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-𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚-


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As Aidan and I walked to the icecream place, we started to get to know eachother a bit more. By the time we reached the icecream shop, we knew a lot about eachother, almost everything. 

We walked into the icecream shop, and there were so many flavors, considering it was vegan, it was pretty cool. I got (your favorite icecream flavor), and Aidan got vanilla. I got out my wallet to pay, but Aidan pushed my wallet back into my purse, "Hm?" I looked at him confused, "Ill pay." He smiled. "Oh, okay." I held my hands together behind my back. The cashier weighed our icecream, and Aidan paid for them. Aidan grabbed our icecream, and handed me mine. We walked out of the shop, and walked over towards a park across the street.

There was a brown, old bench, that reminded me of the one at home. I started eating my icecream, and O.M.G it was so good. SO GOOD. It was like, so good, so freakin good. Okay ill stop. Anyways, Aidan started talking about how we should probably go, so we can get dinner. "Wait we're getting dinner?" I asked, "Mhm." Aidan hummed in agreement. "What are we getting?" I finished my icecream. "I dont know, whatever you want I guess." He shrugged, "You pick." I nudged him. "No, its okay. You pick." He smiled, "Okay.. salads?" I questioned, "Sounds good." He said. 

We threw away the icecream, and started to walk back to the hotel, "What about salads?" I stepped into the elevator, "Oh I was thinking we could order it from Uber Eats, or something." He shurgged. "Ooh." I nodded my head in agreement. I fiddled with the bottom of my skirt, until the door opened. I looked towards the hallway, then looked over towards Aidan. We both grinned at eachother, "3.. 2.. 1.." He started, "Go!" I yelled out. We both raced down the hall, and Aidan won. "Geeee." I caught my breath. 

Aidan unlocked the door, and laughed at me. I went to the bathroom, while Aidan was ordering salad. I got out some pj's, which was a pair of gray sweatpants, and a Calvin Klein white shorts bra. I put a baggy black cardigan over it, and took my hair out of the pigtails, and put it into a messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom, Aidan had already changed into his pj's. He was wearing black sweatpants, and a black hoodie. "I ordered the salads." He said, "Yesss, Im starvingg." I clapped my hands together. I put on my nike socks I was wearing, and sat criss cross apple sauce on the bed. "Im nervous." I said fidgeting with my fingers, "Why?" Aidan asked. I had gotton my script the day I got the email so I had plenty time to rehearse, but I was just scared. "I dont know." My palms got sweaty. "You'll do great, I promise." He held out his pinky finger, I held out mine too, and interlaced our pinkies. "Promise?" I asked, "Promise." He smiled. I smiled too, and let go. 

"Want to watch Netflix?" Aidan held up the TV remote, "Yesss." I dragged out the 's'. "Alright." Aidan threw me the remote, "Your choice." He sat down next to me, "No, you choose." I handed him back the remote. "Finee." He turned on the TV and went to Netflix. "Hey, is it weird to watch yourself on TV?" I looked over towards him, "No, I dont see the characters that I play, as me. I see them as the character." He scoffed a bit. "Oh, I see." I grinned. Aidan scrolled through the movies, and Tv series, until he landed on Umbrella academy. I laughed softly, as he started to play the show, "What, its good." He grinned at me, "Yeah yeah." I nudged him with my elbow. 

We watched for about 10 minutes, until there was a knock on the door, "Ill get it." I said, and got up. I opened the door, and saw the Uber eats guy at the door. "Uh, Aidan Gallagher?" He asked me, "Thats him," I pointed towards Aidan watching TV, "Aidan, salads." I called out to him. "Oh, coming." He smiled and walked over towards us, he took the food, and placed it on the bed. "Thank you, have a good night." I closed the door. And sat down next to Aidan on the bed.

Aidan got out our salads, and handed me mine, "Thank you, good sir." I laughed, "Oh, your so very welcome, my lady." He opened his salad and started to put the ranch on it. 

We were both done with our salads, and it was 10:30PM. "Aidan I think we need to sleep." I said, "Whyy, the show is getting good!" He winned. "Its only episode 3 Aidan." I tilted my head, and smiled, "Whatttt." He smiled at me. "Fine, but Im going to sleep." 

Aidan was resting his back on the headboard, and I laid down next to him. There was a small space between us. My back was facing him, and I could feel that he was looking at me. I closed mt eyes, and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I tried to clear my mind. I tried to get rid of all the thoughts about working tomorrow, about meeting everyone on set, about everything. I started getting nervous, and thoughts swarmed my mind. This went on for about an hour. 

I couldn't take it anymore. I sat up, and saw that Aidan was sleeping. I grabbed the remote from his hand carfully, and turned the TV off. I walked over towards his side of the bed, and turned his lamp off. I walked back over to my side, and laid down. I put the blanket over me, and closed my eyes. I wasn't as nervous anymore, and I fell asleep quickly.


word count: 989

Hey yall! I hope you liked this chapter! I will be uploading 2 chapters, either 1 today, 1 tomorrow, or 2 tomorrow. 




Daily dose of Aidan <3

Daily dose of Aidan <3

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Hidden Feelings ; Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now