. My Dad is in the process of talking to the hospital about what happened." Tyler informs.
I snooze for a while and the curtain wakes me again and I open my eyes. The nurse walks in with a pill pot. I groan and nuzzle my nose into his neck. "Pain killers and sleeping tablets," she announces but I don't move. "Riley?"
"Pass them here, she won't take them from anyone else," Flynn says holding his hand out. She passes them to him whilst she fills a cup up with water. Flynn holds the pills to my mouth in his fingers and he slides them in my mouth. He passes me water to wash it down with and I take a sip and swallow. I end up coughing holding my mouth to stop myself spitting the tablets out.
"It's going to be hard to swallow Riley after the damage to your neck." She says and I take another sip of water and swallow hard. I feel them slide all the way down and my eyes water. Flynn holds more pills out but I shake my head.
"Come on, Ri. Last ones, please," he begs and I shake my head. It hurts to swallow. "Please, Ri, for me," he pleads and I sigh. He slides them into my mouth and I take a big mouthful of water and have to swallow hard a few times between gagging before I get them down. "Good girl, thank you," he says stroking my hair. "Now please, try sleep." I nod into his neck and shut my eyes.
I start to snooze for a while again and the curtain goes and my body jumps. I open my eyes and Mom and Dad come in, "Oh Honey!" Mom cries, "Look at you," she rushes to my side and strokes my hair.
"Mom," I croak. Her tears fall from her beautiful face.
"Ri, sleep. No talking," Flynn warns again. I groan and close my eyes again. The curtain opens again and I open my eyes. "Christ sake! Is this private room ever going to be free?"
"You need to calm down, we are horrendously busy tonight. Once it's available you'll be first to know," the nurse says. She replaces my ice pack and Mom gasps loudly when she see's the bruising in all it's glory. "There shouldn't be this many people in here and it's out of hours."
"We're family," Dad overrules. "She needs us, we won't be any bother. We appreciate all you're doing to help our daughter," the nurse blushes and nods. Mom slips in next to me and strokes my hair.
"I'm here Lee Lee, I'm so sorry," she whimpers. "What the hell happened?"
"I'm sorry Mom. It all started a few days ago when Nathan rang me to say Riley was in shock. She really was in shock, she wasn't making any sense. I called Flynn because she was so pale and she was shaking. She said she saw James, I didn't think much of it because he was dead. Odd things were happening. Lee was in hospital a couple of days ago and then she started acting strange but not really bad.
"She waited in the rain all afternoon and Nath found her. He took her home, he was trying to get her in the bath when I arrived she was so cold. I called Flynn to get her in the bath, I didn't want him to do it. Once she was out the bath she was better, I ordered pizza. I made her eat. Then she kicked us out, Flynn tried to stay but she wouldn't let him.
"The next day she had a sore throat, she did that stupid no carbs diet at the cafe and ate a small amount. We met up at lunch and Britney came in acting psycho and Lee got between us protecting me. Britney had a broken beer bottle threatening her but she took her down. Britney clawed her face. Lee returned from outside after and announced she had a boyfriend. I'd never heard of him and I know a lot of people.
"We saw her at work and--"
"Hold up, work?" Dad growls.
"Yeah, she has a job. Did she not tell you?" Tyler says.
"No, I wondered why her bills weren't coming out of the bank. She must be paying for them herself," he sounds pissed off.
"Anyway, we were at the ice rink where she works. I asked if she wanted us to wait to walk her home and she said her boyfriend was coming by. Flynn got ratty about it and Lee made it worse saying he would probably stay over like he had the night before. I had to calm Flynn down, we hit the pub. Flynn got into another fight. I knocked on the door when I was back but she didn't answer so I assumed she was asleep." I didn't hear him knock.
"Then Flynn rings me asking if he really is dead because she's covered in bruises. That's when I rang Dad. She went to work tonight, Britney pushed Lee over on the ice. She hurt her ribs when she fell. I had to get Britney out of Flynn's way. I took her outside and told her she needs to stop or I'd call the police on her. Twice she'd assaulted my sister--"
"You broke up with Britney? I thought you liked her?" Mom asks.
"Eh, she was good when I was bored. I met Ruby and well, I really like her Mom. She's opened my eyes. I think I love her already," jeez he's got it bad.
"I've got to meet this girl then. Does Riley like her? I know she wasn't keen on Britney," that's putting it mildly.
"I was surprised when she said she approved and she was nice to her. She just didn't like that Ruby is prettier than her. Of course, I think they are both the same." Tyler defends himself.
"Good save, son," Dad praises.
"Anyway, when I was speaking with Britney, Ruby came to me to say Riley was fine and she was with her boyfriend. She was sending me a secret message I went to find her and he had her restrained pulling her head back so she couldn't move. He smiled at me when I entered, he didn't seem bothered. He seemed unhinged in way he never used to. He looked homeless, rough. He was always well dressed and clean.
