Day 16 - Grieve.

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"So what can I do for you today?"

"Well, my husband and I, we just lost our daughter a few weeks ago. Isabelle. She was 12."

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Thank you. She was a twin. My son Ian, he was there when she had her accident."

"Can I input something?"


"I kinda picked up on something right there. Your tone changed when you mentioned your son."

"How so?"

"A little bitter, resentful."

The grieving mother looked down at her hands, "He had been acting over the past few months. There were events that happened that I don't understand nor want to believe."

"May I ask how your daughter died?"

"She fell down the stairs, broke her neck."

"You... you don't think your son pushed her, do you?"

She doesn't answer, but her silence says it all.

"You're afraid of him."

She begins to cry, "My husband thinks I'm overreacting. But he doesn't see and feel what I see and feel."

"And what do you see and feel?"

"Like my child is no longer my child... maybe he never was."

"You think he's possessed?"

"I don't know what to think. I just know for as long as I can remember there's always been something off about him."

The counselor stared at her and accessed her words carefully.

"He's right outside, if you spoke to him you'd see."

He nods, "Okay. Bring him in."

She gets up and ushers him in not hesitating to close the door behind him.

He smiled at the child, "Hi sims, I'm Dr. Smith. Can you take a seat?"

Ian walked to the chair never looking away from him.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Bored. How are you feeling today?"

"Great. Your mother shows quite some concern for you."

Ian shrugs, "She'll get over it. Just like she'll get over Izzy's death."

"Her accidental death, right?"

The boy smiled and shook his head. "No. I pushed her."

Dr. Smith eyes grew big, "Didn't expect you to admit that to me."

"Like I said, I'm bored... Father Smith."

"Dr. Smith."

"No, I know what I said. This is all a show. You're not a grieve counselor. You're a priest sent here to find out if little Ian was possessed. Well he is, and has been since birth. The question is now, what the hell are you going to do about it?"

The boy smirked at him, Father Smith glared back with one hand on a bible and the other on a crucifix.

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