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Before I knew it, Kuroo had pinned me to the bed. I felt my face getting hot and prayed my heart didn't jump out of my chest. Kuroo slid his hands underneath my shirt. A split-second later, he realized what he was doing. His eyes widened and he slid his hands out from under. I didn't know why, but I felt a pang in my chest. I kind of liked his hands in my shirt. I liked what he was doing.

"I'm so sorry," he said. I stroked his cheek.

"Please put them back?"

"Are you asking me-" Kuroo started to say. I panicked for a second.

"Shut up! Yes! I give consent!" Kuroo stared at me with disbelief.

"I-are you sure? Are people with cancer allowed to have sex?" he asked.

"Uhm..." I had no idea. "I have no idea. Get off me." Kuroo sat up. I reached for my phone. For once, I was glad Doctor Ito gave me his phone number.

"Are you seriously gonna-"

"ShHHhHHhH" I hissed, dialing the doctor's phone number. The phone rang.

"Hello?" the voice asked.

"Hey Ito-Sama," I said.

"Oh! Kozume San! What do you need?"

"This is kind of embarrassing," I said, "but could I, Uhm, have sex with someone? With cancer? Is that bad?"

"Yes!" said Doctor Ito, "you can. Normally I wouldn't recommend it since you are underage, but given your current situation, I think you need the stress relief. Do you guys have condoms?"

"Uhm- I'll have to check," I replied.

"It's fine as long as you are safe. I am guessing your boyfriend is there?"

"Uhm, yeah" I mumbled, my face reddening.

"Okay, just be safe!" The phone clicked off. Kuroo's eyes widened.

"Do you...want to?" he asked. I replied with a soft kiss to the lips. Kuroo put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a condom.

"How did you get that?" I asked.

"I had it just in case," he replied.

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