Chapter 2

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Cassie's POV-

I woke up to the sun beaming through my curtains, I sat up in bed and looked around dreading waking up. I hopped out of bed walking over to my window and opening my curtain to see spats of rain hitting the window. I sighed to myself walking to my attached bathroom, I hopped into the shower doing the essentials. Once I finished I hopped out and dried my curly blonde hair and body. I placed the towel around myself and walked into my bedroom looking at my uniform in the cupboard. I pulled it out placing my underwear and bra on first, taking my skirt off the hanger placing it on with my shirt. I looked in the mirror scanning over my uniform which consisted of a blue and black checked skirt and a white button up shirt. I walked back into my bathroom brushing my teeth and blow drying my hair leaving it natural in its soft waves. I applied a bit of foundation, mascara and lip gloss then walked down stairs.

I walked into the kitchen looking around I grabbed an apple for breakfast before seeing my Aunty watching TV. "Goodmorning sweetie, how was your sleep" she beamed "it was great thank you for letting me stay here" "it's no problem at all" she gave a smile which I returned. "Are you ready to start leaving?" I nodded in reply "ok good I'll drive you today" she grabbed her car keys dressed in her work uniform. I followed my Aunty out the front door looking at my new house. I walked out to the car buckling my seat belt imaging the day ahead.
The drive was quite other then the radio playing softly in the background. when we pulled up I turned my head to see the school, it has dark green gates with a lot of buildings. I turned back around to my Aunty "Thank You Aunty Alice" "it's fine sweetie but you can just call me Alice" I gave her a smile and a nod hopping out of the car walking up to the front office.
The walk to the office felt like forever, once reaching the office I walked up to the window seeing a lady with light brown hair that looked around her late twenties. I smiled " how may I help you" she asked with a smile " I'm Cassie Reynolds, I'm new here" "oh yes, let me go grab your timetable" I nodded. When she came back I said a quiet thank you looking at what I had first, I scanned the timetable seeing I had Biology. I swear I had the biggest smile on my face I love Biology, I set off for the search of room 543.

Once finding the room I was stunned at how long it took me I opened the door quietly to feel everyone's stare on me. The teacher walked over to me he was just wow he had light brown hair with brown eyes "Hey ,you must be Cassie" he said with a smile, i nodded in response he welcomed me to Carryhill High and told me to take the last seat. I walked towards the seat seeing a guy with blonde hair and brown roots. when he looked up I was shocked I take back what I said about the teacher this boy looked amazing his piercing blue eyes with his smile. I walked faster to my seat sitting down " Hey Cassie right?" He gave a smile showing his clear braces I stared in a daze at the boy that looked like perfection. I shook out of my day dream "yeah" "I'm Niall" he said back with a grin, I smiled back. During the whole lesson Niall and I spoke about anything and everything until the bell rang. "Hey Cassie would you like to sit with my mates and I during lunch" he said with nervousness in his voice, I was playing scenarios in my head to why he sounded nervous " yeah sure" I smiled and walked with Niall to the cafeteria.

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