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You know it by now people ^

"Ow" I sat straight up in my bed nursing my arm where someone hurt me.
Like I know I'm a heavy sleeper but come on.

My head snapped to the right to be met with Cohen staring back evilly at me.

"What the hell Cohen?" I signed furiously.

"What? You wouldn't wake up" he signed back looking clueless.

"So you punched me in the arm" I was still rubbing my arm when I said this.

"Whatever get up for school or we'll be late" that's the last thing he signed before he walked away.

Ugh. School

I slowly put one foot in front of the other and walked into the bathroom.
I washed my face and brushed my teeth. 

My outfit was a simple white cropped jumper with beige joggers. I braided my hair Into two french braids as my hair didn't want to cooperate this morning.

After I was dressed I sprayed my favourite perfume Olympea by Paco Rabanne.
I grabbed my bag and went down stairs.

This is the first day back since I nearly had a fight with Kendall and if that bitch tries to start anything I'm not going to hold back.
I've dealt with girls like her all my life and I'm sick of them getting away with everything and getting everything they want. If she thinks that she can piss me around she's not going to be very happy.

As soon as me and Cohen had are our breakfast we got into the car and Cohen drove us to school.

When we were parked up I got out and said goodbye to him and began waking to the front entrance.

I made it too my locker Kendall free and opened it putting my bag and books in there. I was just putting on some lip balm when someone touched my shoulder I instantly looked up and saw Charlotte giving my a warm friendly smile.

"Hey girlie we've got Math together wanna walk" she asked me.

"Sure. I'm trying not to bump into Queen Bitch" I told her liking left and right in case she was coming.

"I swear if she tries anything to you I will throw hands" her lips moved as we began walking towards our maths class.

"Don't worry If she tries anything I'll throw hands" and Charlotte gave me a proud grin.

On our way there is saw Ace, Ethan and Elliot. Why do they always look like Models? It's not fair. Ace had White long sleeve T-shirt and black jeans with his black and white Jordan's.
His black hair messily sexy as usual.
He's to hot for his own good.

Ethan saw us and started to make his way towards us.

Once he reached us he smiled "morning star looking good today" he was too cute with his friendly compliments.

"Hi Ethan your not so bad yourself" I laughed after I said it.

"You know the project we were supposed to do" he told me and I just realised that i forgot all about it. But before I went to speak he beat me to it
"I've already done it. I just thought because of what happened last Friday and the first week we pushed you in the pool it might be a good way to repay you and say sorry"

"Thank you your literally a life saver. It means a lot Ethan thank you" I gave him a small hug which he returned and we both pulled away.

Ace and Elliot then came up behind Ethan.
Ace looked bored as always but Elliot had a small hidden smile on his face.

I looked at Ace but he was already looking at me.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" i smirked but i secretly cringing whilst I said it.

"No thanks. Not much to look at" he then copied me and smirked.


Shitface. Well he has a sexy face but still.

"Shut it shitface I could say the same thing about you" i snarked back. The smirk still evident on his face.

"Could. Admit it you like my face" he had an amused expression.
He's so annoying.

"Nobody likes your face" was my comeback but it definitely wasn't a good one.

"Lie. Anna liked my face last night when I was..." I held my hand up to his face to stop him from moving his lips to anymore words.

"Enough. I don't want to hear about you or your sex life" I turned to look at Charlotte who was already looking at us. In fact Ethan and Elliot were looking at us too. All of them had am amused look on their faces.

"Charlotte let's go" I grabbed her hand and began walking to Maths again.

Has the bell already gone yet?

"Charlotte what time does the bell go" I asked her.

"Umm" she checked her Apple Watch and turned her head back to me "now"

We made it into Maths and sat down next to each other in the middle row.

The next to periods were the same. I would sit down next to either Charlotte or Mila and would talk until they said the bell went.

It was now lunch and the girls and I were all sat at our usual table eating chips, or fries as they call it. I had a bottle of Dr Pepper and a cookie as well because I'm a greedy fuck.

"Right what are we doing tonight?" Ellie inquired.

The girls have been doing this thing to get my attention or to let them know that they are speaking where they would throw a little paper ball at me. It's not the best thing but it works and it's funny.

"Nothing we have school tomorrow" Raven spoke after throwing the paper ball at me.

"I know but surly we can still do something" Ellie began again.

It was Charlotte who threw the paper ball at me next "i know let's go to the beach. Stella's not been yet and it's sunny today"

Everyone agreed and that's when Ethan threw a paper ball at me from beside me.

When did he get here?

"We're coming too if that's okay?"
All the girls just looked bewildered and didn't know what to say so I spoke up

"Um yea alright" I don't know what I sounded like but in my head i felt like I sounded uneasy and a little nervous

Which was completely true.

Oh god I'm going to the beach with Ace,Ethan and Elliot. Let's hope they don't nearly drown me in the sea.


Hola dudes

enjoy this chappy!
It may be starting of a bit slow but I have some GOOD things coming up.
You'll love it :)

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Have a nice day or night :)

Katie-may x

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