Draft Chapter 10

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Maple ran out of the cafeteria, tears in his eyes. I watch him leave, anger boiling within me. I turn to Lila, the bitch that tripped Maple, a sneer on my face. She just laughed.

"Aww! Does Sammy have a problem with me messing  with his boyfriend?" She taunted, an evil glint in her blue eyes.

I growled, curling my fingers into a fist.

This bitch is lucky I don't hit people unless they hit me first.

"I have a problem with you messing with my friend." I snarled, wanting nothing more than to punch her in that bitch-ass mouth.

"Oh, my bad." She cackled.

Kyle pushed past me, getting into Lila's face. His eyes were darkened in anger, his normally calm, relaxed face was tight in a snarl. 

"What the actual FUCK, Lila?!?" He yelled, causing Lila to flinch a little. Kyle doesn't typically yell or get mad. "Maple did nothing to you! Why the fuck did you have to do that to him, huh? Is it because he doesn't want to fuck you? That is so fucking dumb! You're a fucking slut and if you don't get your way, you become a mega bitch! That's all you can ever be!"

The room fell silent. Even if Kyle gets mad, he doesn't get that  angry. Even I am shocked. I push past my shock and grab his arm. Even if Lila deserves this, we can't have Kyle getting suspended. 

Suddenly, a new voice cuts through. "Um, excuse me? I would like to say something."

We turn around to see a girl that had black hair that faded into red, a crop-top that was pink and purple tie dye and read Babe, blue and white shorts, and light grey leggings. Her eyes were a dark brown; they were like the color of dark chocolate or expresso. Her fur was black, but from around her mouth to right below her belly button was a medium toned grey. (If you need a reference, check out the New Character chapter).

"Hello. My name is Lucile and I would like to tell Lila to fuck off." I gaped at her.

"Excuse me?" Lila yelled, whipping her head to face her new prey.

"You heard me, bitch. I told you to fuck off! There's no need to be so cruel to Maple!" Lucile shouted back. 

Lila stormed up to Lucile, her eyes glowing. Before anything else could be said or done, the bell rang out, dismissing everyone from their current class.

"You're lucky, whore." Lila snarled at Lucile before stalking over to the doors to leave the cafeteria.

I turned towards this new girl. "Thank you for helping." I smile. 

She shrugs. "Don't mention it. I just wanted to put that slut back into her place, that's all. Name's Lucile, in case ya didn't hear." She chuckled, holding up her hand, in which I shook it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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