"I walked further towards him after threatening him and he got really closed to her possessing her, threatening her and then he started strangling her. He knew he was in control, he bloody knew it. Her eyes were wide and they were going red as she struggled to breathe. I didn't know what to do but she did.
"She reached up and touched his cheek and he looked at her. His face changed as he grabbed her hand away from his cheek. I couldn't hear what she told him but she told me she said she loves him and he let her go. He pushed her into me so I couldn't chase him. He's crazy for doing that in front of me. He was always careful, he's being openly risky. It was almost like he was waiting for me."
"So what has he been doing to her?" Mom asks.
"She explained it to me the best she could," Flynn's voice is like a lullaby to me compared to Tyler's. It makes me more sleepy. "When she was in the hospital she woke and he was there. He never claimed to be alive so she thought he was in her head. She always said that since loving me she never really loved him. It was all control with him, she thought she loved him at the time. I made her feel so much more and so much differently. I was fixing what he broke. When she saw him again a part of her still loved him. The part that could still control her.
"He kissed her and she deepened the kiss. I don't think she really knew what she was doing. She wanted it to be me. He said he came back because she needs him. She called me, she needed me but I have to keep my distance, I put her in the hospital but I'm the reason she didn't push him away. If I went to her she would have pushed him away--"
"How do you know that?" Mom asks.
"She told me and I read her diary," he says awkwardly.
"You what? You know it's private right? It's invading her privacy," Mom scolds.
"She gave me permission a while ago, it helps me read her. To help her, the words she will never say directly to me in fear of hurting my feelings."
"She gave you permission? Did she not write about James?"
"She drew him, she didn't write anything about him when I looked. She withdrew from me, I always thought it was because I wanted space. She kept flinching at me, she wouldn't open up to me, she would lie to me. It was frustrating as hell! She never kept things from me even at the beginning. When she admitted she had a boyfriend I thought she was pissing me off on purpose. I knew she still loved me, she still acted the same way when I was close.
"When I put her in the bath I knew she still wanted me but she pushed me away. Once she warmed up she pushed us out. I wanted to stay, she's never said no to me before. Apparently he came over that night. He strangled her because she told him about losing the baby. He was pissed that she killed him and his baby. I'll spare you the gory details and then she fell asleep and he was gone when she woke--"
"What gory details," Mom demands.
"You don't want that shit in your head, trust me Abigail."
"Tell me," she insists.
I nod giving him permission. "Well, he used to do it a lot before. She used to hate it but I guess she was thankful. He likes skin on skin, he normal lays naked on her but he stayed in his boxers but he let her stay in her PJ's just lifting her top laying on her. They were watching a movie and he was aroused and shagged the couch on top of her."
"The fuck?" Tyler growls.
"Oh christ," Mom gasps.
"She hates it she said she felt inadequate but she said it wasn't even the right word. She was glad he didn't touch her but she felt worthless he didn't even try to interact. She waited for him the next day in the courtyard. He showed this time, although he was pissed she summoned him like she was in control. Nathan arrived and he disappeared.
"He was at the pub at lunch, he was pissed that Barbie marked his face. Pfft his?" he snorts. Like he hates the thought, "He met her at her work that evening. He was asking about his Mom and his friend. He got angry at how many people she slept with whilst he was dead. Still not claiming to be alive. He punched her in the ribs and forced her to leave work early.
"Do you really want to know the rest?"
"Yes," Mom whispers.
"They got home and he told her to shower. She didn't want him to shower with her but again she felt inadequate when he said no. He's apparently never showered with her before. I mean I don't know why some of our best sex has been in the--" he coughs. I imagine Tyler is giving him the death stare, "Anyway he got in the shower after, she washed his clothes as she said they really smelled.
"She got into her PJ's and he came in to her bedroom. He told her to strip, exactly like that sickening sex tape." Wait? Has he seen the sex tape? Oh hell no! "He played her like a puppet. First pinned her from behind and fucked her that way. Then he made her ride him with her hands pinned behind her and her head pulled back so she couldn't move. She doesn't feel as though it was rape because she didn't say no.
"She was confused about what she wanted. He could always make her do anything anyway but I guess she's never actually said yes to anyone but me before. She blocked it out went to her safe haven that I made for her. When she woke he was gone.
"When I arrived she was in the shower. She ran into her bedroom and locked the doors. She had never locked me out before. I was anxious so after her not opening the door I kicked it open. I gave her warning. She was fully dressed and applying makeup. She was more distant, more lies. I was at a loss. She grabbed my hand on the way out and instantly withdrew. She felt cold to me.
