"Dont touch me"

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Ace helped me up and wrapped an arm around my waist. I was still crying.

He took us through the crowded house and out the door. My eyes couldn't see through the tears and all I could think about was that lad.

I felt him stop and I didn't know why so I wiped my eyes and looked at what he was standing still for.

Kendall stood in front of us and looked angry.
Her lips were moving rapidly and I focused at what she was saying.

"Ace where the fuck do you think your going with this slut? I mean look at her she's a mess" and that's all I could read before I stepped out of Aces grip and stood closer to Kendall.

"Oi listen here Slag you either move or I make you move either way I don't care" I said to her. Anger now taking control over me.

She didn't move so I pushed her away and walked around her. But I didn't get very far before I felt hands grab my hair and pull me down.

But as quick as her hands pulled me they were of me. Ace pulled Kendal off me red boiling in his eyes whilst his mouth was moving and I could read he was shouting swear words at Kendall.

He came back over to me and picked me up. I pushed his hands of me and turned to face him.

"don't touch me" I said . I hope i said it quite angrily because that's what i am feeling right now.

I didn't want Aces hands on me. I didn't want anyone's hands on me I just wanted to go home.

"Stella go get in the fucking car" He said.

"No" I argued back. By now I was a mess and I was signing like mad.

But then I saw Ethan come up behind Ace and look at me with soft eyes.

"Hey stella want me to take you home. I haven't drank anything" he asked me.

"Yes please" I agreed and walked around Ace to Ethans side.

I noticed a sad expression fall on Aces face but it was quickly replaced with a stone cold one.

I walked to Ethans car and waited for him to unlock it. Once he did I got in the passenger side and put my seatbelt on.

Ethan just smiled at me and set off driving to my house after I gave him my address.

I lent my head against the car window suddenly feeling exhausted from everything that happened.

I have known Everybody for a matter of a couple weeks and now I've been felt up without my permission and dragged to the floor by a bitch who I don't give a shit bout.

Life's great.

On the plus side I have Charlotte, Mila, Ellie and Raven.

Ethan pulled up to my house and I turned back around to thank him.

"Thankyou Ethan" I said.
His nodded and then his lips moved "see you Monday Star"

I just fake smiled and got out.

I went up to the door and unlocked it with my key. It was 3am so the house was dark and it looked like everyone was in bed.

I dragged my feet up to my room and turned my lights on.

I took my heels off and took out my phone from my shoulder bag.

I had two text messages.

Charlotte: hey girlie hope you got home okay. Me and the girls heard what happened and were worried. Call us 💗

I decided to not reply tonight as I just felt worked up about what happened and just needed time to think over what happened.

The next message read.

Unknown number: Hi it's Ace I got your number from Charlotte. Just checking to see if your alright and you left your necklace in Ambers so I took it and will give it to you on Monday.

I didn't reply to that either.

I shut my phone of and went into my bathroom.

I was a mess. My hair was ratty and tangled and my makeup was smeared all over my face.
Why do I have to be this unattractive?

I took a long shower scrubbing every part of my body that the disgusting boy touched.

I dried myself of putting on a hoodie and joggers before going down stairs and making a hot chocolate and marshmallows to make me feel a little happier.

I settled on the couch and put on How I met your Mother. Wrapping myself in 3 cozy blankets and 5 pillows.

I slowly started to feel drowsy and let sleep takeover my thoughts flooded with dreams.

Although it wasn't a dream I was having. It was a nightmare.


Sorry I took so long to update I have been really busy with school.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chappy!
Have a good day or night :)

Katie-may x

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