Chapter 9

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The drive home took 5 minutes. I pulled up into the driveway and me a Niall both hopped out. I walked inside and went upstairs to my room to pack up my stuff. I stood in front of Niall, he grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. I could feel the swarms of butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

He looked into my eyes taking a step forward and leaning down to place his lips on mine. His lips are soft and delicate. I kissed back to feel him smile into the kiss. Niall bit my lip asking for entrance. I parted my lips as his tongue explored my mouth. I could feel the cool feel of his braces.

It was amazing I pulled away for breathe and looked down at our inter winded hand and smiled. I looked up at Niall with the same smile on my face." we better start packing" I exclaimed with the same smile still placed on my face. Niall smiled back and nodded.

We finished packing all my stuff and loading half into Niall's car and the other half into mine.I walked back inside to find Alice in her room packing her things for London. " Hey Alice" I said sadly. " Hey Cass" she said in the same tone as me.

" Niall and I have packed all my stuff and I'm leaving to go to his house" I said in a rushed tone looking at the floor. "okay sweetie, I'll have to come pack to see you sometime" she said smiling at me. I smiled back and and have her a hug "Bye Alice I'll see you soon enjoy the new job" she smiled at me "Bye Cassie" she hugged back.

I turned around and gave her one more smile before walking out the door as Niall said a small goodbye giving a hug and following me. He hopped into his car as I did mine. I reversed out of the driveway following Niall in his car all the way to his house.

Niall parked in the driveway as I parked on the curb. I hopped out of the car going to the boot and grabbing a box walking to the front door as Niall took one out of his car. We walked in Maura greeting us. " place your stuff in the spare room" she said in a thick Irish accent. Niall directed me showing me where to go placing the boxes in the room.

Placing the last box with all my other stuff I turned around to smile at Niall that had a grin on his face. He stepped closer to me whispering in my ear "You can share my room" he moved away with a smirk on his face. I looked to the floor blushing. Niall took off to walk into his room.

I walked downstairs searching for Maura. I walked through the lounge room, into the dining room seeing that she was in the the kitchen. I walked in "Hey Maura" I exclaimed in a very happy tone. "Hey Cassie" she said in the same tone. " Thank you for letting me stay for the next two weeks" she turned around. " it's no problem at all" she walked forward giving me a hug.

"You know Niall really likes you" she whispered in my ear so nobody else would hear. I pulled away looking at her face that had a massive smile on her face I mirrored her expression " I really like him too" I whispered as Niall walked down stairs into the lounge room laying on the lounge turning the TV on.

Maura gave me a slight push into the lounge room and gave me a wink and a toothy smile. I shook my head at her and laughed. I walked into the lounge room and stood to the back of the lounge. I beat down and whispered in Niall's ear " Hey Ni". He looked up and smiled. He sat up walking around the lounge and dragging me to his room.

Niall ran up the stairs dragging me to his room. He shut the door behind him smiling. I walked over to his bed pulling out some clothes I can wear to bed. I pulled out my uniform for tomorrow and placed it on Niall's desk for morning. Niall gave a smirk.

He walked over and sat next to me placing his arm around my waist. He gave a sideways hug. Maura called us down for dinner. " This is Lovely Maura , Thank You" I ate another bit of chicken capturing the flavours in my mouth. " it's no problem" she smiled after dinner I offered to help Maura with the dishes which she said she was fine to do. I walked upstairs into Niall's room. He was sprawled out across his bed. I giggled at his state grabbing my clothes and walking to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and getting dressed into my pyjamas walking back to Niall's room. I checked my phone to see I had a message from Beau. I unlocked my phone to see it was a paragraph I scanned through it sending it to Jai. Jai responded that he will talk to him. I locked my phone again smiling at Niall walking over to hi sitting on the side of his bed laying next to him so I can see his phone. He turned his head to smile at me.

I smiled back. He leant in and kissed my cheek. I snuggled into his side feeling sleep take over me. Niall's breath calmed me and sent me into a sleep dreaming of Niall.

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