"She has this thing where she's always cold. My touch makes her warm. I heat her from the outside in. When my scent lingers on her skin she can stay warm for hours. Little does she know I feel when she's cold," What? This is the first I've heard. "She used to tell me I burned her in the early days. So when she said I scolded her I was worried. I held her hand regardless of where we were at. In the car she said she felt dirty, I knew instantly that she slept with her boyfriend. She used to scrub for ages in the shower with a scalding temperature and nothing would work.
"I was the only one that made her feel clean. My scent and well, I'll spare you the other details. I was pissed as hell with her. All these secrets and she slept with the fucker. She started sobbing her heart out and it broke me. I pulled the car over and pulled her onto my lap. I held her begging her to tell me what was wrong. Then she said his name.
"All sorts of things were running through my head. Then she took her top off and shit me, the bruises."
"I want to see," Mom says. Mom gets off the bed and I groan. "Can I?" Mom asks me and I nod into Flynn's neck. I move onto my back and Flynn sits up and pulls the covers down. He removes my ice pack and lifts my gown up and Mom's sobs start. My eyes open and she's crying with her hand over her mouth.
"Mommy," I croak. She shakes her head and Dad holds her.
"Don't talk, Honey," her voice breaks. Flynn pushes the gown back down and I groan as I sit up. "Lee, take it easy." I hold my ribs and I hold my arm out to her. I don't want her hurting like this. She steps out of Dad's hold and walks towards me. She hugs me tightly as she sobs into my shoulder. "You need to rest, Lee."
"She won't because she's not in a private room. She's anxious with the other patients in her room. They say they are busy so they will allocate her a private room when one opens up. Everytime someone opens the curtain she wakes."
"We will see about that," Dad says and walks out of the curtain partition.
The curtain opens again and Mom moves off the bed. Two police officers walk in, one woman one male. Flynn pulls the covers up over us and I nuzzle into his neck. He places the ice pack back over my neck and I shut my eyes. I slide my hand under his top pulling him to me.
"Riley Blake?" The male officer says. "We were called about an assualt, we have some questions."
"No," I croak.
"Can we answer for her? She's in a lot of pain. She can't talk very well." Mom asks.
"It needs to come from her I'm afraid." Why now? I'm too tired for this shit. "Can you tell me your attackers name?"
"James Webber," I croak.
"Thank you, I need you to describe that best you can what happened and when it happened."
"Tomorrow," I croak. I place my hand on my throat, it hurts to talk too much.
"We need to do this as soon as we can so we can arrest him."
"It hurts," I cry. Tears fall from my face and I bury my face in Flynn's neck.
"You either let us explain or you wait until tomorrow. She can fill in the blanks if we don't know but the doctors said for her to not talk."
"Fine, okay. Who's closest to the story?" he asks. I relax knowing I don't have to talk.
"Flynn," Tyler says.
"Okay, what's your name?"
"Flynn Archer."
"What's your relationship to the victim." I cringe and the word victim.
"She's my ex. My best friend's sister, we are family."
"Okay, so does Riley know the attacker personally or was it a random attack?"
"She knows him personally. They were in a relationship, started last christmas. He died in May? He was declared brain dead after a car accident. Somehow he faked his death. He started stalking her a few days ago."
"Okay are they still together? Tell me about the attack," the police officer asks.
"Well, they are together. She thought he was actually dead and he was in her head. He never confirmed he was alive. He was abusive before he supposedly died."
"Was there any proof?"
"None that was reported. He was clever, she isolated. She didn't tell anyone until recently."
"Okay, did he sexually abuse her before?"
"Yes but in her eyes it was just the once. In my eyes it was every time. He raped her, took her virginity. The other times she didn't say no but she wasn't happy with it. He made a sex tape of her, you can tell it was against her will."
"Has anyone got a copy of this?"
"I'm sure I can get a copy." Flynn confirms.
"Okay, so tell me about this assault."
"There was lots of different assaults. Lot's of hand gripping to start with, jaw, wrists, legs. Then he got angry and punch her bedroom door then strangled her two days ago. Yesterday night he punched her ribs. Took her home and then raped her. She says it wasn't because she didn't say no but she also knows he would have done it regardless. He pinned her down or restrained her so she couldn't move. I class that as rape." Flynn growls.
"Did you want him to do it?" he asks.
"I don't know. . . I was confused. . . he didn't give me. . .chance to protest. He plays on. . . my love for him."
"Okay, if he was here right now. Would you say yes to him?" I shake my head. "Okay, anything else?"
"Tonight he bite her lip too hard causing her to bleed. Then he restrained her and kissed her and then Tyler walked in."
"What happened?"
Tyler speaks, "Well, he knew what he was doing he was smiling at me, taunting me. He didn't release her from the lock he had her in. I walked towards him to help my sister and he strangled her in front of me. Riley got him to stop eventually and then he launched her at me so I couldn't chase him."
"How did you stop him Riley?"
"I told him I love him. He needs to. . .hear it when. . .he's scared."
