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Ainsley was woken up from a sleep when there was a knocking on her door. Ainsley let out a deep breath pulling herself out of bed. "I'm in a castle and people are still waking me up." Ainsley said as she walked over to the door. She opened the door to see Sienna standing on the other side of the door.

"Oh great. I was actually knocking on the right door." Sienna said walking into the room and Ainsley sighed.

"Please, come in." Ainsley said, shutting the bedroom door. She turned around and could tell Sienna was nervous about something. "What's up?"

"I need your help."

Ainsley paused waiting for her to go on. "With?" Ainsley finally asked.

"Okay, so, at the party while you were amazing people with your social skills."

"I talked to one person." Ainsley stated confused.

Sienna scoffed. "You don't know who you were talking to." Ainsley opened her mouth to say something but was cut off as Sienna kept going. "Anyway, I was talking with my aunt and she brought up that her daughter's birthday is this week." Sienna continued like she was leading Ainsley to figure out what she was saying.

"And I'm supposed to know something?" Ainsley asked, crossing her arms.

"I made the mistake of telling her that I could plan her a party at the castle and I have no idea what I'm doing!" Sienna frustratingly yelled putting her face in her hands.

Only seconds later, the bathroom door opened and Katie walked into the room looking concerned. "Hey, I heard the yelling. Is everything okay?" Katie asked and Ainsley sighed looking over at her.

"Sienna has to throw a birthday party for her cousin and she doesn't know what to do." Ainsley filled her in and Katie looked at them confused.

"Seriously?" Katie asked and Ainsley nodded. "You guys, it's six in the morning."

"Who are you telling?" Ainsley asked walking back over to the bed.

"I just need your help. Please, help me. I can't screw this up. Not right now. Please." Sienna begged.

"Okay." Katie said, crossing her arms.

"Fine, but can I go back to sleep please?" Ainsley asked falling back onto the bed pulling the covers over her.

"When's the party?" Katie asked.

"Tonight." Sienna said and Ainsley shot back up.

"Okay, looks like I'm up." Ainsley said, pushing the blankets off of her.

"Why would you set it up for tonight?" Katie asked.

"I was caught up in the moment trying to beat my cousin." Sienna said, sighing.

"What is up with you guys and your cousins?" Ainsley asked and Sienna let out a deep breath.

"It's just my dad's sister's kids. They are spoiled brats that think they are better than everyone else. So, I got a little competitive."

"Well, isn't that great for us?" Ainsley asked with a sarcastic smile looking over at Katie.

Katie slightly smirked. "Well, let's make a plan. Quick. Theme?"

"How old are they?" Ainsley asked.

"Like, ten." Sienna said.

"Let's just throw a slumber party." Ainsley said.

"Just a slumber party?" Sienna asked and Ainsley nodded.

"And we make it awesome."

"Okay, you can be in charge of that." Katie said and Ainsley slightly shrugged. "Cake?"

"She likes red velvet but we have like ten different allergies from different kids." Sienna said.

"You have a chef. Give him a list of allergies of all the kids and have him make a variety of finger foods, a cake for the birthday girl, and cupcakes for special allergies." Ainsley explained.

"Decorations?" Katie asked.

"What's her favorite color?" Ainsley asked.

Sienna shrugged her shoulders. "Uh, i'll check, but red, I think."

"Find out and then get balloons, banners, and flowers. Also find out her favorite movie." Ainsley said.

Sienna nodded with a smile on her face. "Alright. We can actually do this." Sienna walked over to the door before stopping to look back at them. "Thank you guys!" Sienna said before walking out.

Katie looked over at Ainsley. "You come up with good ideas at six am." Katie stated and Ainsley nodded standing up.

"I have good ideas at any time of the day." Ainsley said walking over to the bathroom.


Ainsley was going through a list she made as she moved through the castle. She had to check on the decorations and Ainsley felt someone walking next to her. Ainsley glanced up to see Richard making her smile before scanning back at her paper. "You look like you are on a mission." Richard stated.

"I'm planning a party." Ainsley stated stopping in front of the door where a piece of paper was on it. Ainsley pointed at the sign on the door: Party In Progress; NO Boys Allowed. "You're cute, but you can't follow me in here."

"Fine, but I'll be looking for you afterwards."

"I thought we were being strong." Richard smirked lightly kissing her lips.

"Not taking you here and now is me being strong." He whispered against her lips before walking away. Ainsley held her breath as she walked into the room.

Ainsley stood in the room of the party as the snacks were being put out on the table and she was finishing up a checklist as she looked at the snacks, drinks, decorations, and party events. Katie and Sienna walked through the doors and the first thing they notice is the giant slide in the room attached to the balcony. "You put in a slide?" Sienna asked and Ainsley looked over at her.

"Yeah!" Ainsley said excitedly at the idea. Both of the girls looked over at her confused. "Have you guys never seen Princess Diaries?"

Katie smiled at her best friend. "Seriously? The mattress slide?" Katie asked and Ainsley nodded.

"Always wanted to do it. It looked like so much fun." Ainsley stated and Katie shook her head.

"I've never seen it." Sienna stated getting a confused look from Ainsley.

"Well, I'm putting it on the movie list." Ainsley walking away from them.

Ainsley stood at the top of the slide looking down at the young kids. "Alright girls! Let's party!" Ainsley shouted, jumping on the mattress and sliding down the slide. The girls cheered running to take their turn next. "I was right, that is so much fun." Ainsley stepped off the mattress and it was taken away by a person that worked in the castle.

Katie, Ainsley, and Sienna stood by the snacks when Katie noticed the door open and Kyle walked out of the room. "Look what the cat dragged in." Katie said and the girls walked over to him.

"What part of boys not allowed did you not understand?" Sienna asked, crossing her arms.

"I came to check out the party." Kyle said looking around. "I could have done a better job."

"No, you couldn't, but you can dream." Sienna said and Ainsley looked down fighting the laughter.

"Kyle, no boys allowed!" They heard the birthday girl shout as she walked over to him. "Get out!" She shouted again, pushing him out the door and shutting it.

Ainsley looked over at the girl with a smile. "You're awesome." Ainsley said and she smiled at them. "Who wants cake?!" Ainsley asked in a loud voice getting the attention of every girl.

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