6: (M/n) (L/n)

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The class stood there, waiting for their next course of action. In other words, what their teacher would make them do.

Aizawa starts to discuss what the activity is, and some students asking, well arguing, about what's going on. After all, this is surely not the entrance ceremony or guidance sessions one would hope for. Though M/n didn't give a shit about what's happening, fewer people means lower chances of him getting recognized after all. Or so he thought.

Apparently, he didn't calculate the chances of his name being called.

"L/n, since you got 1st on the entrance exam. How far can you throw in middle school?" The teacher asked looking at said male.

As the h/c-haired male was about to answer, chatter started to fill the area.

"L/n... as in M/n L/n!!!??" "Son of (Mother and Father) L/n?" "Heir to five of the biggest companies in Japan?" "The same L/n who played kid AllMight in 'A Heroes Legacy'?"

Though it didn't bother him, the last one made him wince. I mean acting as the child version of the man that put him in this place, forced to be a hero, to begin with. Yeah definitely struck a nerve.

An annoyed sigh came from the said male, as he steps forward. All eyes were now on him, focusing on what this star of a teenager would do.

"About 69 something, something meters. Why?" M/n finally answered.

"Great now try it with your quirk. Do whatever as long as you don't leave the circle" The tired male ordered.

M/n looked a the ball before lazily throwing it. 

The device beeped as it shows -5m-. Aizawa looked at you, seemingly annoyed. 

"I said use your quirk Mr. L/n!" He spoke more sternly than before.

The male rolled his eyes as he went to grab the ball and returned back into the circle.

"You want me to use my quirk. Then watch bastard!" M/n whispered.

M/n closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Activating Warm-Up and Time Dilation, putting Warm-Up's power to something he hasn't done before. A day. As he opens his eyes a fiery red glow emits from them. Feeling the unrivaled power stir within him, finally started to burn. He readied himself to throw the ball. M/n dragged his foot on the sand, but instead of dust, sparks follows his foot. And with one swift motion, he threw the ball.

The device beeped before exploding. -ERROR- showed on the screen. 

Everyone was in shock, even Aizawa. The scene in front of them is something out of a comic book. A large cone of destruction before them. Trees were burning and the ground was destroyed, just from the aura of the thrown ball. 

"Good enough for you?" M/n asked, his words laced with poison. 

The male walked back to the group and laid back on the fence like nothing happened. His eyes turned back to their e/c color. All eyes were glued to the male.

A quick cough from Aizawa turns the focus of the students back to him. A girl then said something about this being fun, which their teacher quickly countered. 

"The one with the lowest score will be deemed hopeless, and shall be expelled." The pro hero said.

This caught the attention of the, former, uninterested male. M/n glared at the teacher as Aizawa glared back. Knowing exactly what the younger male was thinking.

'Might as well try.'

An uproar of disagreement soon arises, about how unfair the decision was. Which their teacher quickly shuts down by telling them that in the world of heroes and villains, there is no such thing as fair. 

Ah fairness and unfairness, something M/n is oh so familiar with. And as much as it annoys him he has to agree with Aizawa on this one.

As the other events start, M/n just didn't care and failed them all, doing not even the bare minimum to pass. 

50 Meter dash? Lazily walked to the end.
Strength Grip? Held it like it was made of glass.
Standing Long Jump? Just step into the sandbox.
Side-stepping? Walk in a circle.

Now was the fifth event, throwing. Since M/n already has done this he just sat on the ground and play on his phone. M/n placed his focus on the game up until he heard an explosion. He looked up and saw a familiar green-haired male in the circle with a broken finger and the blonde cactus tied up by the weird scarf of their teacher. 

A brunette then walked over to Midoriya worried, asking if his finger was fine. Something stirred up in M/n as he hop to his feet and walked over to Izuku, grabbing his hand and using Time Dilation to reverse the injury.  After that he walked away, leaving a confused Midoriya and Uraraka behind.

The events continued as well as M/n's 'I don't give a shit'

Endurance Running? Walked.
Upper-Body Strenght? Laid down on the floor.
Seated Toe Touch? Didn't even try.

And finally, the exams were over and now's the time to show the results. As Aizawa showed the results through some weird hologram shit he said something.

"Also, I was lying about expelling someone.  It was a rational lie, meant to bring the best in all of you." 

"Of course it is" M/n whispered, quite annoyed. Though his plan did work, he was at the bottom, twenty-first place.

"Midoriya, have recovery girl fix you up." Aizawa said, giving a slip of paper to the said male.

"Oh... Don't worry about it sensei. L/n already healed it up." Izuku said, showing the once damaged finger.

Aizawa seems to be surprised by this, but quickly washes it off and just gives a simple nod. 

And just like that, the day was over. M/n was walking out of the school ground until he heard his name called. 


'Great now the whole school knows I'm here. And here I thought that quirk assessment test would've saved me.' 

M/n turned around to a familiar mop of green hair waving and running towards him. He waited until the shorter male reached him and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" The h/c-ette questioned.

Midoriya was looking down, panting, exhausted from running toward the taller boy. After he got his composure back, he looked up towards M/n, as a pink hue covers his face.

"I-I wanted to -uh- say th-thank you" Izuku stuttered out.

M/n blink a couple of times, confused. "You're welcome."

Midoriya seems shocked, by the simple reply. After all the guy's actions and tone of voice earlier seemed like he didn't give a shit and doesn't want to be there at all. 

"I didn't just mean about today. I also wanna thank you for saving me at the entrance exam." He said, more like thought out loud. Maybe that's why he didn't stutter this time.

"Ok... You're welcome. If that's about it then I'm heading off. Don't wanna be in this place more than necessary."M/n said, whispering the last part.

The greenette nodded. And with that M/n turned his back on the other boy and started walking back to his home. 

(And cut!!! Let's go! A new chapter after like 2 years or something. Sorry about being dead for so long, I wasn't having any motivation, and honestly, I didn't have a plot for a lot of my stories so I didn't know what and how to write it. Though I got some of the plots for some of the stories done, I still don't know what to do with the plot for the other stories. So I might have to restart them. Fortunately, this story isn't one of them. So, again. I'm sorry for being dead and I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter.

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