Day 4 - Things That Fly In the Night.

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I saw something last night that I can't explain. I don't know if I even want to. My mother, she's always been weird... but nothing she's ever done had made me look at her differently.

Until now.

I saw her moving things. Moving them without touching them. For example, she wanted a book of the shelf. She focused on it, and it moved to her! How does one explain that?!? It's been in my mind all day. Tonight at dinner, I'm gonna ask...

"How did you move that book last night without touching it?"

She froze mid bite, "Excuse me?"

"Last night, I saw you move a book across the room. Without the use of your hands."

She nodded, "I see. You saw that?"


"Well, I can't definitely explain it."

"Great. I'm all ears."

"I'm an alien dear."

"Soda spewed from my mouth. "Come again?"

"So are you."

"Oh. I get it. You're saying our family is foreign? Wait, am I an immigrant?! Oh no, I was born here. You're an immigrant?!?"

"Yes. But not—

"Oh my God, mom! Why didn't you just say that? When you said alien I automatically thought you meant—

"Not of this word? That's exactly what I meant."

I began to chuckle, "You're prank is no longer funny."

"We are from the planet Ostrope. It's a small planet not detectable by humans. It's easy for us to blend because we look so much like their species."

My expression fell to her straight face. "Are—you can't be serious?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't told you sooner. I wanted to wait till you were fully out of school."

"How—how did we get here?"

"Crashed. I was pregnant with you at the time and your father, he did in the accident."

"You never talk about my father. Almost like he didn't exist."

She takes my hand from across the table. "I know this is a lot to process, if you need—

My mother couldn't finish her sentence. She was too busy laughing. "Wow! The look on your face! I can't believe you fell for that! You're way too gullible honey."

I snatched away, "I knew you were full of it."

"No you didn't! You believe every word I said."

"I didn't imagine that book moving! How did you do that? How did you know I was watching you?"

"I didn't. That is completely real. I'm telekinetic. Since I was a child actually. My mother too."

"Yeah right. How do I know that's not a trick too?"

She turned to the bottle of wine on the counter. She held her hand out and it came right to her. With force too, she almost dropped it.



"Can I do it too?"

"Afraid not. You wouldn't started showing signs as a child, but who knows? Maybe you're a late bloomer."

"And my father? Did he really die in a crash?"

"Not at all. Well, I don't know. I have no clue who your father is. I conceived you in college and I "dated" a lot of men. And their fathers."

I just stared at her withe disappointment.

"Hurry up and eat your food before it gets cold."

I stabbed one of my meatballs angrily and shoved it into my mouth.

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween (2020)Where stories live. Discover now