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Harry's PoV:

"Thank you, Jessica! Good Night, dear" My mom said to Jessica. When I heard the door close I hugged her even stronger she hugged me back and I heard Robin climbing down the stairs in a worry

"what happened?" He asked my mom

"I don't know Harry will tell us" My mom answered

No. I didn't want to tell her. What will she say about me? I've hide her this for so many years. First I hide her that I like boys too, then I hide her that my first so love was in fact my best friend that she knew so well or so she thought .

She walked me to the sofa and we sat the three there I sat in the middle and then my head was hide in Robins neck. His hand drove to my face caressing me, my mom tried to see my hidden face.

"Baby, what happened?" she asked

"You- you'll be mad at me" I said between snobs

"Harry, did you hurt someone?" she asked, I said no with my head

"then how can I be mad?" she said again

Maybe this is it, maybe it's the time to talk with my parents about, maybe it's now maybe I should tell them .

So I did

"I love him" I said, with my heart aching, with all destroyed inside of me I told them, and I told myself.
" I always did, Mom. Since we were kids. I'm sorry I didn't told you but we broke up then and - I though I would forget him but- but- it's like I can't. Whatever I do he keeps on coming back and appears right in front of me and plays me like a cool. I love him." I said the tears running down my face my mom tried to clean them but they were too much they kept on running. "I love him, ma."

"I know, baby" she said, she was now crying too ad when she said that I was relieved, I didn't knew why but a small pain got off of my heart "You're my son! I know you like the palm of my hand, I know when you're hurt, when you're sad, hungry, happy, and I also know when you're in love" she smiled at me " Harry, I love you for who you are and I will never ever blame you for who you fall in love. I love you just the way you are but one thing I can't do is seeing you get hurt"

I took a few breaths "I love him so much"

"I know my love" She hugged me like I was falling, she held me but I honestly felt like I was just sinking and sinking deeper and deeper

"he is going to be a dad" I said "He is going to have a family, and I'm here waiting for him to take my hand and say that I'm the one he wants... " I cried harder " He isn't coming back for me"

"He left me...again" I finally said

"Oh my boy" Robin hugged us two and there we stood in an endless hug till Robin spoke up

"But, son, did you tell him what you felt ?" he asked I didn't respond

"Son, you should never leave things to say. You don't know when's the last time you'll see that person"

"you don't understand... Me and Zayn... We are experts in not talking about feelings" I said. Maybe that was what kept us from separating. We don't know how to talk, we don't say things we want, we don't explain how we feel, it's so complicated everything whit him I feel like he's so superior to me, and I'm so reckless and inferior.

"Well but you have to talk with him, Harry. Even if he doesn't feel the same you need to take this weight from your shoulders."

"But mom, why does it have always to be me the first one to break? "

"Harry you don't know what it's going on in his head"

"Nothing! Nothing is going on in his head! " I said lifting myself up "He has to say sorry for leaving me here 5 years ago, and I can't walk up to him and give him the satisfaction of still being attached to him?"

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