Pancakes, Food-Fights And Gerard Gay's Sexual Winking

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Gerard Gay's POV:

"Gee, stop winking at the waiter you're not a single man."

"He's got a cute butt!"

"You're mine!"

"Awhh, someone's jealous."

He rolled his eyes, looking adorably ticked off. I cooed in his ear, whispering 'I love yous' and hugging him close.

I could see Mikey was completely infatuated with Michael, he the heart eyes and dopey love-smile thing going on.

"I think someone likes your brother.."

Frank whispered to me, smirking of course. I laughed nodding and nuzzling Gerard's neck.

Gerard scowled, his black hair messy as always and his eyeliner perfectly smudged.

Awhh I've taught him so much, I'm so proud.

I decided that dipping my finger into the whipped cream that was smothering our pancakes and smearing it across his mouth, was ultimately the best way to stop his pouting.


Gerard gasped, launching a spoonful of strawberries at me but missing and hitting Frank.

"What was that for?"

Frank laughed, throwing a blueberry and hitting Gerard in the cheek. Fronk giggled, until I threw a piece of my pancake at him.


Fronk declared, throwing a waffle at my brother Michael. Michael gave him a bone chilling glare, before grinning and smacking him with a pancake.

That's how the shit storm happened.

Pancakes flying, waffles too, strawberries and blueberries being launched into peoples faces.

"Hey now, gentlemen if you don't stop I'll have to-"

The cute waiter ended up with a waffle to the face, causing Fronk to laugh hysterically.

"Ohmygod, who threw that?? Now I'm definitely not getting his number.."

I sighed, pulling my best pouty-face. Gerard gave me a blank stare, almost a carbon copy of the pokerface Mikey was pulling.

"Could you two quit being the twins from the shining for two seconds and help us get out before the waiter and the management kill us???"

Fronk whispered harshly, causing Frank to snort in response and grin widely.

Oh god, he looks like he's got an idea..


"Ohmygooodd that was amazing, who threw that?"

Fronk laughed as we began walking home, Mikey giggled and raised his hand. Surprising us all, seeming as he had been very shy and quiet throughout the whole trip.

"Mikey? Ohgod did you see the waiters face?"

"Well, he had it coming...I mean that dude kept staring at me weirdly, so I threw a waffle at em."

My brother Michael giggled in response to Mikey's explanation, wrapping an arm around the younger one.

"Gee, you were right, he's simply adorable."

"I ship it."

Was my response, causing Mikey to blush and my brother to laugh. Gerard raised an eyebrow at me, I shrugged.

Gerard GayWhere stories live. Discover now