Day 24 - Love Letter to Ian.

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Hi Ian. You don't know me, yet, but I know you. I've watched you since the fifth grade. You use to help me off the bus. But you did that with all the girls, so I know I'm not special. When I look at you my heart feels with so much joy and love. I... I love you Ian. I've loved you for the moment I laid eyes on you. I'm ready to admit it and you're older now, almost out of high school and I think I'm finally ready to tell you how I feel. Im ready for you to notice me Ian. Not just as your bus driver, but as a woman. Nothing will get in our way. Especially Lucy, because by the time you've read this, she'll be dead. No one left to come in between us. I'll be over around 8:30 to discuss where we go from here.

Love you till the day we die,

Ian trembles with the letter in his hands as he looks over at the clock.

8:30 pm.

The doorbell rings.

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