Vacation Part 4, day 3

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This is a continuation of the part 3

     "Uhm.. you think we found them..?" John says, "Well, I don't kn-"

     "Seraphina!" Elaine shouts, clinging herself on Seraphina. Arlo looks at them and raises a eye brow. John notices that they're both panting as if they'd run a mile. Finally, Arlo says "We saw a ghost woman in a long white dress with a wooden stick. She broke down a stand with her stick."

Suddenly, they hear running footsteps and panting.

     "Remi, Isen, Blyke!" Shouts Elaine. They all stand there for a second, panting, when Blyke looks up with his ability activated.


"W-wha?" Elaine says, back up.

     Arlo steps forward, "what happened?" He says. "Well, we were looking for you guys after scary ghost man pointed a bloody dart at Remi's forehead, then another scary young girl came up with a knife, and started chasing us." Isen says. "The t-thing is, I think it's the g-girl in the story.." Remi mumbles looking around, paranoid.

     "Uh what does that mean, does she get some OP ability or something..?" John asks. "Well, I've heard that her presence lowers your level by 3.0, and can freeze your ability at times.." Remi sighs, "Oh great, so now Isen and I are low tiers, Elaine is almost a cripple, and she can make us ALL cripples on her command?" Blyke says, a hint of terror in his voice.

     "Well I'm still technically a cri-" says Seraphina, before her eyes widen in horror. She raises up a trembling hand, to point behind Remi, Isen and Blyke, where a girl calmly stands, a knife in a her. The three walk back to everyone else, looking at the girl. "She seems to just be standing th-"

     Everyone puts their hands to their ears, taken aback. The girl started screaming a blood curling scream. It's so loud it made everyone feel like their ears will bleed out, like their brains are turning to mush.

     She suddenly stopped. Everyone backed away from her, thinking about running away, when the girl raised up her knife and began running to them. She slashed her knife at the group, grazing John on the arm. "F*ck!" John yelled, clutching his arm. The girl went for John again, as he was just standing there. As the girl was about to lay a hit on John, one of Arlo's barriers came up, giving John time to run.

     Suddenly, Arlo's barrier went down, "I CAN'T ACTIVATE MY ABILITY ANYMORE..!" He yelled in surprise. "WELL NO SHIT, DIDN'T REMI TELL US SHE CO-" John yelled, to which Arlo shouted "SHUT UP FAKE CRIPPLE!"

      The girl started chasing Sera, "GUYSSS HELP MEE" She yelled, trying not to get stabbed by the knife nearing to her neck. "HEY, COME AND GET US" Remi yelled, beside a startled Blyke and Isen. The girl listened to Remi, and began to run towards the trio. "Uh oh.." Remi mumbled, "'Uh oh' INDEED" Isen yelled, and began to run in a random direction.

     "SPLIT UP, THERE'S ONLY ONE OF HER, AND MANY OF US" Remi yelled, as everyone ran in random directions with random people. Blyke ran with Arlo and Elaine, while Remi ran with Sera, and John and Isen ran in the same direction.

Well shit, I've run away from something scary to something scarier
Thought Isen.

Eh, Sera, not to bad, she's smart, we can make up a plan
Remi thought, running for her life.

Blyke and Arlo.. this may get awkward..
Elaine thought trying to get her mind of the fact they were running for their lives.

With Remi and Sera

Sera POV

     We ran to a booth and hid behind it, trying to breath as quietly as possible. "I wonder how everyone else is.." Remi whispered, I tried not to think about the ghost girl, and the fact she may be killing my friends at this very moment, but it's hard not thinking about when your life is in danger.

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