Shes stunning !

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Continued from last time but different song x

I felt sick with the amount of pain that was shooting through my head.

What am I gonna do?

I have no tablets left and this is one of the worst headaches I have ever had.

I pulled my head away from the car door and turned to Cohen to sign to him.

"Cohen my tablets ran out this morning" I watched as his face turned to a look of worry.

"Okay don't worry stell. Dads going to sort it when we get home" he tried to comfort me but I could tell he was panicking.

Tears trickled down my cheeks. Soon we were outside my house and Ace ran around the car to my side to help me get out.

He picked me up and walked me through the door of my home to my room.

I noticed Cohen and my dad trailing behind us. They were both frantically watching me as Ace carried me to my bed and lay me down.

I noticed my dad on the phone with somebody and then Ace shutting the curtains and blinds to make the room darker.

The relief I felt when my eyes didn't have to squint In the light was amazing.

Then my dad came and sat beside me stroking my head before he signed "honey the doctor is sending some medication right away. It should be here soon just hang in there"

I nodded and closed my eyes.

Okay the tablets will be around an hour I can deal with that.

My dad and Cohen went out of the room to fill my mum in with what happened on the phone as she was at work.

It was then that I saw Ace looking over at me from beside the bed.

"Princess are you feeling better or worse?"
He has to repeat what he said as I didn't quite catch on.

"Worse. But thank you for bringing me home shitface it means a lot you would do that for me" I meant every word I tried to say.


It's his name. Shitface

"Anything for you princess" I think he didn't want me to read what he said as he turned his head away but I caught it.

Aw. It really did mean so much that he would bring me home. Not many people would do that for me but he's been one of the many few who has actually spoken to me. I really appreciate him.

Even though I do insult him half the time.
But what can I say that's just what I do?

"Well If you'd do anything for me would you come and stroke my back" I smiled up at him innocently and he gave me back a cheeky smirk.

"Only because it helps me sleep and with the pain I'm in right now I would like to sleep" it was true though, stroking my back sends me to sleep. He just so happens to be here at the right time.

"I can do that" he nodded and made his way over. He slipped of his shoes and climbed next to me on my bed.

He slowly stated stroking my back and it felt really nice. But my T-shirt was getting in the way. I know what sounds really creep and sexual but I really just want to sleep right now.

I bent my arm back and grabbed his hand, then I placed it under my shirt on my bare back and moved his hand to get the memo to start stroking me there.

It's a good thing I'm deaf because this would be so awkward if I could here.

I begin to feel droopy and forget about the pain I'm in whilst I let sleep takeover.

Aces POV

I watched as she slowly fell asleep.
I was stroking the soft skin on her back because she told me that it helps her sleep and god I would do anything for her.

As I watched her sleep and out of the pain I remembered the day I met her. In class and she was sat on my chair, I thought she was stunning but I was scared of the feeling.

I was scared so I ignored it and was a dick to her instead. I guess that's why she called me shitface.

She still calls me that now but it's cute now in a really weird way.

I saw her around school and wanted to speak to her but the gorgeous girl I took an interest in was also not afraid to speak back to me like most people.

I guess it's one of the things I like about her.

I pushed her in the pool because I thought it would be funny but I didn't know she couldn't swim and I feel really shitty and horrible about that.

I don't care that she's deaf. I mean why would I, it doesn't make a difference to me she's still this beautiful girl with an amazing personality.

I sound like a simp and I've only know her for like a month or two. But I can't help it she has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it.

I looked down at her whilst I stroked her back. Her curly brown hair was perfectly messy, if that's even possible, her long dark eyelashes sat on the top of her cheekbones and her rosey red lips puckered ever so slightly as she stirred around in her sleep.

I don't know why she was in pain but all I knew was that I wanted to stop it.

This girl has walked into my life and doesn't know that by just looking and calling me shitface makes my whole day.


I know, another short chapter

I'm a little busy with school but I'm updating the best I can.

Whoooo!!! We finally got a glimpse in Aces POV

Have a good day or night:)
Katie-may x

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