{Chapter Two}

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"I dare you..."
"Do it!"
"Come on! Don't be such a wuss..."

Whispers were going around, not understanding anything I just continued to take notes that were on the chalkboard.

"Viscount, now's you're chance."
My eyebrows furrowed, that name, that irritating name.

Suddenly I felt a presence right besides the table, "hey." He whispered, letting out an irritated sigh I continued to write my notes down.

"Hey....Princess." My head tilted to the side ever so slightly, my blood began to boil, this idiot had tugged at my hair.

My hand had whipped around and slapped the pretty out of his face, the sound echoed and everything went silent.


"Y/N....hey....are you okay?" Ruthie's voice rang out, I had been asleep. "Yeah, just dozed off just a bit." Friday evenings, Ruthie and I always have a small picnic by the creek. "You were muttering." Ruthie then grabbed the jam jar and closed it shut, hopefully it wasn't anything regarding that Tewksbury, she always assumed we would end up together, what a horrible thought.

"I better hurry and head home, Father is inviting some of his work friends, and I have to be present." She wrapped her basket up and with a hug and a wave, she was off.

After a while, I began to put away my leftovers, and my garbage, suddenly I heard twigs being stepped on, I quickly got up and began to walk back home.
Usually Ruthie and I walk home together, but I wanted to stay and watch the sun begin to come down a bit, just to see that beautiful orange tint in the sky.

Unfortunately, with that comes darkness afterwards, and I have to walk through the woods, great.
With every step I began to hear the footsteps get quicker, my feet began to pick up the pace, I just wanted to be in bed, snuggled into my sheets.

I was running at this point, that was until someone had grabbed my shoulders, I screamed out and elbowed the culprit, turning only to see the one and only.
"My god, you didn't have to do that." Holding onto his stomach he wasn't even able to look up at me, "And you didn't have to scare me like that, Tewksbury." I fixed my hair, and straightened my dress, what kind of idiot does he take me for.

"It's been- a while." Finally gaining his composure again, I realized how much taller he had become, "a year to be exact." I replied, grabbing my basket from the floor, all my things had scattered everywhere, because of this idiot.

"Here let me help." I scoffed, "it's the least you can do, why we're you following me." I snatched the final thing out of his hand, "well, it was getting dark.... I didn't want you to walk alone, you never know what's around."

I hummed in response, "hmmm, like creepy stalker guys, just like you to be exact?" Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the basket, "I'll walk you home." And with that he began to walk away, I had no other choice but to follow him.

The walk back to my house was kinda far, meaning I have to awkwardly walk with this twit for the rest of the way. "It's been a while.."
"You've said that already." I didn't bother looking at him, I was already annoyed as is, if I were to look at his face, I'd scream.

"Right, sorry. Anything new?"
"Besides you coming back to annoy me, no."
I know I'm being harsh, but I've put up with his immaturity and his stupid obliviousness for years.

"Where's your little girlfriend? Usually you and her are connected by the hip." He walked a little more so that's I can see him, "she's with her mother today, she's getting a little busier these days."
"And so you've decided to bother me again, yay me."

Stopping right in front of me, I had almost bumped into his chest, "what!?"
"Are you? Are you perhaps jealous?"
"Are you serious? What a joke! Of course I'm not jealous, what kind of demonic thinking is that?" I began to laugh, what a stupid thought, "oh Tewksbury, you really are something. What makes you think I'm jealous? I really wanna know."

He smiled, as if he was enjoying this, "the way you side eye us, the way you glare at her when she sits with me in class, the way-"
"I'm gonna stop you there, I glare because I hate the sight of you two, I hate the way you two are completely oblivious!"

"Oblivious? To what?" I wanted to scream it out, shake him, to make him finally understand that he has feelings for her, and that she obviously felt the same, however, nothing came out. I didn't want it too.

"You figure it out." Snatching back my basket I began to walk the rest of the way alone, god. This boy, all he ever does is annoy me, and now I can't even state the obvious. Why couldn't I say it? With Ruthie I can let it easily slip out, was I really jealous?

Standing in front of my gate, the thought alone had made me freeze, was I really jealous of his relationship with that weirdo? No, it couldn't be. I shook myself, no! There's no way, I don't have anything to be jealous about.


Jealousy { Viscount Tewksbury  X Reader }Where stories live. Discover now