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"Was it your dad?" I asked, remembering how close the bar was to the boba shop.

"He's not my dad," Kuroo muttered bitterly. I changed the topic.

"How about we eat and I bandage that for you?"

"I'd like that," he smiled. We sat down on the couch and ate our snacks. I had a pocky stick or two and then I went to find the bandages. My mom followed me to the bathroom.

"What are you looking for, sweetie?" she asked.

"Uhm, bandages. Kuro got hurt. He bumped into his dad when he got food. It got...bad."

"Oh," she said. "Well if it isn't safe for him anymore, he can move in with us!" She said, grabbing the first aid kit on the top shelf.


"Of course! I mean you will get married one day so might as well. He also really helps me out. You are so lucky to have a boy like him."

"I guess I am," I smiled shyly.

"Plus, he is the only thing you smile for. And I have missed seeing your smile these past years. Anyone who can make you smile is family." I took the bandages from her hands and headed back to the living room.

"This might hurt," I said, cleaning the wound. Kuroo winced. "Sorry."

"It's fine," he said, "It doesn't hurt. Okay, maybe a little."

"Maybe eating will help you forget?" I asked. He put a pocky stick in his mouth.

"Yup! Much better!" He smiled. He rubbed my bare head. I could feel his hands better being bald. I kind of liked it. Although being bald made me uncomfortable in a lot of ways, Kuroo made it better. I wrapped the bandage around his arm after cleaning it. "Thanks, Kitten. Much better!"

"Wanna move in?" I asked. Kuroo's eyes widened.

"What?" he asked.

"My mom told me you could move in. You basically live here anyways. Plus, it's safer and will save you money."

"Hmm...only if you go on a double date with me on Sunday."

"Can I bring my Nintendo?"

"Why are you asking? I'm not your mom!" Kuroo laughed. "Oh, and I got you something else." Kuroo got up and left the room. A minute later, he returned with a bag.

"Why did you get me something?" I asked.

"Because I love you, dummy. Does that make me crazy?"

"A little." I opened the bag and pulled off the wrapping paper. I opened it to reveal a red beanie. "A beanie...?"

"Yeah. So your head doesn't get cold. It is fall, you know?" I looked at the beanie more and noticed the boba logo had a cat on it. "It reminded me of you," he smiled. I put it on. It was warm. "You like it, Kitten?" He asked. I nodded, smiling slightly. Kuroo took one of my pocky sticks. "Open," he said. I opened my mouth and he fed me a chocolate pocky stick. It tasted sweet. "Can I taste it?" he asked. Before I could reply, he kissed me on the lips. He tasted sweet. Like boba and pocky. Our lips parted.

"Did it taste good?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "I'll have to try it more often." Kuroo's face turned serious. He pulled me into a tight hug and hovered his mouth over my ear. "Don't ever leave me alone, okay? I love you. Even if that makes me crazy."

"I won't, I promise. I love you."

"I love you too."

The next day, my mom took me to the hospital. Kuroo was at practice, so he couldn't have come even if he wanted to. It was better this way. I wouldn't have too much fear of getting bad news. Usually, I wouldn't care if I lived or died, but Kuroo's existence complicated that. I wanted to live. I wanted to live for those morning kisses. I wanted to live for Kuroo's hand in mine. I wanted to live for Kuroo singing me to sleep on the hard nights. Did that make me crazy? I wasn't sure. The doctors took more tests. My mom had to leave me there for work. Doctor Ito came in with the results.

"So how was your first time?" he asked. The question took me by surprise. I wasn't sure how to answer.

"Uhm...it hurt a little. But I liked it. We were safe."

"Good," he smiled. "Well, I have some good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?" I shrugged. "Okay starting with bad news, your chemotherapy is very slow. It isn't doing much. We will have to give you stronger doses, and given your current state, it will be harder on your body." My heart sank. That was bad news.

"The good news is, we can also do a Stem Cell transplant. It's a clinical trial, but that is the worst-case-scenario. For now, your cancer has slightly gone down, even if it wasn't as much as we expected. You are only in stage 2, so we should be good for now. Also, even if chemo doesn't work, we expect you will have another five years. That is only if nothing works. But for now, you are okay. Just keep wearing masks in public and don't get sick!" I smiled. It was going to be okay.

"Thank you," I said.

"We are taking good care of you, Kozume San!" Doctor Ito gave me my chemo treatment, and I waited for my mom. Kuroo texted.


Hey, Kitten! How is it going! Are you kicking cancer ass?


I feel like I'm gonna puke. The cancer isn't better or worse, but I'm on some harder chemo. I'm only stage 2 for now but that could change. I'm probably gonna live. We can still have forever together!


Of course, Kitten. Your mom got busy, so I'm coming to pick you up. Do you wanna walk home or do you want me to drive you?


Could you drive me? Oh and please bring a towel. I might puke. Sorry.


It's fine. I just got home and now I'm taking the car to you. I got a towel and a bag. Also, spray for the air in case you throw up. I can't drive if I'm throwing up too lol


See you! 

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