The Bad Boy

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        Christian's new look made heads turn when he walked into school with his arm around my shoulder

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        Christian's new look made heads turn when he walked into school with his arm around my shoulder. I don't mind it as long as it makes him happy. That's all I care about. He is getting distasteful looks and disgustful faces. It didn't seem to bother him. He just kept smiling, walking through the hallways proudly.

He looks down at me smiling, leaning down whispering "no more disgusting letterman for me" I giggle. Walking into my math class with Christian right beside me. Maddie has been giggling at her phone a lot lately. I raise an eyebrow at her. She hides her phone smiling nervously "n-no one Cal"

          Chris didn't fall for it, snagging her phone. Looking at the messages, he laughs, "you're flirting with Grey, oh lord. " Grey, that one boy that was eyeing her up at Club Rox. Oh, lord Mads. She giggles, smacking Chris over the head. Hearing her phone buzz.

He winces. "god damn you hit hard!" I laugh, shaking my head. Yup, Maddie hits hard. I took her cupcake once. She hit me with a cup. It hit me square in the face, and it hurt. She has quite an arm. 

She kicks my leg while giggling like a little school girl. I look over at her "ow Mads" She is in her little world giggling still kicking me again "ow Mads!" Maddie looks over at me "yes Cal?" I take in my deep breath before I strangle her "you have been kicking my leg for a few minutes now" 

She shyly giggles "whoops" I'll show you whoops when I accidently spill your brownie batter accidently goes down the sink! Then I will be like whoops. This woman I swear! But she is my best friend and I love her. Even thought sometimes I want to strangle her with one of her stuffed animals. 

Time Skip: 

       We walk into lunch, seeing the black-haired boy from last night known as Grey. Maddie gets super shy. Hiding behind me, really? Grey walks up to me, smiling. "hey Callie. " I smile. "hey Maddie, come on now. You've been texting him all day, you space cadet. "

She giggles, peeking out from behind me and waving shyly at him. "h-hi" Grey chuckles, grabs her hand, pulling her into a hug. She squeaks I smile at her. Hunter walks over. "what is going on here? Why are you touching my sister?!"

Fuck, I forgot about Hunter. Big brother mode switch activated. Maddie rolls her eyes. "Hunter, come on, be nice. This is the guy I am talking to. " Hunter's eye twitches, sighing. "Does mom, and dad know?"

              She shakes her head no "but I plan on telling them if we get serious enough," Hunter points at Grey "you hurt her and I will severely hurt you, got it!" He storms away. Grey puts a hand on his heart. "And who was that?"

Christian laughs. "that my good sir, was Maddie's older brother. Good luck," I laugh a little. Eating my food. Grey making Maddie laugh. I've never seen her this happy since she had seen this huge unicorn plushie at the fair and won it. I really hope it lasts.

Maddie needs happiness too. I really hope she keeps this one. No boy has ever talked to Maddie like Grey has been doing. I just hope it sticks. 

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