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I checked the time on my phone. 19:00. Where was Kuroo? My legs bounced in anticipation. Once I realized what I was doing, I stopped. My twitch was getting out of control lately. There was a knock on the door. My mom went to open it.

"Oh, Kuroo! You're here!" she exclaimed with a kind look in her eyes.

"Yeah, I am picking up Kenma for our date," he said. My legs bounced. Date. Date. He said the word date to my mom.

"Take care of my son," she said. "If you guys become serious, remember condoms. I trust you since you are Kenma's childhood friend, but-"

"Kozume-San, I would never. I was just simply taking him on a date-" My mom took Kuroo's hands.

"I know. I just care about my baby. That's all," she smiled. "Kenma, your date is here," I stood up, my face expressionless. I walked over to Kuroo and he took my hand.

"Goodbye," I muttered as my mother closed the door. My hand was intertwined with Kuroo's. My legs started to wiggle, but I calmed them down.

"Your legs?" Kuroo asked. "Is it back?" His face paled.

"No. The doctor said that might happen. Although, I should probably get checked again soon, just in case," I said. I pushed the thought away. My legs hadn't wiggled badly since elementary school. Are my legs going crazy?

"Come on," Kuroo said. We walked hand in hand together. I didn't realize it at first, but Kuroo was carrying a basket in his other hand. Did he plan a picnic? After about 30 minutes of walking, we reached the park. So it was a picnic. I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. It made me uncomfortable. Instead, I focused my attention on Kuroo, who was laying out a blanket on the grass. I watched him gently place it down so gracefully. He saw me watching and winked. My leg started to wiggle. Kuroo smiled, but I could see the unease in his eyes. He knew it and so did I. My RLS returned. It didn't matter right now, though. Being with him was the only thing that did. Kuroo set his phone on the grass and went to unpack the food. His phone vibrated. I checked to see who was calling. It was his dad. I declined the call immediately.

"Kuro, why is he calling?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter right now, what matters is this pork cutlet bowl that has your name on it!" he smiled, handing me the warm dish. I held the bowl up to my nose and sniffed. I smiled slightly. Kuroo looked at me, I rarely smiled, so he always cherished the moments when I did. We sat and talked on the blanket for a while, it was nice. Then, Kuroo took something else out of the basket. It smelled like the only thing I liked more than video games and pork cutlet bowls. It smelled like apple pie.

"You ate the last piece?!" Kuroo accused me after I had just finished the apple pie Kuroo had blessed us with.

"Yes, and trust me, it was as holy as Asajesus." My joke caused Kuroo to laugh.

"Didn't know you had a sense of humor, Kitten," Kuroo joked.

"Oh shut up you old rooster." I noticed a large object inside the basket. "Hey what is that?" I asked.

"That, my dear Kitten," he said as he got up, "is a ukulele. A very American instrument."

"Like the American song you sang me?" I asked.

"Yeah, sort of," he said.

"Can you play it?"

"Why would I bring it if I couldn't?" My leg shook in anticipation, but my expression was still bank.

Does That Make Me Crazy? Kuroken!Where stories live. Discover now