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The new chemo was harder on Kenma. As soon as we got in the car, he threw up in the bag. I sprayed the air at least eighteen times the whole eight-minute drive home. I thought I was going to puke too. Kenma's mom had to stay at work late that night, so I spent the rest of the day with Kenma. After throwing up, he seemed better. I fed him rice and we watched My Hero Academia the whole day.

"Who is your favorite character?" I asked.

"I like Tokoyami. He's cool."

"Hm. I think Todoroki is kind of hot," I said, "so is All Might. And Bakugou." Kenma looked at me.

"Stop talking about guys hotter than me," he said, pressing his lips to mine. I kissed him back and tugged on his shirt. We made-out for about ten minutes straight. I wished it was longer. For dinner, I just heated some rice in the microwave and split it between both of us. If Kenma was going to suffer from lack of flavor in plain food, I would too.

The nights were hardest. Especially that night. I sang Kenma to sleep and woke up at 23:00 to Kenma puking all over me. I rushed him to the bathroom. So much for plain food helping. I threw a towel in the dryer and prepared a hot shower for Kenma and myself. I needed it too. I smelled like his puke. Kenma was too weak to do anything, so I put a step stool inside and had him sit on it. I washed his body for him. Even if he was sick and even if it was the middle of the night, I smiled.

"You are beautiful," I told him as I rinsed his head off. He looked up at me.

"You are too." I left the steaming hot shower on for Kenma and stepped out. After putting on a towel and drying my hair off, I went to the dryer and took out the warm towel. I helped Kenma out of the shower and wrapped him in the towel.

"Why is it so warm?" He asked.

"I put it in the dryer for a few minutes."

"Oh." Kenma suddenly let out a scream and clutched his stomach.

"What's wrong?" I panicked.

"It hurts," he moaned. I went through the medicine cabinet and gave him a pill.

"Breathe in, breathe out," I told him, helping him with the pain until it died down.

It took an hour to get Kenma to sleep after the episode. We were tangled in the sheets in bed together. I was stroking his back, trying to get him to sleep. When I stopped, he always grabbed my hand and put it back on him. The only thing I thought I could do was sing.

"My heroes had the heart

To lose their lives out on a limb

And all I remember, is thinking

I wanna be like them


Ever since I was little

Ever since I was little it looked like fun

And there's no coincidence I've come

And I can die when I'm done

But maybe I'm crazy

Maybe you're crazy

Maybe we're crazy

Probably~" He had fallen asleep. I listened to his soft breathing and fell asleep as well.

Kenma felt fine the next morning. He played some video games while I texted Bokuto.




Oya Oya Oya


Are you ready for our double date tonight?


Hell yeah!


Akaashi and I will be there tonight! DO you need us to bring anything?


Could you bring vegetable dumplings? Kenma is having a hard time keeping his food down at night so it would be preferred if the food was as plain as possible.


Sure! See you tonight!



"What do you want to do tonight?" I asked Kenma.

"Uhm...Mario Kart? Mario Party? Just Dance?" he offered.

"Sure! We should have like a prize for the couple who wins the most!"

"Okay sure I guess," he said, focusing on his game.

"Good thing I have two tickets to Universal Studios Japan!"

"What? Why would you give those up?" Kenma asked.

"So that you could try to win and have fun!"

"You know I'm gonna win anyway but okay."

I kissed him on the cheek and threw on a red, striped shirt with black ripped jeans. I unbuttoned the first three buttons and put a chain around my belt. I walked into the other room and grabbed my phone. Kenma looked up from his game.

"Damn Kuroo," he said. "I didn't know you could have a fashion sense." Kenma continued his game and I frowned. I threw a pillow at him and went through our closet to find Kenma something to wear. I picked out a white turtle neck to go under and a yellow t-shirt to go over the turtleneck. I also got him some white ripped jeans and a belt with a chain that matched mine.

"Wear this," I told him, handing him the clothing. He shoved it away.

"Ew. Fashion sense." I took his game out of his hands and tickled him until he agreed to change. Kenma begrudgingly changed out of his T-shirt and sweatpants into the clothes I'd handed him. "Ew. Yellow." I kissed him to shut him up. Kenma put on the beanie. "God give me patience," he muttered to himself.

"Actually," I teased, "it's God give me strength!" Kenma looked up at me. His eyes were cold and widened. He looked like he was about to kill me.

"If God gave me strength, you would be dead." So today is an annoying day, huh? I thought.

"I didn't know your face could do that," I teased. Kenma threw the pillow back at me. I fell, pretending to die. "Oh no! I'm dying! Save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Blegh" I stuck my tongue out and closed my eyes.

"People don't say blegh when they die, Kuro." I pretended to still be dead. He bonked me on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"I saved you. You aren't grateful?" He asked, clearly annoyed. I rolled my eyes and kissed him. That seemed to shut him up.

"I love you. Does that make me crazy?"

"Yep," he said, focusing on his game once more.

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