Chapter Thirteen

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Week after week, I slowly recovered. By the end of July, Zoey was taking me on short trail rides (with Will or Sara close by her side) up the mountains. I now only felt a small jab in my stomach when I ate too much or got up wrong. 

I continued to have the dreams of my foal. One day, Jimber confessed he had been dreaming about a foal too. We dreamed together.

Amber was always near being helpful when I needed her. She was such an amazing foal, just like Scarlet. 

The others were always nice to me, never teasing me about Jimber. 

In late August, The horses gathered around the pasture. Stallions on one side. Mares on the other. Scarlet stood at the rear of the aisle. Jimber stood next to her. I walked down the long row of horses, and parked myself next to Jimber. Scarlet smiled. She cleared her throat and began.

"We are gathered here today to bring together two amazing horses. Pepper and Jimber." Jimber smiled at me, I smile back. "Do you, Jimber, take Pepper as your mare?" 

"I do." He says.

"And do you Pepper, take Jimber to be your stallion?"

"I do.'' I answer. 

"Jimber, you may kiss the bride!" Scarlet says. Jimber leans in and kisses me on the nose. I kiss back. 

"You are now mare and stallion!" Scarlet says. The others cheer. 

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