Day 18 - The Babysitter.

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"What do you wanna play today?"


"Sure, we can play dolls. Which one do you wanna play?"

"Who are you talking to?"

The little girl looked up at her babysitter and smiled. "Holly."

"Holly?" She looms around. "Oh. Holly an imaginary friend?"

"Holly's not imaginary she's—

"You have another hour to play. You have to be in bed before your parents get home."

"Okay Becky."

Her phone rings as she walks downstairs. "Yes Mrs. Harbor?"

"How are things Becky?"

"Things are great. Amelia's being the sweetheart she normally is."

"Good. Our dinner finished early so, we should be home in an hour."

"Okay that's fine. I'll just tell Amelia and her imaginary friend Holly they'll have to go to bed early."

"Imaginary— wait did you say Holly?!?"


"Go check on her... NOW!"

Becky jumped at her voice and ran upstairs.

"Amelia's last babysitter was name Holly. She was obsessed with her. Even tried to kidnap her while we were sleeping. The police never found her. I'm so sorry we should've told you this when we hired you, but it's been months. We had hoped she'd moved on."

Becky almost dropped her phone. The room was empty and the window  was open. "She's gone!"

"CALL THE POLICE! We're on our way!"

Becky raced downstairs searching in a panic. "Amelia!"

No one answered, but the wind.

Halloween at Midnight | 31 Days of Halloween (2020)Where stories live. Discover now