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𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐮𝐭 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬


I knocked on Aidan's door, "Aidyyyy!" I sung his name. 

He opened his door, and smiled widely at me. "Hey toots, whats up." I blushed at his comment, and giggled quietly. "Dante is inviting us to his hotel tonight, just wanted to let you know." I smiled. "Alright, ill see you in a few. Im gonna get my things ready." Aidan said, "Alright, see ya." I smiled and walked back to my trailer. 

I started packing up my things, and zipped up my backpack. I folded the blanket that Dante was using, and put it in the small cabinet. I threw the backpack on my shoulders, and grabbed my phone. 

I walked back to Aidan's trailer. "Are you ready to go?" I slightly yelled so he would hear me, "One second!" I heard him say. 

He walked out of his trailer, and smiled at me. "Ready to go?" He asked, "Yep." I said softly, and smiled. "Alrighty lets go." Aidan said and started walking. "Dante said that he was gonna meet us at hair and makeup." I looked at my phone, then back at him. "Lets go there then." He smiled.

-----(earlier that day Aidans POV)-----

"Hey Dante," I walked up to Dante, sitting on (Y/N)'s couch, waiting for her to come back. "Hey Aidan, whats up?" He asked, pausing the movie he was watching. "Well, I was wondering if you could invite us all over to your hotel, because I want to tell (Y/N) I like her, tonight." I fiddled with my fingers. Dante gasped lightly, and clapped his hands together. "Finally, after all this time of liking her." He smiled, and gave me a fist bump. 

-------------(normal time (Y/N) POV)-----------------

We walked to the hair and makeup trailer, and waited for Dante. "He just texted me, he has to do something real quick, and then hes gonna come meet us here." I said locking my phone. "Sounds good." Aidan said. We waited for about 2 minutes, just playing on our phones. "Hey guys, I had to clean up a drink that I didnt even fill! How rude right?" He laughed, and gave me a quick side hug. 

Dante looked over to Aidan, and just grinned. "Alright, lets go." I said. "The others are gonna meet us there right?" Aidan asked, aiming towards Dante. "Yea, or thats what they said they were gonna do." Dante answered. 

-----(time skip)------

We walked into Dantes hotel, and saw everyone in the lobby waiting. "Hey guys." I smiled and waved to them. "Hi (Y/N)!" They all said in sync, and waved at me. "To my room!" Dante started walking like a soilder to the elevator. "To the elevator first though." I corrected. 

We got into Dantes room, and we were all scattered across the room, sitting in different places, talking to different people, or playing on our phones. I was hanging upside down on the bed with Aidan, laughing at Dante sitting down besides us on the floor making funny faces. Blood rushed to my head, making my face a light pink as I laughed. 

"Okay what about.." Dante started, and then made a funny face. I laughed super hard, and didnt realize I was slipping off the bed, about to land on my head. Before I could, Aidan grabbed my leg. To be more specific, my inner thigh. I immediatly shot up, and my face heated up. "Sorry, I was trying to get you up so you wouldnt fall, and my hand just went there." He shrugged, and removed his hand. "Its fine." I said quietly. I looked to Dante, with wide eyes, and he just laughed at me. 

"OKAY EVERYONE." Dante yelled. "We should play a game." He grinned. "Im in." Everyone said. 

"Alright so, everyone sits in a circle, and basically if I say someones name and you like them more than a friend you keep standing, if you dont like them more than a friend you sit down. Got it?" He explained. "Sounds easy." I said.

I sat in a circle, Dante and Eden sitting next to me. Aidan sat across from me, "Alright everyone, stand up." Dante said, standing to his feet. He held his hand out, and helped me up and giggled, for the future events about to unfold. 

"Alright, first.. Eden." He said. Everyone sat down except for Cameron. "OooH?" I said, and they both blushed again. "UP!" Dante said again, standing up. "Hmm.. whos next.. whos next..." He rubbed his chin, fake thinking. (lol what) "(Y/N)." Dante grinned. I closed my eyes, to brace myself to no one standing up. Even though Dante said Aidan liked me, there was a part of me that didnt believe him. I opened my eyes after a few seconds, to see Aidan standing up and looking at his shoes. "Hmm, what a suprise. Aidan likes (Y/N)!" T.J laughed at Dantes comment. Without getting to say anything Dante cut me off, "Alright, up!" He said. They all stood up and waited for a name to be called. "Aidan." Dante smirked at Aidan. They all sat down except for me. 'SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT ' I said to myself. 

Everyone just looked at us, and talked silently to eachother. "Wow, how suprising. The princess, likes the prince." Dante laughed. They all walked out of the room quietly, until soon enough it was just me and Aidan.

I rocked back and fourth on my heels to the akward silence in the room. "Soo..." He started. "So, the princess likes the prince?" I asked, stepping towards him. "Seems like it. And I think the prince, likes the princess." Aidan smirked. "Is that so?" I joked, my face still as red as a tomato. 

"I think the prince actually really likes the princess, and I think he really really wants to kiss her." He stepped towards me. "Oh really? Because the princess wants to kiss the prince too." I grinned. "I think the princess should kiss the prince." He stepped closer to me, and looked into my eyes. I cupped his cheek in my hand, and brushed my lips against his softly. 

He pushed his head towards me, kissing me softly. I moved my hand to his neck pulling him closer and he moved his hand to my cheek, rubbing my cheekbone lightly. 

"YES! TWENTY DOLLARS COMIN' MY WAY! HAND IT OVER BITCHESS!" Dante looked at everyone from the door. 

Wait whatt.



kiss mwah mwah




Daily dose of Aidan(warning extremely c u t e)

Daily dose of Aidan(warning extremely c u t e)

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 I wont be uploading anymore tonight, so I really hope you liked this. Love yall lots

<3 your bebe, 


Hidden Feelings ; Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now