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It had been 1 and a half weeks since my audition, and I was definitly loosing hope that I had gotten the role. I was still thinking about how I had bumped into Aidan Gallagher, and his haaaands. I mean, like his hands were so softttt. Anyways, I definitly wouldn't be seeing him again. I was almost positive that I did not get the role in Umbrella Academy, so ya know. Silent cries.

I was doing homework at my desk, when I heard my phone ring. I quickly jumped out of my chair, and went over to my phone. I saw that I had gotten an email. "Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg." I started saying silently. "Okay, (Y/N) chill. It might not even be that email." I started to calm myself down. I put in my phone password, and opened my email app. I saw it was from Gerard Way. "OKAY SO IT IS THAT EMAIL." I said to myself. I tapped on the email, covering my eyes. When I opened them it read, "Hello, Mrs. (L/N), I would like to inform you that you have gotten the role of Daisy, on Umbrella Academy season 2. Congratulations! I will see you in Canada, on Sunday, for your first shooting. We've sent you a plane ticket in the mail for you. Ill see you soon!

Gerard Way."

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed from happiness. "(Y/N)? (Y/N) Are you okay!?" My mom yelled for me, I ran downstairs, "I got the job!" I yelled and jumped up and down. "Yess! Im so proud of you!" She gave me a hug. "I leave to Canada on Sunday! Only 2 more days!" I yelled again. "Canada!?" She asked. "Yep! They already sent me a plane ticket in the mail!" I jumped up and down again, "Thats far away, are you sure your going to be okay, all by yourself?" My mom held my hands, "Ill be alright, Plus ill ne with the cast members. If I can create a good bond with them, I could share a hotel with them." I smiled. "Okay, well you better use your time while your still here wisely." My mom hugged me again. "Alright, Im going to go out to tell some of my friends, and Ill do some laundry when we get home. Ill have to leave on Saturday, so I can be ready for my first shooting on Sunday. So really only 1 day!" I ran back upstairs.

I got together all my clothes that I wanted to bring, and put them in the washer. I grabbed my purse, phone, and keys, and ran out the house. "Love you mom! Im going to see (Y/F/N) (your friends name)!" I said waving. "Love you too!" She called out to me.

I opened up my phone, and went to messages.

Hey, meet at the park, I have big news.

Okay? Ill see you there!

I walked to the park, and saw (Y/F/N) already sitting on our bench. "Hey!" I went up to her, "Hey whats up?" She asked. "Okay, Im going to tell you something very very very very special, but you cant tell anyone, got it?" I pointed my finger towards her. "I got it, I got it, just spit it out!" She swatted my finger away. "Okay so.... I got the job for Umbrella Academy!" I whispered/ yelled. "Oh my god!" My friend took my hands and started jumping up and down. "I know I know!!" I said. "When are you leaving?" She asked, "I have to leave in.. I think tomorrow, because I have to be there by Sunday." I frowned. "Aww, im gonna miss youu." She pouted. "Im gonna miss you too, but I have to go pack, Ill text you on the plane, I love you idiot." I hugged her, "I love you moreeeeee." She waved to me.

As I went back home, I check the washer, and my clothes werent there, I walked to my room, and saw all the clothes on my bed. "Alright lets get this started." I rolled up my sleeves.


"Finally, done." I wipped off some fake sweat from my forehead. I had packed everything, clothes, bathroom things, chargers, backup chargers, backup backup chargers, headphones, my computer, my favorite watterbottle, shoes, literally everything. Im exausted. I walked downstairs, "Hey mom, Im going to bed. I have to wake up at like 2am tomorrow to catch my flight, so I love you goodnight." I told her. "Goodnight love you." She blew a kiss.

I walked to my room, put on my pj's and set my alarm for 1:50am. I plopped into my bed, and quickly fell asleep. Like I said, exausted.



AHHHHHHHHHHh you got the job, you go queen

I already have like the cutest little idea for this story, and like its so soft and cute awe.


your girlie, Brianna <3

Hidden Feelings ; Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now