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First Kiss?


We were almost done with the movie, and Aidan and I were cuddling, but like a friend cuddle, because best friends cuddle. The warmth of his body was making me feel warm on the inside. I tried to brush the feeling away, but I couldnt. I liked Aidan, but I really didnt want to lose the friendship that I had with him. Aidan was my bestfriend, and we all know that when someone likes their bestfriend, It usually doesnt go well. Plus, he liked someone, so I should just give up. 

I continued to watch the movie with Aidan, and eat popcorn. He slowly started moving his arm around my waist, I tensed up at his sudden action. Slowly, I melted into his embrace. The movie started to roll the credits, and Aidan and I both pulled away from eachother. "That was good." I said smiling. "I agree." Aidan lifted up his hands, and started stretching, you could see the faint outline of his abs, and I just looked away. I grabbed my phone from the table, and looked at the time. "Aidan its 12:30." I showed him my phone. "Yea?" He questioned. "We have to be on set, by 6:30AM, because we have all those scenes we have to film, remember?" His eyes widened. "Oh my goddddd." He groaned. I turned off the TV, and the lights. 

I turned on my alarm, and set my phone across my room. I climbed back into the bed, and went under the covers. "Goodnight Aidan," I said. "Goodnight (Y/N). He told me." I was facing him, but I didnt think he would notice, plus it was dark. Somehow, he found a way to kiss my forehead. "What was that?" I asked, "I kissed your forehead dummy." He laughed. "Okaaayyy. Well goodnight Aidan." I said again. "Goodnight." He said back.

I fell asleep quickly, I was exausted from doing nothing. (literally me)


I groaned, and stretched my arms up. I saw that it was still dark outside. I walked over to my phone, and it was 4:45AM. "Ughhh." I heard from behind me. "Goodmorning Aidannn!" I sung, rubbing my eyes. He turned on the lamp besides him, and squinted his eyes. "Goodmorning." He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. He laid back down in the bed, face down in the pillow. "Aidan, not again. Up! Get up!" I shook him. "Noooo." He wined. "Fine." I said and started walking away. "What?" He looked up from his pillow. I quickly ran back over to the bed, and jumped atop of him. "HA!" I smiled. "Get off of meeee. You are heavier than you look!" Aidan said. I gasped lightly, and put a hand over my heart. "Wow." I said sarcasticly. "No, no! I didnt mean it like that! Im sorry!" He sat up. I looked down at my hands, to make him feel bad. "(Y/N), I was joking I swear! Im sorry!" He started to grab my hands. When he got a hold of them, I quickly pushed him away, off the bed. "HAHAH!" I laughed at him. "Rudeee." He said. "Blah blah blah, cmon get changed." I said, walking to the bathroom. I wanted to look good today, so I grabbed an outfit and quickly put it on.

 I wanted to look good today, so I grabbed an outfit and quickly put it on

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Hidden Feelings ; Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now