"Do you love him?"
"Yes, which is why. . . I stick around. . .for him to hurt me. But. . . I don't want to. . . I thought I didn't love. . . him anymore since. . . Flynn but I was wrong."
"Okay, was James annoyed about you and Flynn?"
"Yes but not. . . as much as I. . . thought. He was more pissed. . . I had sex with. . . his best friend. . .and the whole town."
"I see." Dad walks back in and he frowns. "Mr Blake."
"Detective Murphy," Dad says casually. "You're breaking the law, Murphy. You know it needs to be a private room. You're lucky we have nothing to hide." I frown but I'm not fussed on where.
Murphy ignores my Dad and carries on with his question, "The first strangulation took place where?"
"Her apartment," Flynn confirms.
"The blow to the ribs?"
"Her place of work, Sullivan's Ice Rink."
"Any CCTV?"
"I think so, I'm not sure."
"Okay, the rape?"
"Her apartment."
"Second strangulation?"
"Her place of work."
"Can we take pictures of the bruises Riley?" I nod. "Tate," he says and Flynn removes the covers again. I lay on my back and he lifts my gown again and Mom sobs again. I opens my eyes and the woman officer has a camera and she's pointing it at the bruises on my leg. "That one?"
"In my apartment. . . just before the first strangulation." I say.
She points the camera at my hips, "That one?"
"I don't know, he restrained me. . . alot." He nods.
She points the camera at me ribs, "This one?"
"Blow to the ribs. . . work."
She points to my wrist, "That one?"
"Many occasions, he likes to grab. . . me at any opportunity. I swear. . . he gripped harder. . .until he got a reaction."
She points at my neck and Flynn removes the ice pack, "That one?"
"First and second strangulation. . . I guess. Apartment and work."
"Are there any bruises on your back?"
"Don't think so. . . there's some on my face."
"Face? Did he hit you? Someone get a wipe or something." Tyler leaves the room to find something.
"No, he never liked to. . . mark my face. I think. . . he is less controlled. . . more of a risk. . .taker. And he said he. . . loves me with make up . . . he knows I can hide the. . . bruising with it. He said I look. . . so hot with makeup." Flynn snorts but everyone ignores him. "He grabs. . . my jaw to. . .restrain me."
Tyler returns with a wet wipe and passes it to Flynn. Flynn sits up and turns to face me and gently cups my face and I flinch. He slowly wipes my make up away and is extra careful around my chin. He frowns the more he wipes away. Mom sobs louder and I frown. "Make up really can conceal anything but he's wrong. You don't need make up. You look better without it," Murphy says. Flynn's eyes bore into mine and then he moves away for her to take a picture of my face.
"Okay, I think that's all I need for now. Thank you for your time. If you think of anything else Riley, let me know. I'll leave my card," he says and I open my eyes and they leave. A moment later a Doctor from earlier arrives. Can't remember their name. Flynn slides my gown down and slides the covers up again.
"Riley, how are you feeling?"
"I hurt," I cough.
"I'll administer stronger painkillers." I shake my head.
"No more. . . meds," I protest.
"She had trouble swallowing them," Flynn explains.
"Okay, I'll give them intravenously. Okay, there seem to be a bit of damage to the throat but nothing I'm too concerned about. She will have difficulty swallowing for a while so I suggest liquids until that eases. Her red eyes will go back to normal in 10-14 days," Red eyes? "She has two cracked ribs. I'm unsure whether it was the fall or the punch. I'd say it was a combination of them both. You'll need to rest for a week or so Riley. No heavy lifting or exerting yourself."
"My heart," I protest. "Run," I croak.
"No, no running, Riley. No exercise for at least a week. Maintain a healthy diet, low caffiene and no alcohol."
I groan, "Nightmares," I whisper.
"She suffers with PTSD from her car accident." Mom explains and James.
"How much do you sleep Riley?"
"With exercise. . . twice a day. . .sometimes gym. . .about 12 hours."
"That's plenty, I don't see the issue--"
"A week," I cut him off and he frowns.
"Two hours a day is nowhere near enough."
"Nightmares," I say again.
"Have you tried sleeping tablets?"
"I don't. . .want them."
"Well, you need to find a way of dealing with your nightmares. It's not good for you, when was the last time you got 8 hours sleep?"
"When Flynn. . . stays with me. . . over two weeks ago."
"Then maybe he should stay with you."
"No. . . did you know. . .he could. . .smother me. . .with a pillow. . .push me off. . . the bed. . .and kill m--"
"Ri, enough. Stop making this a joke. You know why we do this." I roll my eyes and turn on my side and rest my face in his neck shutting my eyes. They continue to talk around me but I block them all out. I don't know if it's Flynn and his calming scent or the stupid sleeping tablets but everything clouds and becomes a haze. The voices get further away and I'm in my safe haven.

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