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Hey, Chemical Smile here!

I'm sick as fuck ;-;...


I took the last of the antibiotics yesterday, so I should be well soon.

I went to the hospital with a fever of 106°F, turns out I got strep throat and a virus. Also, I just got my phone bill payed so I have a bit of internet access, I was moving! Whooooo I missed you people \(^ω^)/ <3

Crazy shit happened, I got sick on halloween, I got an apartment finally (yay no more being homeless!) And I'm starting to get happier with life in general. Just being in a new environment helped a lot, ya know?

Anywho, I'm using my mums phone at the moment, so I maaaay be able to update, but it might be difficult. I may not get to formally update until we get internet hooked up (they said it could be up to a week!) so just...Hang in there for me?

I may need some support today, today is the anniversary of something I'd rather not talk about. Bad memories.

(Maybe another q&gay could be in order since I have limited internet access...Leave questions!! Lots! No question is too weird or 'stupid'! xoxo)

Your comments make me laugh and smile so much, thank you gaybies ;ω;

Thanks for taking the time to read this note, until next time.

So long and goodnight!


Gerard GayWhere stories live. Discover now