Chapter 1

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Hey guys, so this is my first fic on here. This chapter is probably gunna be longer than all my others just so you can get a good taste of the story first. Enjoy...hopefully.



My heart sped up as we neared the concert venue. All time low were my favourite band and had helped me through a whole load of shit that only my pillow knew about, so I thought I should put all my anxieties aside, put on my big girl pants and go see them live, something a normal teenager would find just fun and exciting and not also cactus-shitting scary.

When I’d booked the tickets I hadn't expected my social fears and malfunctions to get worse by the concert date. Back then I could answer the door, answer the phone and look people in the eye. Now that only happens with my best friend Alice and a few others. Despite this, here I was sat in the back seat of Alice’s brother's car, clinging onto Alice’s hand with my clammy one for dear life, flinching at the sight of any person I saw. 

Signs pointing towards the venue were getting close together so I knew we were close. Alice must have sensed me tense up because she gave my hand a squeeze and raised her eyebrows with a worried look. I gave her a forced smile hoping to make her feel more relaxed. My chin quivered and gave me away, "It will be fine, I'll be holding your hand the whole time if you want, even if it does feel like a microwaved fish at the moment." She said reassuringly. I chuckled at her comparison but self-consciously wiped my hand on my black jeans. "Sorry..." I mumbled. "Don't worry; it was a sexy microwaved fish." I laughed again; Alice always knew how to make me feel comfortable in her own disturbing way.

"We're here! The venues just around the corner, Alice you owe me and I'll pick you guys up at 11:30 okay?" Luke interrupted. I gulped and fidgeted in my seat, not wanting to get out, as the car halted to a stop by the pavement. "Thanks bro, I do owe you one but in my defence how was I mean to know my car battery would die?"

"There’s this thing on your car that actually tells you! It's really amazing you should look at it sometime," He said in a sarcastic tone, "Now get out the car, you're causing a build-up." Alice saluted jumping out with no problem. Me, on the other hand, I was practically molesting the car door searching for the handle, my face growing redder and redder with embarrassment as I saw Luke staring and smirking at me in the mirror.

Alice yanked the door open for me; she didn't fuck around when it came to 'her baby jack'. "Hurry up! I don’t want to keep my baby jack waiting" I rolled my eyes laughing to myself how much she liked the guitarist even if she’d never met him. I looked up to see her running on the spot with excitement and making a particularly girly 'squeeing' noise.

"Woah, you're doing exercise?" I pretended to be shocked.

"Says you." Alice retorted.

"I think watching a whole series in one sitting on Netflix counts as exercise, and I do a lot of that." I joked nervously, pulling my jacket closer to my body, hoping to somehow be swallowed up by the worn cotton.

"Pffft no it doesn’t, stop lying to yourself." She giggled linking her arm through mine and pulling me along to the venue.

"You ever tried to pee in the 15 seconds between each episode?" I smirked, starting to loosen up but still feeling awkward and out of place. She attempted to look disgusted and horrified but could hold in the oppressed laughs.

We turned the corner round to the entry and I froze, staring at the crowds that were building up even though we were early. My whole body went stiff as a board, tensing every muscle, accidentally cutting off the blood circulation to Alice's arm. "Ummm Ella could I please have my arm one piece, if possible?" 

"Oh shit sorry" I said snapping put of it and jumping away from her but not taking my eyes off the crowd.

"Hey bud, it'll be fine okay, just look at me and breathe, I don't want you panicking." I glanced to see she was being serious, which hardly ever happened and made me uncomfortable.

"Can't I at least have something nice to look at?" I joked half-hearted. She sighed with relief, glad I was with it enough to joke.

"You're just jealous of my beautiful face." She said, flipping her hair. It was true though, she was prettier than I’d ever be and I didn't understand why she didn't see that. I stayed silent not having enough room in my head to have a conversation and Alice respected that and had a monologue so I would have to answer but I wouldn't feel bad about it. Alice knew me well.

I drifted through the security feeling as though I was watching everything in a movie rather than from inside my own body and walked through the double doors with Alice practically vibrating with anticipation. Our tickets put us in the standing up section in the middle where only about 40 or so people had filtered in and a quarter of those were already at the bar getting pre-gig drinks.

Alice took the opportunity to drag us right to the front, squeezing in between the other early birds, right up against the barrier, putting us about a metre away from the stage. I wasn't too enthusiastic about that. I'd have felt a lot more at ease near the back but I'd hate to ruin Alice's night so I sucked it up, my big girl pants giving me the strength to not protest.

I looked over to see how happy Alice was; smiling so wide I thought her delicate face would split in half. We kept up casual conversation but it didn't distract me from the crowd behind me that was growing at an alarming rate. I jumped three feet off the ground when they started playing fall out boy through the speakers to entertain people whilst they were waiting for the show to start.

Alice and I could no longer talk as we were now drowned out by 'centuries' blasting in our ears. I chuckled as I saw out of the corner of my eye that Alice was rocking out, lip syncing along to the words. We turned to each other when we heard the line "No, it’s nothing wrong with me. The kids are all wrong, The story’s all off." then yelled "HEAVY METAL POKEMON!" Together. We didn’t care that it wasn’t the real lyrics, it was real to us.

I laughed as Alice broke off into a dance party by herself, probably knocking out every person within 2 feet. "The mosh pit doesn't start yet Alice." I yelled as loud as I could towards her hoping she would at least get a sense of what I was saying. "I AM THE MOSH PIT." She screamed probably scaring the lady to her left into labour even if she wasn't pregnant in the first place.  

The room was over flowing with fans, all attempting to shove their way to the front putting pressure on the front row including me. The light went up as the supporting act You Me at Six burst onto the stage straight away playing one of their most popular songs 'Bite My Tongue’.

The immediate reaction was a massive swell of movement heading forwards and crushing me against the barrier. I am regretting this whole 'let Alice have her way' decision instantly as I feel my whole body get flat packed like an Ikea book case.

People start jumping along with the beat and punching the air in time. Feet were trodden on, faces elbowed, butts accidentally touched but none of that mattered everyone was just having a great time, even me, enjoying the music. By their third song I was starting to get used to the closeness of everybody now, although it still bothered me I could have a fun time and jump around like the rest of the crowd. 


That’s the first chapter done. Sorry a lot of this sounds a bit insane, this was written in the early hours of the morning I apologise :/

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