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Hidden Feelings


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Aidan grabbed my hand, as he lead me through the city. He told me not to ask questions, and to just follow him. As he dragged me along, I kept on thinking out Aidan and how I was actually dating someone as amazing as him.

I smiled to myself, not realizing Aidan came to a stop. I bumped into him lightly, "Sorry." I say quietly, "Your good." Aidan smiles, and looks away. "Why are we stopping?" We were by a trainstation and Aidan kept looking for something. "No questions." He laughed.

He finally found what he was looking for and started pulling me along again.

He pulled me into a train, and sat down, pulling me with him. I looked at him confused, and he just smiled widely at me. I laughed and felt him thumb started to rub my knuckle softly. I leaned my head on his shoulder, "How long is it gonna be? No complaints, I love spending time with you, but I just want to know." I giggled. "An hour or so?" He questioned himself.

"Can I take a nap?" I looked up at him sheepishly. "Yea yea, Ill wake you up when we get there." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, (DEBBY RYAN? WE DONT KNOW HER) and pecked my lips softly. A light blush spread across my cheeks as I laid my head back down on his shoulder.

-----------(spongebob voice: 1 hour later)-----------

"(Y/N), wake up." Aidan shook me awake softly. "Hm? Where are we?" I rubbed my eyes, and sat up. "The mystery place you've been waiting to see." Aidan smirked at me.

I looked around the train and nobody else was on it, just Aidan and I. "Well come on, I dont want to wait!" I pulled him up from his seat, and started to rush towards the exit. I heard Aidan thank the train driver, and chase after me.

When I saw where we were my jaw dropped. 

We stood infront of a large flower field. There were sunflowers, daisys, lilacs. It was beautiful. "Do you like it?" Aidan wrapped hi arms around my waist and rested his chin in the crook of my neck. "Its amazing." I smiled, "Thank you." I whispered.

"Your welcome." He pulled away from me and took my hand, interlacing our fingers. He walked towards the flowers and walked through them. 

He stopped in the middle of the field and sat down. I sat with him looking at the daisys infront of us. "How did you even find this?" I fiddled with the ends of my dress, slowly twirling the soft fabric around my finger. "I have my ways." 

Aidan lowered himself, so that he was laying in the white flowers we were sitting in. I did the same and looked up to the sky. It was a light blue color, with pink and yellow slowly starting to take over. It was super nice to look at. I saw Aidan get up and lean on his elebow from the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look over at him, admiring his features.

His green eyes you could get lost in at any given moment, his jawline that could cut someone and put them in a hospital. His dark brown locks.

We both looked into eachothers eyes, as I lifted myself up with my elbow too. I chewed on the inside of my lip, a bad habit I started doing. Aidan lifted his free hand up to cup my cheek, slowly caressing my cheekbone with his thumb. 

He glanced down at my lips, before slowly moving foward. I did the same and our lips brushed against eachothers. He leaned forward once more and kissed me softly. It was a slow kiss, but filled with passion, and meaning. 

That went on for about two minutes, until we had to pull away for air. 

We both pulled away from eachother slowly. Our lips were red and swollen, and mine stung a bit. 

Aidan smiled at me and I smiled back. I laid back down on my back in the flowers with Aidan. He snaked his hand into mine, interlacing our fingers. "(Y/N)?" He said quietly, "Yes?" I said back. "How long have you liked me?" He turned his head towards me, "Ever since we became friends. I mean you just kind of pulled me in." I smiled. It was cheesy, but true.

"How long have you liked me?" I turned my head towards him, "I had the same answer. Your perfect." He smiled.

"Why didnt we tell each other sooner?" I laughed and caressed his nuckles with my thumb. "I dont really know." He laughed with me. "Why didnt you tell me?" He asked. "I think I wanted to hide my feelings." I laughed softly. 

"Same here. I was so afraid that you wouldnt like me back." Aidan told me. "Like hidden feelings." He said again.

"Yea," I said.

"Hidden Feelings."



Well, Its the end of the story. I hope you liked it.



No daily dose of Aidan today.

I wanted to say a big thank you for everything. For being supportive, being kind. I love you all so much, thank you. Leave some suggestions on what you want me to write next. 

(Must be Aidan or related to Aidan)

Thank you.


Hidden Feelings ; Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now