{Chapter Four}

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"Everyone take your books out, turn to page 53, and begin silent reading."

Sighing I flipped open the book, it wasn't an interesting one, no, however something else peeked my interest. Sitting ahead of me, Were Tewksbury and Enola.

Usually these two never grab my attention, however. Today was different, they weren't talking, let alone giggling to themselves as they always do. I turned to look at Ruthie, she was too busy having trouble reading the first sentence.


School had just finished, as I was grabbing my coat, Tewksbury grabbed his, and rushed out, leaving Enola behind. This is rather unusual, these two are acting strange, and I'm gonna be the one to find out.

"So, where's your little boyfriend." I walked next to Enola, Ruthie was rather confused, but she walked to the other side of her. "What?" She asked rather bluntly, "did I hit a nerve? Oh I just apologize, I assumed you two, were together, I see that's impossible." I smiled brightly, she just scowled.

"He's not my boyfriend, what's it to you anyway, it's not like we're friends."
"Well obviously not, I wouldn't be caught dead being called your friend."
She rolled her eyes and pushed past, I couldn't help but grin, turning to watch her walk home,
"It's okay Enola, there's plenty of fish in the sea, you would know, you always like to jump in them." Ruthie giggled, shaking my head, I headed to my carriage.


Pushing aside the thoughts of the two idiots, I remembered, yes it was my new dress! I had gotten it the other day, I had to tell Ruthie all about it.
It was a beautiful green, the hat went perfect with it, and ugh I can already see myself look perfect in it.

Father insisted I couldn't wear it yet, something about 'his friend is coming over.' I have no clue what friend, I've met them all, and usually he says their names, so I'm assuming he's a new client.

Oh no! It's tonight!
Geez, I wanted to nap as soon as I went home, now I have to prepare to greet the guests.
Hoping off the carriage, I hurried into the mansion, I don't have time to spare, I need to get ready, and soon!


I huffed, I looked to my maid, Darcy, she sighed and shook her head as she tied my corset. "Stop whining, or else you'll be doing this yourself."
"We all know that's not possible, one,you work for me, and, two, you wouldn't dare let me walk out the house looking like a mess, you are too kind."

She smiled but still shook her head, "especially on today." Giggling she finished tying my corset, however I turned to look at her confused, "what's today?" She looked at me in shock, as if she had spilled the beans, in which, she did.

"Darcy, tell me." The red head, turned red, she began to stutter, she wasn't making any sense, "spit it out." She shook her head, "oh, now I've done it."
"What's today!?!?" She threw her arms up and grunted, "alright." She sat down, as I crossed my arms, "you, are meeting a suitor."

My eyes shot wide open, I couldn't believe it, I'm meeting a total stranger? "No! No way! I disapprove!" I ran into my bed, and laid in it, "tell him I'm sick, dying at the most!" Covering myself with my sheets, Darcy looked utterly scared.

"Please miss, we must get you finished up."
"NO! ID RATHER EAT A COWS TONGUE!" I wasn't gonna let this happen, I don't want to meet a random boy, I don't want to marry someone I don't like.

"I promise you, it's just a meeting, you can say no, please, I need this job miss." Hearing the pleading voice of Darcy was hard, she was new, and she was a better replacement, before her I had Madame Lulette, a witch I might add.

"Fine. However I'm not gonna like it." And with that, I got ready, sadly.

Walking into the dining room, I saw three strangers, two older adults, and the other, well, there sat a boy, he had brown curly hair, and with a smile, he got up to greet me.

"Hello, I'm Michael nevermount, the third." I smiled halfheartedly, "Y/N L/N, the first." He cracked a big smile, and helped me to my seat.

I cannot lie, he is very handsome, his face always had a soft smile on, and his eyes were very warm and welcoming. Even with his charming self, I barely know him, so I wasn't gonna let him in my life that easily.


Dinner was over, and father insisted that Michael and I, were to get to know each other, as if the plan itself wasn't obvious.

"So, I've heard you go to public school, why not private?" I looked to my side, he wasn't looking at me, he was just looking at the walls. "I've gone to private school, the people there are, how do I say this without being rude, boring." Michael snickered, "I'm not gonna argue, I agree." Causing me to smile in return.

Throughout the time we've spent together, I found out a few things from him, he absolutely hates seafood, he cannot read for too long, otherwise he'd get bored, the final thing was that he didn't want to come to this diner.

"We're quite alike, I didn't want to do this dinner, made my own maid, Darcy, almost cry. However I like her too much for her to lose her job." He nodded, the way he looked at me reminded me of someone, however this one was different, it felt less.

"I'd say we take this to the sitting room, it would be a better place to have a talk." Walking towards the room I opened it up, it was my favorite room, I just loved showing it off to people. "What do you think?" I felt him get even closer to me, almost to the point of touching, "it's very pretty."


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