Day 2 - Candy Corn.

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I have a 4.8 GPA, I've never been in to trouble in my life, hell I'm a virgin in college. I have my life planned. Well, I was supposed to. That is, until I met Candy.

I've never seen someone with orange hair that bright. It's like neon but—

"What are you staring at?"

I blink a few times, "Excuse me?"

The girl with the orange hair popped her gum twice before responding. "I said, what are you staring at?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just spacing."

She scoffs, "A boy like you doesn't space. What's your name?"

"Peter. Sands."

"I'm Candy. Corn."

I laugh but quickly stop when she cocks her head at me with the straightest face.

"What's funny?"

"You—you're joking right? Is that like a nickname?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

"I—I didn't mean to offend you I'm sorry—

She burst into a fit of laughter. "Relax, I'm just messing with you. That is my actual name though. So, laugh again and I'll set you on fire."

I tense up. She scares me, but in an exciting way.

"What are you doing after class?"


"On a Friday night?"

She's right. I'm pathetic. "Yes, unless I make other plans."

She smirks, "Little Peter, you couldn't handle a night with me."

I shrug feeling more confident than I ever have in my life. "Try me."

"Okay. Meet me outside in an hour. Wear something other than... that."

Nervous, I showed up in jeans and literally the only black shirt I own. Candy appeared in a cut off t-shirt, shorts, and fishnets with boots.

She gave me a once over, "It'll do. Follow me."

We got in her car and drove about 15 minutes out.

"Where are we?"

"My go to piercing and tattoo parlor. I need a new one and so do you."


She grabs my hand and pulls me in. "I'll tell you what, I'll got first. Show you how it's done."

"I'm not sure... I don't know—

"Think clearly Peter Sands. Don't want to get something you'll regret."

Think about this Peter, you're parents will surely kill you when they find out. But you're 19 almost 20. You're away at college, you're supposed to do stupid stuff. For once in your life don't be a bore.

"Okay. I know what I want."

"Great! Almost done?"

The tat artist nodded.

When he finished I got a peak at her tattoo. Bloody fangs with the letter P underneath it. "What does than mean?"

"I'll tell you later. Your turn."

I sat down in the chair. "Mine's Halloween themed too. And it's great, Halloween's around the corner."

"Indeed. When I'm down with you, you'll have the perfect costume."

I the car we sit eating Candy and listen to heavy metal. Two things I don't normally do. Candy rots the teeth.

"I can't believe you got a tattoo of candy corn on your wrist. No guys ever done that for me before."

I shrug, "I just wanted to have something to remember tonight. Who knows if I'll ever do something this spontaneous again?"

She giggles, "I know... in fact— she crosses over and sits in my lap. "You'll have many night like this." Candy began to unbutton my pants and I nervously tense.

"H—How can you b—be sure?" I stutter.

She kissed me and traveled down my neck "Remember my tattoo?" She whispers.
"I plan to get a tattoo like that for every person I turn... you're my first Peter."

My eyes grew big as she bites into my neck. I shrieked as the pain seared. Blood drips down her mouth when she sat up to face me.

"What are you? What did you do to me?!?"

"I... just made you amazing. I... just made you immortal. Now, you can eat candy corn all the time."

Still frightened, my tension eased as she begin to travel down my pants.

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