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It was a beautiful morning with the sun shining bright. Ainsley walked with Katie outside on the castle grounds. "You've been getting friendly with Sienna." Katie stated, making Ainsley roll her eyes.

"I have not." Ainsley denied.

"I approve. I need all the leeway I can get."

Ainsley lightly shook her head. "I think you're going to have an easier time seducing Blake than Richard. Something tells me Richard needs to relax."

"I can help with that." Katie winked at Ainsley.

Ainsley pulled out her phone looking at the time. "Hey, I'm going to head in. There's a book I wanna read while we're here. It's a description of the history of Cosna."

"We're in a new beautiful country and you want to do some homework?"

Ainsley chuckled. "If I'm going to be forced to socialize with nobel people. I'm going to know what i'm talking about."

"That's smart. Cliff notes me later." Ainsley nodded as she parted ways with Ainsley heading back towards the castle.

Ainsley made her way to the castle library, where she was allowed to go according to the map. She was getting no more used to the castle no matter what anyone else had to say. "Lost?" Ainsley jumped looking over to see Richard standing near her.

"That obvious?" Ainsley questioned and Richard slightly shrugged with a smirk on his face. "I'm looking for the library and I can't find it to save my life."

"Well, that's what I'm here for." Richard motioned Ainsley, walking her down the hall. They walked in silence for a moment before it was broken. "You like to read?"

Ainsley slightly shrugged. "Sometimes." Ainsley nervously chuckled looking everywhere but at Richard. She doesn't know why she was so nervous, but she couldn't help it. "I figured if i'm going to be spending my time here, I should educate myself." Richard stopped in front of a large brown door opening it to let Ainsley inside. "Thank you." Ainsley walked into the room.

"You're welcome." Richard said watching her move to a bookshelf. She moved her hand across the spines of each book. He turned to leave the room before stopping. "We have many good books in here," Ainsley looked over at him. "but I think there is something you will find more interesting."

"What do you have in mind?" Ainsley asked, feeling a giant knot in her stomach.

"Come with me to the museum tomorrow. It's beautiful and I can show you around."

Ainsley paused for a moment trying to find the best words to say. "That does sounds...amazing." Then one word popped straight in her head: 'Katie'. "Katie would love it." Ainsley nervously rubbed her hands together letting the next words slip out of her mouth. "Do you have...someone?" Stupid. Stupid. "Asking for a friend."

He chuckled. "That's a shame, but no I don't have someone."

"Alright." Was all that Ainsley could get out before just turning around knowing there was no way to make her feel any less nervous.

Later, Ainsley found Katie talking with Blake as they walked together down the hall. Katie saw Ainsley, said something quick to Blake, and made her way over to Ainsley. "Hey, switching brothers on me?" Ainsley asked and Katie chuckled.

"No, I was asking him about his brother. I need to find a way to get to him."

Ainsley nodded. "Well, I have good news for you."


The words were harder to get out than she thought they would be. "The single."

"I knew it!" Katie looked shocked at how loud she cheered. She looked around thankful no one else was around. She looked back over at Ainsley slightly shrugging and Ainsley chuckled. "You can't always trust Google."

"Sad, but true." Ainsley agreed. "So you're still working with that plan of yours?"

"Yeah, but I'm having to change it. It's becoming harder than I thought it would be. He's nice, but we have very little time together." Katie sighed crossing her arms. "But I'll figure it out."

"I'm sure you will." Ainsley nodded and they both walked down the hall.


Ainsley laid in bed that night staring at the ceiling. She tossed and turned in every direction unable to get comfortable. She needs to talk to someone. Ainsley let out a deep breath reaching over for her phone and sitting up with her back against the headboard. She also reached over to grab her headphone to try to keep the call as quiet as possible. The video chat rang a couple of times before Astrid answered. "Hey, Ains." Astrid said and Ainsley smiled.

"Hi, I am so happy you answered." Ainsley said, feeling so much better.

Astrid shugged. "Tommy has a fever. So, my work is never done." She showed Tommy laying on the couch next to her.

"Is he okay?" Ainsley asked and Astrid looked back at the camera.

"Fine. Just a cold. What's wrong?"

Ainsley sighed. "Something happened and I don't know what to do."

"Okay, what happened?"

"I kind of...sort of...might have...been asked on a date."

Astrid looked at her sister confused. "Kind of, sort of, might have. Why are you so confused about whether or not you were asked on a date?"

"Well...I was asked...and i'm not sure how I feel about it and I don't think I can tell Katie." Ainsley tried to explain.

"Why not?" Astrid asked confused. "She jealous?"

"She might be mad. Or probably will be mad."

"Who is it?" Astrid chuckled. "The king?"

Ainsley slightly shrugged. "Not yet."

"What?" Astrid paused for a moment trying to wrap her mind around it before scoffing at her sister. "Oh, of course. I'm pulling an all nighter with throwup on my pants and you get hit on by a prince!" Astrid chuckled, shaking her head. "No wonder everyone says life isn't fair."

Ainsley shook her head. "I should tell him no."

"You should tell him yes!" Astrid yelled at her.

"Mom!" Tommy whined from the background.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Auntie Ains is being stupid."

"Astrid!" Ainsley yelled at her in a quiet tone. "Why would I tell him yes?"

"Because he's a prince, you are single, and Katie will get over it."

"I'm not single. I have a thing."

"You're thing is not a thing." Astrid rolled her eyes. "Just go out with him and...see what happens."

"You just want to live vicariously through me."

"Yes, so do it." Astrid smiled at her. "And then call me." Astrid hung up the phone and Ainsley let out a deep breath. 

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