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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞--


My laughing stopped as I got to my trailer. "Alright Aidy, Ill see you in a few minutes." I smiled, "See ya toots." He walked into his trailer and closed the door. I walked into mine and saw Dante sitting down watching another scary movie. How did I know? His face was half covered with the blanket. "Dante?" I walked closer to him, He screamed, and fell off of the couch. "How did you not hear me come in?" I asked, "I DONT KNOW, BUT DONT FUCKING SCARE ME LIKE THAT." He panted. I just laughed, and helped me up. 

"Hey Dante, gotta tell you something." I sat down on the couch, and picked at my nails. "Alright, tell me!" He sat down with me. "Well, I kinda. Really, really, really, really, really.." I started. "Really what!" He jumped in his seat. "I really um.. like Aidan." I closed my eyes, and heard a squeal from Dante. "Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!" He clapped and stood up jumping up and down. "You can finally date YESSS!" He cheered, and grabbed my hands making me jump with him. "Wait wait." I stopped him. "We cant date, he doesnt like me." I make a confused look at him. 

"Oh wait, shit." He said letting go of my hands. "I was not supposed to say anything." He said covering his mouth. "What? Say what?" I asked confused.

"Aidan told me he liked you." He laughed and covered his mouth again.

"What the hell?" I widened my eyes.


I paced around the trailer, bombarding Dante with questions. "When did he tell you? Why didnt he tell me? Why didnt you tell me?" I grunted and sat down on the couch with my head in my hands. "Calm downnn, just go ask him or something." Dante put his arm around my shoulders, and laughed. "No, I cant just do that! He was probably joking or something! What exactly did he say?" I looked up at Dante, "As he quotes! Hey you know (Y/N), the new girl. I really like her, shes everything ive always wanted in a girl. Smart, beautiful, funny, kind. And then I cut him off because I was bored, so yea. End quote." Dante said.

 My eyes were wide, and I was just speechless at the fact that Aidan sait that about me. "H-He said that about me? Like this (Y/N)." I pointed to myself. Dante smiled widely and shook his head yes. 

My heartbeat immediatly speed up, and a smile crept onto my face. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed of joy. "Is everything okay!?" Aidan opened my door, and stared at us. "I heard screaming." He said worridly. "Yea, (Y/N), was just looking at cute cat pictures." Dante laughed, and shoved my shoulder. "Yea just cats." I laughed, and waved him off. "Oh okay, Ill see you guys later." Aidan walked out of the trailer.

"Heh, heh.. " Dante laughed, and poked me. "Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg..." I whispered to myself. "Go get your manz." Dante laughed. "Oh shush..." I blushed, and looked away. "So when are you gonna tell him?" He asked, "Tonight maybe? Or we could play like some type of game, with everyone?" I said, "WAIT YES, COME TO MY HOTEL TONIGHT, IM INVITING EVERYONE AHHA!" Dante stood up. "Alright, ill see you in a few (Y/N/N)." Dante said. 

"See ya Dante." I waved to him.




Shorter chapter today lol. I hope you liked the chapter :0

HE LIKES YOU OMG OMG WOW WOW who wouldve seen that coming?





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Hidden Feelings ; Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now