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It was bright. So bright. I was in my suit and tie. Bokuto, Kageyama, and Tsukishima were in a car with me. We drove to the city hall, where Kenma and I were getting married. Everyone else just wore casual clothes. Just Kenma and I wore suits, but I didn't mind. Kenma was the only man I would stare at anyways. When we arrived, we walked into Los Angeles's City Hall. It was cold inside. We walked into the courtroom where Kenma and I were to be married. Bokuto sat down along with Tsukishima and Kageyama. I saw Akaashi, Shouyou, and Yamaguchi arrive too. I stood in front of the judge. The doors open once more. That's when I saw it. The most beautiful person alive. His faded dark hair. His eyes locked with mine. I couldn't help but smile. A memory from before started to play in my head.

"Kenma Kun, do you ever wanna get married?" I asked the smaller boy. He looked up from his game.

"I don't know. I don't really like girls."

"My parents told me I have to marry a nice sweet girl," I replied.

"That's stupid."

"Well, Kenma Kun you are only nine so I wouldn't expect you to know yet!"

"You are only ten, Kuro."

"Well if I don't marry a nice sweet girl Dad will be angry and hit me."

"Your dad hits you?"

"Doesn't yours?"

"I don't have a dad."

"Oh," I said, unsure of how to respond. "Well, I'm gonna be a better dad when I grow up!"

"I don't want kids, they are stupid."

"But then that means we are stupid."

"Exactly. I don't know if I wanna get married when I grow up either. I don't wanna be an adult. I just wanna play video games."

"That is so many years away. Besides, my dad has a friend that makes games!"

"Really?" Kenma's eyes sparkled. I smiled. I liked it when Kenma's eyes sparkled.

"You know if we don't get married, we should just marry each other. I mean we are best friends after all!"

"Well I mean you are annoying," Kenma said blankly. I crossed my arms and turned around from him.


"Wait," he said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "You are annoying, just not as annoying as other boys and girls. If we don't find true love I guess you wouldn't be too bad. But you would have to buy me games."

"Of course!"

"And you would have to take care of my throw up since my mommy would be gone."

"EW!" I yelled, pretending to puke.

"Those are the conditions."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, "deal." I smiled. Kenma gave me a small smile back. I hugged him. "You are my best friend!" Kenma sat and enjoyed my hug for a minute before pushing me away.

"Get off me."

I smiled at the old memory. Kenma walked arm in arm with his mother to me. I felt my heart beating faster. He parted with his mother and stood across from me.

"So beautiful," I whispered. The front strands that usually covered Kenma's face were pulled back in a braid behind him. His long hair flowed majestically. It was impossible to think about anything but Kenma. He wore a white suit. It looked good on him. The judge started talking. I didn't listen to what he was thinking. I was thinking about a hundred thoughts. Kenma was ninety-nine. I broke my promise, but I knew Kenma was okay with it today. Tears flooded down my cheeks. Kenma started to cry, too. He was mine. The kitten was mine. It was time for vows.

"Kenma Kozume," I choked. "You are the love of my life. I promise to be there for you, forever. I promise to hold your hair when you throw up and sing you to sleep. I promise to wake you up with a kiss every morning. I promise-," I let out a sob and wiped my eyes, "I promise...to be here forever for you. I promise forever. I promise to love you even when I can't see you anymore. Does that make me crazy?" Kenma laughed through his tears.

"K-Tetsurou," he said. For once, I was happy about my first name. It was okay when Kenma said it. It was safe. "I promise forever with you. I promise to be in your arms only every night. I promise to help when you are sick. I promise to slow dance with you as much as you want." Another tear slid down kenma's cheek. "I promise to be here forever. I promise to fight cancer. I...I love you more than anything or anyone. Does that make me crazy?" Shouyou giddily stood up and handed us the rings. I slid one on Kenma's finger. He slid the other on mine. We laughed through our tears. I stepped closer to him and wiped a tear off of his cheek.

"You may now kiss the groom," the judge said. I gently lifted the veil covering Kenma's face. I leaned in and closed my eyes. Everything disappeared during that kiss. Everyone turned into dust. I felt my heart beating fast. Even though my eyes were closed, I could see everything. I could see colors, promises. I didn't know how I was brave enough to be here. I was so afraid to lose Kenma. All of my doubt suddenly went away. Kenma stepped in closer. I would die every day to be with him. I would love him for a thousand years. I would love him for infinity. Time stood still. I was brave. I wouldn't let anything take away this moment. I wouldn't let anyone take away the small boy who I'd committed myself to. I died every day waiting for him. I'd loved him for a thousand years. I could love him for eternity. Somehow, the time had brought his heart to me. I would do anything in my power to show how much I loved him. I took another step closer, even though the space between us was closed. I dipped him and continued kissing. He wrapped his arms around my neck. I found him. I was marrying him. He kept his promise. I kept mine. The promise we made when we were little boys. I came back to reality. I could hear the clapping from behind us. Bokuto yelled to get a room. Our lips parted. I lifted Kenma. I felt like I was floating. We were married. So why did it have to end so quickly?

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