chapter 1

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Raiden POV

~~1 year and 5 months later~~

(A/n: raiden and sora 9 years old, erza 8 year old, and misty 7 years old)

It been sometime now and a lot happen, my mom was not unconscious anymore as she woke up, when she awake she was scared when she look at the ogre brothers but I explained to her that they are part of my semblance as she come down, after that I introduce her to my friends who survived at our home village. I also explained to her of what I did as she was shock at what I did to my father and brothers bodys as she ask why, I told her of how much I hated the grimms as I wanted power to kill all the grimms as I took my dead father and Brothers to the place were my father told me about. My friend told her that they wanted to help me as will as I told them to came with us because they got no were to go, she understand as she hug me as she understands me and won't stop my dreams and my goals, after the hug she wanted to hold father or now Sounga now as I took sounga out of my back sheath as I handle him to her.

She gently hold him as she can feel father holding her as I can feel my brothers holding me as will as we travel as mom keep on holding sounga, after 6 months of traveling and killing grimms, me and my friends were training by my mom sense she was a huntress as the training was hard but we didn't give up or stop as we keep training. After a few days Erza, Misty and Sora unlocked there semblance at the same time as Erza semblance was ice as she make ice everything she touch or make ice sculptures, Misty semblance was the opposite of Erza semblance as it was fire as she use it to make a camp fire or light up a torch because we keep on moving at night sometimes, and finally Sora semblance is Earth as it was pretty cool for him. He can sense grimm coming or he can grow a fruit tree as it was part of his semblance as its was a good thing because we were running out of food.

After unlocking there semblance there semblance went out of control a bit until right in front of them were Ice, Fire, and Earth grow as the same size as them until its exploded to revealed Dragons of there semblance but were still child form as they discovered that they can call them or call them back were they came from as they keep up of there training as I also keep on trying to master the swords as it was not easy because of my size. After a few weeks of training and know the power of the swords special attack and abilities, Tenseiga can't kill people but undead people because one day I was training with Tenseiga as I didn't know Sora was behind me as I cut him on accident but my shock and scared face was gone when I didn't see any scar on him or I didn't cut him in half or anything, of course my mom was not happy of what I did as she lectured me to pay attention to my surroundings next time as she also lectured Sora not to sneak up on people who are training with there weapons as Erza and Misty were laughing a little bit. Tessaiga was will damn sword was big as a ogre leg as it was hard to hold as my mom told me I should train my body more if I wanted to hold him as I got a idea that I tited a rope to a half heavy rock to a tree as I pull it to make my arms and legs stronger, and my mom tell me it was a bad idea to do it at my age, So did the others as they try to reason to me to stop but I didn't listen as I keep on doing it if I wanted to hold Tessaiga to protectthem and my mom.

final Sounga was long longsword as it was from Hell itself as I try to understand him, unlike Tenseiga and Tessaiga I can't hear of what is saying or giving me and attacks move but I did learn that when I kill a grimm they come back alive but as undead as they are under my control, it took a while we try to stay calm as to know that the grimms are on our side or is it that when Erza try cutting a beowolf it had green slime in it as she, Misty and mom scream of whats inside the beowolf as the stop screaming as the cut beowolf began toreturn itself back in place as if nothing happen. After finally coming down me and the other agreed that Sounga was differently a scary sword that can do stuff like that. After sunset on the same day as will as knowing what Sounga power is I told the ogre brothers to get some sleep because sense the grimm are under my control they will keep watch as they understand as they all sleep but I didn't sleep as it was the same day as my father and brothers die.

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