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I left the apartment feeling guilty. I didn't like lying to Kuroo, but I couldn't tell him why I was nervous. I went to my car and drove to the doctor's office. Once I got there, I checked in and sat in the waiting room. My legs shook. I'd forgotten to take my pill this morning. Today would be the day I found out if I could have more time with Kuroo. If I'd gone back into remission or not. A nurse came to get me. She guided me to my room and took some blood. She left. For some reason, the room didn't feel like despair today. It felt like hope. Doctor Ito walked in with a smile.

"Hi Kozume San!" He said.


"How is Kuroo?" he asked.

"He's okay. He noticed me being nervous today and got upset because I couldn't tell him why. Especially since it's our second anniversary and all."

"Oh! Happy anniversary! And it's okay. If he ever gets the surprise, he'll be grateful. He will be so happy you left a piece of yourself with him."

"If?" I asked. My heart started to pound. Did that mean the cancer was gone?

"Yes," he smiled, "the cancer is gone. It may never come back. But if it does, you will have the thing for him." I nodded.

"So does that mean I can do it?"

"Yes. You can do the thing," he said, handing me the cup. "You will still do some treatments to make sure it doesn't come back, but you are good for now!"

"Is there a chance-?" Doctor Ito cut me off mid-sentence.

"Yes. The numbers aren't good. That could happen. Do you still have the paperwork?"

"Yeah. Even if it does go wrong, Kuroo will be grateful. We have a bigger chance of forever together. I refuse to break the promise." Doctor Ito smiled.

"Since when do you take risks?"

"Since I realized I might not have forever. Even with cancer gone for now."

"Are you gonna do it even if you live?" I laughed.

"Hell no. Do you think I could deal with that? That is a very bold assumption."

"Not an assumption, just a question," he said. "Now for the cup?"

After the appointment, I went to Karasuno's game. They ended up beating Fukodurani, two sets to one. It was surprising. I realized Fukodurani was weaker now, whilst Karasuno was stronger than ever. After the game, I went to see Shouyou.

"Hey," I said as I approached him.

"Kenma!" he smiled. Shouyou Hinata had changed in the past two years. He was taller and more mature. He'd cut his hair and had one ear pierced. He was handsome.

"Congrats on winning Nationals!" I said. Kageyama approached us.

"Tobio!" Shouyou exclaimed, hugging Kageyama.

"Hinata boke! Get off of me. And I told you not to call me that!" He yelled, prying Shouyou off him.

"But Tobio, we are dating now!" Shouyou pouted.

"So? And why is that weird guy here? Who even is he?!"

"I'm Kenma Kozume, but you can call me Kenma," I said.

"TOBIO! HE WAS IN NEKOMA!! HOW DID YOU FORGET?!" Shouyou yelled at Kageyama, punching him in the stomach.

"It's fine," I said, getting uncomfortable.

"Oh. Pudding head. Why is he here again?" Kageyama asked.


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