Day 10 - Black Widow.

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My richest kill yet. He's not even old. Barely 30. Loaded. All I have to do is slip the poison into my husband's drink and his money is all MINE...

"What is this again?"

"Your favorite? Did I make it wrong?" I start sweating.

He swirls his whiskey with a spoon. "The color is a bit off, should be fine though." He downs half of it with his dinner.

The poison should only take minutes to show affect, but half an hour passes and nothing happens.

"Honey? Are you feeling okay?"

He nods, "Why? You feeling sick?"

I shake my head and then tilt it confused.

He noticed me staring and smiles, ""What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just—

"Wondering why I'm not dying?"

My face stiffens, "What? What are you talking about?"

"My dear Claressa, you can't kill me cause it's simply not possible."

Now my entire body was a shell. How does he know that name?!?

"Claressa? Who the hell is that?!? My name is Julia! You forgot your wife's name already? Are you cheating on me."

"Oh knock it off. I didn't forget the name of my wife just like you didn't forget the name of your husbands."


"You see, my wife's real name, your name, is Claressa. Not Julia. My wife changes her identity and appearance every time she kills a husband.  What am I darling, number 5 or is it 6?" He finishes the rest of his poisoned drink. "By the way, the poison is very noticeable in this. And this is alcohol. Hard alcohol."


"Speechless. That's a first. I know everything about you Claressa. From your real name to how your father killed your mother and you witnessed it when you were 9. I know that counseling never worked for you and the trauma is what turned you into what you are now."

"And what's that?"

"A Black Widow."

"If you knew this all along, why haven't you gone to the police? What do you want from me?"

"That's simple. Your loyalty."

Loyalty? To you?"

"Precisely. I wanted to wait till you tried to kill me to leverage this."

"What do you want from me?" I ask again.

"You by my side always. The gift of immortality."

"Immortality is not a gift. Everyone has to die eventually."

"Not me. Not you. If you want. This way you can kill anyone you want. Discretely."

I shrug, "Why the hell not? I'm sick of marrying these old men. How do we do this?"

"You start by drinking this." He hands me a vile. "The taste of immortality."
I take the vile and drink the liquid inside. "Now what?"

He pulled me close and kissed me deeply. "You die."

"What?!?" The last words I utter before he snaps my neck.

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween (2020)Where stories live. Discover now