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I went over to the couch and started doing some school on my computer for about an hour and 45 minutes. I went to grab a blanket, because I was getting cold, and when I took it out, I accidentally knocked over Aidan's opened backpack. "Shit.." I whispered to myself. A bunch of papers fell out of it, and a few books. One was about music, another was a random boom, and the last book had the initals 'A.G.' on it. Was it his diary? I asked myself. I really didnt want to be rude, but it was right there, and im nosey!

I opened the book, and flipped to the most recent page. It read, 

Dear Diary,

I met the most wonderful girl on set today, shes beautiful, nice, and super funny. Shes perfect, but she doesnt like me back, we're just friends. Plus, I would never know how to tell her, or if I could even tell her. Goodbye for now,

Aidan G.

How could I be so dumb. I really thought Aidan was saying all that stuff about me.. Emmy probably just heard it wrong, and Aidan was probably thinking about Eden. Why was I getting so jealous, why did I want to just curl up in a ball and cry. Did I have feelings for Aidan? No.. we're just friends. But if I did, that would definitly explain all the blushing when im around him, and why I always bet butterflies when im around him, and when he smiles, I smile, and how my eyes lighten up when he walks into my room. I really didnt want to ruin the friendship I had developed with Aidan. 

I closed the book, and put all the stuff back in his backpack. I sat back down on the couch, and tried to get my mind off of what I just read. Why did I have feelings for Aidan, we were just friends, and how could I be so dumb, to not know he liked someone. I opened my computer again, and started listening to music. As much as I didnt want to encounter Aidan right now, I really enjoyed his music. I searched up his name in youtube, and played his music. I plugged in my headphones, and closed my eyes trying to relax. 

"Hey, (Y/N)? (Y/N?)" Someone tapped on my shoulder. I jumped in my seat, and opened my eyes. "Oh, hi Aidan." I took out my headphones. "Hey, I finished my scenes. We can head to the hotel now if you want." He smiled. "Yea sure." I said, starting to pack up my things. I folded up the blanket, and put it back into the cabinet. I decided that I shouldnt be mad, or sad, or angry at Aidan. He's allowed to like other people, and plus, I didnt like him that much, we're just bestfriends. "Alright Im ready." I smiled at Aidan. "Alright, to the hotel!" He laughed, and saluted towards the door. "Wait wait, let me check my trailer before we leave." 

I looked around my trailer, and didnt see anything I left. I walked back out of the trailer, and Aidan was waiting for me. "Alright, now, off to the hotel!" I giggled with him. We walked off set, and said goodbye to everyone. "What do you want for dinner?" He asked, when he was walking. "I dont know, im not too hungry, are you?" I looked up at him. "Eh.. not really, no." Aidan smiled. "Oh! I had a movie sugesstion, that we could watch tonight." I clapped my hands together, "Okay, lets hear it." Aidan told me. "Its called, To all the boys ive loved before. And It has two parts." I smiled and looked up at him, "Wait Ive watched the first one, have you watched the second one yet?" He asked me, "Not yet, but I really want to." I smiled at him softly. "We should watch it them." He said. 

----------------------------time skip------------------------------

We walked out of the elevator, and Aidan looked at my (E/C) eyes. I looked into his, then the hallway. I smirked, and got ready to race. "Three.. two... one.." He started. "GO!" I started running without him. "Not fair!" Aidan was right behind me, and when we got to the door, I stopped in front of him to see what he would do. He crashed into me, and I fell on my back. Aidan hovered over me, holding himself up with his hands. We both just stared at each other for a few seconds.Then Aidan stood up, he was flushed with red, and seemed super nervous. Im sure I looked like that too. "Uh.. s-sorry, about t-that.." He held out a hand for me to take. I grabbed his hand, and it was a little sweaty, I stood up, and let go.

Aidan unlocked the door, and walked in. "Im gonna change, ill see you in a few minutes." I smiled. I went to the bathroom, and put on a crop top, and some shorts.

 I went to the bathroom, and put on a crop top, and some shorts

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I left my hair down, and put on my glasses. I put on some socks, and walked out of the bathroom. "Movie timee!" I called out. Aidan was already sitting down on the bed, with the movie ready. "Wait!" He said before I sat down. "I got something." He said. He reached to the floor, and pulled up a bowl of popcorn. I gasped lightly, "I love popcorn!" I smiled. "I know, thats why I got it for us." He smiled and handed me the bowl. "Alright, lets start the movieeeeeee!" I ate a piece of popcorn. We started the movie, and I slowly moved closer to Aidan, I rested my head on his shoulder. He flinched at my sudden action, but slowly rested his head atop of mine.

It was actually super comfy.



idk what else to say so like





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Hidden Feelings ; Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now